Psychology –SeeUat Watch Free Documentaries Online Sun, 12 Feb 2023 16:48:49 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Psychology –SeeUat 32 32 The Psychopath Next Door Thu, 27 Nov 2014 00:00:00 +0000 The Psychopath Next Door examines the non-criminal psychopaths that live among us, often holding respectable positions in society. People tend to think of psychopaths as murderers and monsters, excessive and dramatic characters as they are portrayed in the movies. However, most of them are not violent criminals.

One to two percent of the adult male population, and a quarter of all prisoners, are estimated to be psychopaths. Despite having the ability to distinguish right from wrong, they are unclouded by emotion and make ‘rational’ decisions about whether to commit an action to satisfy their needs, regardless of whether it is immoral or not. They are also experts at imitating regular human emotions, often resorting to charisma and manipulation to get what they want from others.

Psychopaths are often present in high-profile positions, especially in the corporate world, driven by their desire for power and control. They are more common – and highly rewarded – than the average person would ever suspect. The Psychopath Next Door takes a chilling, up-close look at the psychopaths in our midst who are capable of acting without conscience or remorse.

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Are You Good or Evil? Mon, 05 Sep 2011 23:00:00 +0000 Questions of morality have long been considered by scientific researchers to be too ambiguous to accurately answer. However, it is exactly this sort of vague topic that some scientists are seeking to answer.

Are You Good Or Evil meets researchers who have dealt with some of the most depraved minds in the world – people who have committed unspeakable acts upon other members of society. The filmmakers interview scientists who are pioneering new developments in the science of the mind, including one who claims to have discovered the location of the ‘moral molecule’ in the brain, as well as others who are attempting to bring about changes in our criminal justice system.

Are You Good Or Evil is an eye-opener to a whole new realm of science. It challenges preconceived notions of how the mind works when it is revealed that one of the scientists in the film has the mental profile of a psychopath.

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Madness in the Fast Lane Mon, 09 Aug 2010 23:00:00 +0000 In 2008 two Swedish sisters, Ursula and Sabina Eriksson, were filmed by BBC cameras throwing themselves into oncoming traffic on a British motorway. The shocking scenes came to national attention in the UK where it was watched by over 7 million viewers on television along with millions of further views on social media. Due to legal restrictions at the time, the story previously could not be shared in its entirety.

Madness in the Fast Lane tells the complete story behind the incident, starting from just before the cameras filmed the motorway footage to what happened over the next three days, where one of the sisters, Sabina, ended up stabbing a man in the chest and fleeing the scene of the crime. She later ended up pleading guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility after apparently suffering from an episode of ‘folie à deux’, a rare psychiatric syndrome where delusional ideas are transmitted between individuals.

The documentary includes perspectives from the police, the Crown Prosecution Service, and a leading criminal psychiatrist who discuss the complexities regarding the case and what it took to bring it to trial.

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I, Psychopath Wed, 25 Mar 2009 00:00:00 +0000 I, psychopath follows Sam Vaknin, a diagnosed narcissist and self-professed psychopath, as he travels across Europe with his wife Lidija and documentary-maker Ian Walker in search of a diagnosis for psychopathy. Walker’s main motivation is to gain an understanding of the mind-set and life of a psychopath.

Vaknin, a convicted former corporate criminal, earns the confidence of his subjects and then taunts them with what he knows they hold dear. Through their journey, Vaknin works to earn Walker’s trust, and when he gleans even the slightest personal information about the director, he goes for the kill. In most of the stops they make, he manages to rile up Walker by referring to things he knows are going to touch a nerve. Scientists around Europe certify Vaknin as scoring highly in a test for psychopathic traits, and even his wife is not shaken when he gruffly reveals his ambivalent feelings toward her.

I, psychopath ends with Walker revealing the impact the documentary had on his self-confidence and worth.

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Why Do We Dream? Tue, 10 Feb 2009 00:00:00 +0000 Why Do We Dream delves into the mysterious nature of dreams through state-of-the-art experiments and personal accounts to find the scientific meaning behind dreams and answer age-old questions. The film seeks to discover what causes people to dream, how they are formed, and whether they serve a purpose.

