Military & War –SeeUat Watch Free Documentaries Online Tue, 07 Mar 2023 08:48:37 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Military & War –SeeUat 32 32 Once Upon a Time in Iraq Sun, 12 Jul 2020 23:00:00 +0000 Once Upon a Time in Iraq chronicles the story of the Iraq War from the perspectives of the people who lived through it. It covers events between 2003, when coalition forces occupied the country, and 2014, when the Islamic State group came into existence. It gives the floor to Iraqi and American participants who, although on opposite sides of the conflict, share their first-hand experiences of the war and the trauma it unleashed.

The documentary is an eye-opening account of the realities of life during war, not from the flawed lens of politicians and political analysts, but through that of the civilians, soldiers and journalists who lived through the invasion and its aftermath. With no stone left unturned, it offers a first-hand narrative of the conflict in a new light, from the fall of Saddam Hussein, to the subsequent civil war and the rise of the Islamic State group.

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The White Helmets Thu, 15 Sep 2016 23:00:00 +0000 The White Helmets unveils the dangerous and life-saving work of a volunteer rescue group of the Syrian Civil Defence, working in opposition-controlled Syria including Aleppo.

Nicknamed the white helmets, the volunteer rescue group seeks to provide medical evacuation, essential service delivery, and search and rescue services in areas afflicted by bombing. Chronicling their work, director Orlando von Einsiedel follows the group as they head into war-torn Syria in the immediate wake of destruction.

In addition to the active work, the documentary also details the training needed to wear one of the white helmets. Following three heroic men within the same unit, the intense training is detailed. Amidst this introduction in Turkey, soon to be white helmets must wrestle with the notion of being a first responder for a region with daily airstrikes and bombings.

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The Secret History of ISIS Sun, 15 May 2016 23:00:00 +0000 The radical group known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is considered to be the greatest terrorist threat in modern times, but their origins are shrouded in mystery. The Secret History of ISIS investigates how a small band of extremists established the world’s most feared terror group. The documentary begins with the Bush administration by reviewing the United States’ invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. It traces the wars, killings, and terrorist attacks that have been occurring since then.

The film’s most striking argument is that the American government, under two presidents, is partly responsible for the growth of ISIS. It points out that many important policy makers were warned about the rise in extremism yet they refused to address this situation. A compelling mixture of interviews with government officials, clips of terrorist propaganda, and recently released documents is used to question the ineffectual response of the government during the early years of ISIS.

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Zero Days Thu, 11 Feb 2016 00:00:00 +0000 Zero Days investigates the Stuxnet computer virus, widely believed to have been developed by the US and Israel, which famously targeted and damaged an Iranian nuclear facility in 2010. The documentary’s title refers to the way that the virus would attack facilities by exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities, flaws within software code that is undisclosed to the public and even unknown to their vendors. The film provides a glimpse into cyber warfare and the geopolitical dangers that belie it.

While Stuxnet was intended to destroy nuclear centrifuges at Iran’s Natanz plant in a military operation known as Olympic , the self-replicating worm inadvertently spread beyond its initial target to other networks across the world. The virus gets its name from a combination of words found within its source code.

Zero Days features interviews with a variety of high-ranking officials and security experts, including researchers from antivirus vendor Symantec, founder and CEO of Kaspersky Labs Eugene Kaspersky, former NSA Deputy Director Chris Inglis, former Cybersecurity Director for the Department of Homeland Security Sean McGurk, Colonel Gary D. Brown of the United States Cyber Command, amongst many others. The film concludes by discussing the development of Nitro Zeus, a sister virus to Stuxnet capable of disabling Iran’s air defences and infrastructure, but was later shelved due to the reaching of the Iran Nuclear Deal.

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Korengal Tue, 06 May 2014 23:00:00 +0000 Korengal continues the eye-opening and terrifying account of a US military platoon in the Korengal Valley of Afghanistan during 2007 and 2008.

The documentary follows the same soldiers featured in Restrepo. Rather than focusing on the action and battles experienced by the platoon, the aftermath on the psyche is considered. With hauntingly detached, yet emotional interviews, soldiers from the platoon give their personal account of the war in all its facets. Shot in what’s called extreme closeup, the interviews are meant to physically and emotionally dive into the man under the uniform.

