While the Browns are in the hunt for a more experienced veteran bridge quarterback, Deshaun Watson posted a video Tuesday …
McNuggets locked in with a real Gem @7:47
Give me 100 more of those workout videos without the boot they let me see him dropping dimes guys not struggling to catch the ball with some notable QB coaches and showing the same old you know pocket awareness, you know Supposed to be quick twitch movements around the pocket and outside they’re going to sign him. Somebody’s gonna sign him. I just want to be one of the teams that I like… guaranteed
And the dance video was old like know ur facts
Wow..Bull..this is why I've stopped watching this show..like you ain't going around saying these things about Justin Tucker..everybody you say is trash ends up thriving so good for you Bull..
Tyvis Powell gained my respect 🫡 💯
Bull is wrong on calling DSW alledged anything BULL listen in the USA most prosecuters will tell you that if you are accused of a crime the Grand jury of most counties can INDICT anyone
"even a ham sandwhich" Watson was in Texas a strict state with the death penalty intact If the Texas Rangers couldn't charge him the the evidence of the supposed crimes must not have been there! Bull you jump to conclusions based on your beliefs! Stop with the rant Bro!
Bull literally has no fucking neck..
Has anyone watched QB4$ in the last 3 years? why would he ever be on a football field again?
He dreamed of "serving others". Instead he got served, dozens of times 😂
Yeah bull is the definition of a leftist, live in a mask of empathy and claim to be the party of forgiveness, but in reality are the most judgmental and evil out there and will say rude things to everyone regardless if they have any proof to what they believe or not
So yall got the big back feminist calling women idiots for getting married ? Wild
I go where Deshaun Watson plays. I'm even thinking bout getting social media accounts just to stay in the loop. Let's Go 4
Just cut Watson… the worst football player and person to ever put on an NFL jersey
Dude was found not guilty by the grand jury. He wasn’t even indicted. Yet you have a president that is convicted. Connor McGregor was convicted of rape and bull still defend him. You have patriot owner was plead guilty of involvement in sex trafficking. Jerry jones accused of sexual misconduct.
WOW! Bull said something I finally agree with him on. Bull IS an idiot!!!
Smfh u have no idea if he did anything or not & u talkin crazy like u was there man people say anything when they know they can't be touched like I tell the police that be talkin crazy to me in my city if u seen me when u off duty u would walk on the other said of the street & if we had a conversation u wouldn't say none of the stuff u sayin cuz u know what would happen to u
Now with the football he never wanted to be in Cleveland the only reason he's there is because the browns made a offer he couldn't refuse & even if he tried to refuse it the NFLPA wouldn't let him the browns knew that offense doesn't fit him but they didn't wanna fire Kevin so u get what u got over the last 3 years put him in a offense that fits him & I bet he returns to being one of the best QBs in the NFL
Unpopular opinion… we already paid him. Unless the team as a whole dosen’t want him in the building. Why not keep him on the roster. He’s a minimum at ridiculously expensive but still serviceable backup.
Yes we should hope and pray that he is done
Bull spitting Truth. The Browns need to pay the dude to go away.
I am glad that Deshaun released the video to get an update on his progress.
Bull is a pathetic excuse for a media personality. What a miserable outlook and attitude he has. He needs to go on a serious diet. I wouldnt come on video if I looked that bad.
Using a Drake song in a video considering the events of the last 12 months is further showing DW4 has questionable decision making.
Bull is a bloated hater!
I hope he plays. Everytime he does anything it validates everything people despise about him. And it is exactly what Cleveland deserves.
If he trying to make a comeback that's Kool and all that and he plays good on another team why couldn't he do that on the BROWNS??? To much money he is making 😮😮😮 for not playing good 😒
Damn Bull, the man can't get married?? WTF lol
Deshaun was and probably still is a tremendous athlete. I have zero issues with the guy because I don’t know him as a person nor can I substantiate the allegations that were made against him. He’s had a tough time on the field with the Browns and neither he nor the franchise have performed well during his tenure – I was hoping to see him do well, but the simple fact of his contract put a huge target with built-in laser guidance on his back….that was the wrong way to come into Cleveland. Anything less than a ring was a failure and that was not even close.
Im enjoying how unhinged bull is lately. LMFAO
How is it that bull is even still on the show for real
I don't want to him in a uniform or on the field/sidelines. He's a washed up bum he never did anything for Cleveland except screw them out of draft picks. He was only consistent at losing.
Bauer was proven innocent, stop being a hater bull
Wow Bull! That was terrible. Let God be the judge.
Bull dont be stunned has ben will never admit he was wrong and if he can play they will play him. mark my words