The experiments and personal accounts uncover the truth that dreams are not merely random, chaotic scenes from one’s imagination. They impact a person’s ability to learn and are essential to mental well-being and forming memories. Things that were once held to be true about dreams no longer stand as fact. Furthermore, the findings show that not only pleasant dreams have importance: nightmares have also contributed to mankind’s survival through the ages.

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The Rainman Twins Tue, 22 Jul 2008 23:00:00 +0000 The Rainman Twins tell the story of the only known autistic-savant identical twin sisters in the world. Flo and Kay’s memories are unparalleled in scope: dates, a day’s weather, songs, food, people – if they were present, they remember it. Much like the movie Rainman, these sisters have over 50 years’ worth of memories stored in their minds.

When a TV reporter, Dick Clark, finds them and their extraordinary ability of recall, he shares his discovery by placing the twins in a series of news stories showcasing their abilities as savants and hidden genius despite their handicaps. The twins are affectionate, kind, and have a remarkably close bond. Genuine fans of Dick Clark, the reporter allows them to visit their idol for the first time, fulfilling their dream of being interviewed by him.

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Boy Interrupted Fri, 06 Jun 2008 23:00:00 +0000 Boy Interrupted examines the difficult topic of suicide through the eyes of the parents of a New York teen who took his own life. Dana and Hart Perry explain how their son, Evan, had battled bipolar disorder and depression before his death in 2005. His condition was diagnosed before he was a teenager.

The family had a long history of mental illness. And Evan was not the first family member to take his own life. His uncle Scott had killed himself in 1971 at the age of 22. Evan’s parents point out that they had noticed suicidal tendencies in their son’s behaviour all the way back to when he was only five years old. The documentary features videotapes that tracked his short-lived existence and includes interviews with his friends and doctors that further detail the conditions the teen had to deal with on a daily basis.

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Beautiful Young Minds Sat, 13 Oct 2007 23:00:00 +0000 Beautiful Young Minds follows the 2006 International Mathematical Olympiad and the team from the United Kingdom who competed in it. The film discusses how the team members are chosen and how they trained for the Olympiad taking place in Slovenia that year.

Most of the team members were autistic, expressing exceptional mathematical brilliance and abilities which aided in the success of the United Kingdom’s team. During the competition, the group of young mathematicians from the UK won a bronze medal and four silver medals.

One of the mathematical prodigies on the team, Daniel James Lightwing, went on to build Castella Research, an internet gambling business based on sports betting. The mentoring and training that these individuals went through to achieve such impressive accommodations at the International Mathematical Olympiads is highlighted in the documentary with a focus on their exceptional genius.

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The Real Rain Man Sun, 26 Nov 2006 00:00:00 +0000 The Real Rain Man recounts the story of Kim Peek, a famous American mega-savant best known for being the inspiration behind the movie Rain Man.

This highly inspirational film looks at some of the towering accomplishments this special man has achieved, including his ability to memorise over 10,000 books. However, it also reveals some of the difficulties he faces due to the unique way his brain is wired. For instance, mundane tasks like combing his hair or getting clothed are a challenge, and he possesses childlike social skills.

While such tidbits may earn him some sympathy, Kim’s abilities are nothing but awe-inspiring. For instance, he can read and memorise a page in only 8 seconds. Intriguingly, he is able to read one page with the left eye and the other with the right eye – simultaneously!

The unique dichotomy of his abilities explored in The Real Rain Man portray the fallibility of human nature while highlighting the baffling and seemingly divine abilities the human mind can achieve. This is particularly illustrated by the fact that Kim Peek was dismissed as being mentally retarded as a child, despite possessing extraordinary mental faculty for memory and calendar calculations.

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Beautiful Minds: The Psychology of the Savant Mon, 20 Feb 2006 00:00:00 +0000 Three-part series providing a voyage into the psychology and neuroscience of the savant’s mysterious world.

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