Battle-worn soldiers from the Korengal Valley discuss their experiences: the good, the bad, and what’s leftover. Fear, adrenaline, brotherhood, honour and bravery are some of the topics brought into the full light of the war in these interviews. With a bittersweet note, several soldiers speak longingly for the intense bonds developed with one another.

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The Act of Killing Thu, 30 Aug 2012 23:00:00 +0000 The Act of Killing describes the Indonesian mass killings that occurred from 1965-66 and those who participated in it. After the country’s failed coup, Anwar Congo and his followers went on a murder spree that devastated the country. The mass killings resulted in a genocide that killed over a million people. Invited to speak in the documentary, Anwar describes what it was like killing for the cameras. Re-enacting the scenes where he murdered people, the former death-squad leader seems to be enjoying himself and putting on an act reminiscent of Clint Eastwood in a western movie.

When describing his actions in the film, Anwar breaks down and shows remorse for his crimes. The director can be heard stating that his victims did not have that luxury to break down before they were murdered. The director even concludes that maybe Anwar is acting and therefore putting on a show for the cameras.

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Attack of the Drones: Is War Becoming a Video Game? Sat, 21 Apr 2012 23:00:00 +0000 Attack of the Drones is a look into the growing role that drones play in peacekeeping and military endeavours. It opens with the interior of an air force data centre and its multitudes of screens, some depicting the data being fed to the servicemen and women by a drone’s camera. One drone operator is undergoing training to follow a moving target, focusing on a civilian vehicle driving along a New Mexico street.

While the film addresses the military applications of drones, such as how the air force is training more ‘desk pilots’ over traditional ones, it also mentions how police forces have started to use them more frequently in order to patrol for criminals. The level of detachment drone operators may feel with respect to their targets is analysed, cautioning that some may see it as nothing more than a computer game behind the safety of a monitor.

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The Invisible War Fri, 20 Jan 2012 00:00:00 +0000 The Invisible War reveals the secretive and harrowing story of the sexual assault epidemic in the US military. Lauded by the journalists, lawmakers, and advocates for its deep influence on government policies, this award-winning documentary exposes the previously underreported culture of sexual assault and harassment within the armed forces.

The Invisible War features interviews with US military veterans who describe the events surrounding their sexual assaults. Their stories portray some common themes, for instance, the lack of an impartial and unbiased justice system, the absence of sufficient physical and emotional care, reprisals against victims instead of perpetrators, forced expulsion of victims from their military service, and unhindered advancement of perpetrators’ careers etc. The film also reveals footage, often recorded by veterans themselves, showing their lives and personal struggles in the wake of their assaults.

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Hell and Back Again Mon, 03 Oct 2011 23:00:00 +0000 Hell and Back Again is a painful, brutally honest look at the realities of war in the modern world. For many soldiers, the war does not end when they return to their homes and families. Instead, their triumphant return is only the start of a longer battle with trauma and disorientation.

Filmmaker Danfung Dennis follows a United States Marine who is injured in Afghanistan and returns home with post-traumatic stress disorder compounding his injuries. The documentary was filmed over a year, and provides an up-close, unflinchingly real look at the struggles, hardships, and hard-won victories that the modern soldier faces long after the fighting has stopped.

Winner of two awards at the Sundance Film Festival, Hell and Back Again is difficult to watch and even more difficult to truly understand. It is precisely this difficulty, however, that makes it such a powerful examination of modern warfare.

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Soviet Storm: WW2 in the East Sat, 18 Jun 2011 23:00:00 +0000 Soviet Storm: WW2 in the East is an eighteen-part series that recounts Russia’s epic military role in the Eastern Front of the Second World War. It begins with the German invasion of the USSR in June of 1941, known as Operation Barbarossa, and concludes with the Red Army’s million-plus man march on Berlin in the last week of April 1945, when a losing Hitler ordered a mixture of Nazi Youth, members of the People’s Army and German combat veterans to stage a last stand against the Allies.

Soviet Storm is unique from most WW2 documentaries in that discuss the war from a Russian perspective. The USSR lost ten times as many soldiers as any of the Western Allies due to engagements like the catastrophic Battle of Kiev and the three-year-long ‘meat-grinder’ siege of Rzhev.

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