Technology –SeeUat Watch Free Documentaries Online Thu, 10 Nov 2022 23:55:49 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Technology –SeeUat 32 32 Concorde: A Supersonic Story Wed, 27 Sep 2017 23:00:00 +0000 Concorde: A Supersonic Story is about the life of the first commercial plane to reach supersonic speed. The project was spearheaded by Britain and France’s top aeronautical engineers. Running into economic problems at every turn, the film centres around their struggle to get the project financed. To entice private donors, the Concorde was marketed as a luxurious form of air travel.

The opportunity to be served vintage champagne with bowls of caviar while reaching record speeds that no human had ever experienced before was appealing to many of the world’s richest celebrities and politicians. However, behind the scenes was a far less luxurious scene filled with deceit and back-stabbing that resulted in a disastrous first flight bursting into flames. Concorde: A Supersonic Story presents the true story behind the glamorous aircraft, including rare archival footage never before seen by the public.

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AlphaGo Thu, 20 Apr 2017 23:00:00 +0000 AlphaGo looks at how a team of computer scientists created an artificial intelligence algorithm to play the board game Go and how it fared against its human opponents. The goal of the coding team was to create an algorithm that could beat a human champion. Because Go has even more possible variations than chess, instead of having the game taught to the computer by human champions, the programmers designed it to teach itself.

Once up and running, the AI algorithm defeated an American Go champion. However, it is not taken seriously by Go enthusiasts in Asia who believed that it hadn’t taken on the world’s best human player. Therefore, a match is arranged between the algorithm and arguably the strongest Go player in the world, South Korean master Lee Sedol, and the bulk of the film is about this showdown between machine and man. The algorithm ended up beating Sedol, a landmark achievement that has been hailed as being a decade ahead of its time.

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Zero Days Thu, 11 Feb 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Zero Days investigates the Stuxnet computer virus, widely believed to have been developed by the US and Israel, which famously targeted and damaged an Iranian nuclear facility in 2010. The documentary’s title refers to the way that the virus would attack facilities by exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities, flaws within software code that is undisclosed to the public and even unknown to their vendors. The film provides a glimpse into cyber warfare and the geopolitical dangers that belie it.

While Stuxnet was intended to destroy nuclear centrifuges at Iran’s Natanz plant in a military operation known as Olympic , the self-replicating worm inadvertently spread beyond its initial target to other networks across the world. The virus gets its name from a combination of words found within its source code.

Zero Days features interviews with a variety of high-ranking officials and security experts, including researchers from antivirus vendor Symantec, founder and CEO of Kaspersky Labs Eugene Kaspersky, former NSA Deputy Director Chris Inglis, former Cybersecurity Director for the Department of Homeland Security Sean McGurk, Colonel Gary D. Brown of the United States Cyber Command, amongst many others. The film concludes by discussing the development of Nitro Zeus, a sister virus to Stuxnet capable of disabling Iran’s air defences and infrastructure, but was later shelved due to the reaching of the Iran Nuclear Deal.

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Pixel Pioneers: A Brief History of Graphics Mon, 17 Nov 2014 00:00:00 +0000 Pixel Pioneers: A Brief History of Graphics explores the graphical evolution of video game over the years. Graphics are often considered one of the most important aspects of gaming, representing the technological sophistication available at the time of a game’s production. From the early origins of classic arcade such as Pac-Man to current big-budget titles like Halo and Call of Duty, video game graphical quality has come a long way.

Pixel Pioneers offers an in-depth look at methods used by early programmers to display graphics, describing the raster and vector technologies used to create like Star Cruiser and Asteroids, and how they have since surpassed many milestones to achieve the stunning visuals featured in modern day .

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The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz Sat, 23 Aug 2014 23:00:00 +0000 The Internet’s Own Boy chronicles the life and work of internet activist and programming prodigy Aaron Swartz. Swartz was involved in pioneering web development projects from an early age. However, his social and political activism and his aggressive stance on free access to information put him in trouble with the US government. It resulted in a two-year legal battle that ended with his tragic suicide at 26 years of age.

