3-8-2025: Do the old govt negroes understand or even care what Black people want? We explain. Support Tonight’s program: …
I think DL is more upset with Vlad for having Monique on…his beef with Monique ran deep.
U just exposed the fk out of Stacy abrams effortlessly 💀
This is a Con Op. He is getting paid to attack Black political leaders and replace it with Republicans BS. He will let you watch them take your rights and KEEP you from fighting back.
So DL is reduced to going to DJ Vlad now because no one else is checking with him.
I hope doge finds out what happened with the rest of that money.
You all will get old!!
The democrat donkey's are crashing Out!
💰 💰 💰 💰
Who is DL to sit up there on our open enemy's platform and talk about being "messy"… 🤬 PLEASE!
Cut the Check
2:46:05 a proud square myself is asking what is lean??? And yes im a square
Average price of Cocaine is $81 per Gram.
Sick of street names statues and everybody ahead of us
Boomer drugs such as windowpane, mescaline, microdot, etc all were readily available. What they got now? In addition to pills & fentanyl they have lemon pepper, gelato, purple mimosa, triangle mint flavored weed and all kinds of crazy flavors compared to Acapulco Gold, Panama Red, Colombian Gold to name a few.
My point is those of us who survived the 70s are asking what the hell is all this crazy high potent weed and how did we get here? I think I'm off topic and I answered my own question, but I mention it because a young brother working at a gas station and I had a quick chat about weed percentages and it's effects the other night and he blew me away. To his credit he is working toward to become an EMT so he and his brother have stopped smoking.
As far as leaving a foundation for the next generation to build upon—for me everything I've acquired in this lifetime is going to my grands when I clock out and they are well aware of the goals we seek. B1✊🏼
Y we talking to these white folk anyway 🤔
I love your show Jason. Even my white neighbor likes listening to you.
You are right and this is why Trump press secretary set it up where as though podcasters for Trump can come and have a seat at the white house press secretary office in the white house
You are right and this is why Trump new new secretary set it up where as though podcast for Trump can come and have a seat at the white house press secretary office in the white house
DL one of those old ninjahs that got to go.💩
She Stacy think 🤔 we are stupid okay Elon sic
I bet those appliances went into new construction homes in desoto
Those grits to face weren't 🔥 🥵 enough see, to make him stop betraying us….
Hey Jason! great commentary! Time for them to go!
Any so called "black" person WHO SPITS ON AND DESTESTS the elder generation IS DISGRACEFUL! And medicaid IS NOT just for elderly people! IT'S FOR POOR PEOPLE AS WELL! But of course your a$$ kissing, bootlicking kind don't want ANYTHING TO DO with po Black folk either, do you? You don't like BLACK IMMIGRANTS and you don't like elderly Black pp and you don't like poor Black pp! I just thinks you all about tryin to get yourself a check AND THAT'S ABOUT IT!
In Balling Ball Martin's voice, "You Dumb A** Simple Simon", LOL!!! 😂😅😂
I call him ("Full of S Huglhey")!
There's only one kind of math that beats girl math in ridiculousness and that's government math hands down. That's some dam outta this world math right there. Anybody remember the $500 regular claw hammer, which you could buy from Home Depot or your local hardware store? And singular as in one hammer $500, that detail is important, this was for one hammer?! $500 for one regular claw hammer is what the government was charging the American citizens. During the time when they were using PCM's for the Irac war reconstruction. Shout out to Haliburton and ex VP Dick Cheney.
They trying their darnedest to make Trump into the biggest boogeyman of all time. And they starting early. Talk about the early bird gets the worm. Dam!
The white man's wife ain't no 9 or 10. Their average, at best
Jason these kids ,can get cocain cheap. They can get anything cheap
The old ain't getting nothing out here either.
She a thief just like the rest of the Dems. wasting our money & time. Lock her big azz up.
💰 💰 💰
No broadcast tonight?
B1 Brigade 💯
True indeed, no lies at all!!!
DL Hughley is showing his 🦝tivity actions on steroids!!!
They are definitely looking out for themselves and using others to funnel money 💰 that they pocket!!
All of you are unintelligent and misinformed. You let TBA lie to you about the real world that is surrounding you. If you really care about the lives of black people, how about you start forming politicians who will speak for your interests and stop blaming a political party who is not running the country right now.
But, I know what you'll say. You FBA's will call me a tether, democratic shill, and call me non-Amercian. Because you are programmed by people like TBA, PBT, Tariq Nasheed, Marcel Dixon, and Vicky Dillard, who will always lie to you for their own interest.
Great video
What we will not do is falll in line with the old dead program!!!
True indeed, keep telling the universal truth, no lies detected at all!!!