The Perfect Vagina
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The Perfect Vagina

The Perfect Vagina explores the myth behind the wacky world of genital plastic surgery. According to the recent trends, women are undergoing genital plastic surgeries in order to create the perfect genitalia. In fact, operations to improve the overall appearance of female sex organs for both physical and psychological reasons are constantly on the rise. However, the process of creating aesthetically pleasing genitals involves a set of potentially harmful risks, and women undergoing such surgeries can expect significant physical pain.

Filmmaker Lisa Rogers is determined to learn more about the emerging trend of labiaplasty and why so many British women are eager to improve the overall look of their vaginas. She meets with several medical professionals who have performed the procedure and women who have undergone this surgery.

The Perfect Vagina raises awareness of the risks of genital cosmetic surgery and provides a unique perspective of humans’ ever-increasing desire to improve the looks of their body parts.

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