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Phreaked Out Tue, 20 May 2014 23:00:00 +0000 Phreaked Out is a three-part series that dives into two worlds: the hacking world and the world of interconnected technology. It examines how the ‘internet of things’ and hacking intersect. The first episode introduces white hat hackers and security researchers to learn about the many ways of breaching the security of everyday devices such as phones and delves into past incidents like the California traffic light incident, in which accidental tampering with the Los Angeles traffic light system caused massive traffic buildups at four major intersections.

The second episode deals with car hacking. With ever-increasing technological upgrades to cars, keeping vehicles protected from thieves may not be as easy as simply locking the car. Lastly, the third episode focuses on mobile devices as spy tools that can be working against their owners. Phreaked Out explores the intricacies of hacking and how connectivity, networks, personal data, our physical locations and more may be affected, attacked, and ultimately, exploited.

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The Pirate Bay: Away from Keyboard Fri, 08 Feb 2013 00:00:00 +0000 The Pirate Bay: Away from Keyboard focuses on the personal successes and defeats of the founders of the world’s largest file sharing website Pirate Bay – Gottfrid Svartholm, Fredrik Neij and Peter Sunde – as they battle against the entertainment industry.

The documentary, directed by Simon Klose, narrates how the three individuals built the biggest file sharing site on the internet, and how this led to Hollywood instituting a $13 million copyright infringement lawsuit against them. It also explains how the US government threatened the Swedish government with trade sanctions in order to arm-twist it to cooperate in the lawsuit. The film follows the three individuals through the judicial system and highlights the stresses and struggles occasioned by this process.

The film also brings out how a shared passion for technology helps the three hacktivists to come together and establish Pirate Bay. Being computer savvy, they are among the pioneers who seek to use technology in a new and exciting way, and in the process they are able to cement relationships with other people on the internet through file sharing.

After a three year long court case, the three individuals are found guilty and convicted. They are also fined $6.6 million and face time in jail – offline and away from the keyboard. But in hidden data centres, computers silently continue duplicating the files seized by authorities, ensuring that their work still lives on.

The Pirate Bay: Away from Keyboard is a classic portrayal of how zealous corporations attack and instil fear in people so as to ensure that it is business as usual. This leads to inflated costs in the entertainment industry.

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Rise of the Drones Wed, 23 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0000 Drones – unmanned flying robots – range from sizes as large as jumbo jets to as small as birds. Much of the technology that enables these robots to fly, detect and kill has remained a secret. Now, with rare access to drone engineers and controllers working for the US military, we learn about the technologies that make these drones so powerful.

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Engineering Giants Fri, 13 Jul 2012 23:00:00 +0000 Engineering Giants is a series featuring the disassembling of the world’s largest machines into their component parts in order to reveal their inner secrets.

In the Jumbo Jet episode, engineers Tom Wriggelsworth and Rob Bell climb onto a 200 tonne Boeing 747. After it’s 36 million miles and 14 years with British Airways, it is broken into thousands of parts and then reassembled and certified to be flown again. Being the first time this process has ever been filmed, the inner workings of a jumbo jet is explained. With similar episodes featuring a gas rig and a ferry, Engineering Giants is able to show the complicated mechanical processes of everyday machines in ways never before seen.

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Attack of the Drones: Is War Becoming a Video Game? Sat, 21 Apr 2012 23:00:00 +0000 Attack of the Drones is a look into the growing role that drones play in peacekeeping and military endeavours. It opens with the interior of an air force data centre and its multitudes of screens, some depicting the data being fed to the servicemen and women by a drone’s camera. One drone operator is undergoing training to follow a moving target, focusing on a civilian vehicle driving along a New Mexico street.

While the film addresses the military applications of drones, such as how the air force is training more ‘desk pilots’ over traditional ones, it also mentions how police forces have started to use them more frequently in order to patrol for criminals. The level of detachment drone operators may feel with respect to their targets is analysed, cautioning that some may see it as nothing more than a computer game behind the safety of a monitor.

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