DNA test results confirm the true age of Natalia Grace, who’s been at the center of a bizarre controversy. In 2010, she was adopted …
People are so evil than to lack compassion for the people who don’t have it good and need help it’s so sad
If she knows she’s an adult why does she have an adopted father
So she was really 9 and not 22
That means when her adoptive parents abandoned her and fled to Canada they were abandoning an underage dependent minor.
Actually, you can determine a child's age by skeletal x-rays. Between ages birth through 20, the skeleton changes in composition in the jounts, hand and wrist bones and ling bones. When I worked in child protective services, we would do these types of exams on faikure-to-thrive infants who were actually 2 years old.
If she had a period, blood tests would have shown the presence of estrogen and testosterone in at least adolescent levels.
They have a story on tlc
This is not right… she looked like a young child you can tell by the jawline
Wonder how much money she got before going on the show 😂
So the parents were the weirdos. Got it.
She should have been examined by a few doctors. A bone specialist to see if her bones were adult. Dentist for wear on the teeth. An endocrinologist to do a full blood workup. This way, 1 incompetent quack doesn't screw up someone's life.
I am going through similar but the same issue right now, mine more in the aspect of the lying and defamation part. Some people just revel in evil, as long as there is no consequence in sight they will lie defame and do evil for as long as it takes.
The fact that so many idiots believed she was an adult is really scary. Even with the all the pictures and vidoes that clearly show her as a child.
Absolutely bizarre
some people get their period at 3 cuz pre-pubital disorder
My niece started her period at 9
DNA test cannot tell how old you are.
fake tears.
I'm glad that they got away from her shes a little devil and she is getting over on everybody
Whatever her age, she was creepy as hell.
Went from 9 to 22 and looks 15
Judge who signed that order needs prison time period
A cast of GRIFTERS.😡
Disgusting! I live in canada… i hope i never run into these monsters who did this to her. 😡
Shouldn't her biological mother and father be held accountable?
Poor baby
Anyone else watch all the episodes and come out thinking the day is as gay as a picnic basket?
This Hulu documentary bout to put her on blast
Idk idk idk she has daddy issues and has a grudge against her parents so I think NOW she is a danger to public lol
I just got a an ad for the hulu show theyre releasing on this case, crazyy
Nope. Scammer. 100%.
She didn't need a DNA test – look at the difference in appearance between then and now. She was clearly a kid. Shame no one believed her until she grew up – I'm ashamed to admit I believed the "parents" back then – I mean, the law and medical practitioners backed them up. Those "parents" should be left in an apartment – one with bars on the windows, as should the doctors and judge.
She looks exactly like a little girl. How can they say she looks 20? Now she looks like in her 20s. I’ve never heard of this story before it’s wild
My Sister got her menstrual when she was 8 I think so poor little Natalia indeed would be telling the truth. I wonder what direction the Hulu new Series is gonna take with her origin.
The “parents” deserve prison time.?
When this first was on the news i always believed her, her previous foster parents who were also dwarves even had pictures of her with missing teeth and wanted to adopt her back then. She would have been so much better off with them.
how does dna tell your age.
I can't believe how much hate this poor girl got when this whole thing came about.
These adoptive parents are disgusting paranoid child abusing freaks. I pray Natalia gets a massive payout.
No money can repay for the damage these people did to this child not only was she a child she was a disabled child. Shame on all the adults, doctors, lawyers and judges. UNBELIEVABLE.
I pray she's healing and I pray she's making good money from HER story. No one else should be making money from her life except her.
I see a new movie will be out soon about Natalia and her adoptive crazy parents
She deserves all the money that movie makes.
Scientists noticed in 2013 that as people age, they build up the same set of specific DNA changes at the same times.
Some people think adopting is an easy way out of being a real parent.
Didn't they make a movie about this? Natalia, it's time to sue some people.
Wow, i remember this. This is so sad. Those evil paranoid selfish parents are to blame. She'll never be able to get back her youth again and it was full of the world telling her she's lying when she never was. This is a big problem the world has today. So many scammers in this world, no one believes anything anyone says anymore and it's affecting a lot of people like Natalia. I wish the world would change. Put yourself in Natalia's shoes. Remember how old you once were. This video ruined my year, but the situation ruined her life as a child. If you are a person who tells truthers they are liars without proper evidence, please get help because you are making this world an ugly place. Stop making people feel guilty before you find out their innocent, you're not only ruining lives, you are killing them in the process.
That face she made when she was getting picked was hella dramatic
So those people were just crazy
I feel Sooooooooooooo BAD for her…. WOW. I want to hug her =/
They’ve could’ve done the test way back then
man this story make me wanna NEVER have familly
I want to know what these people have to say now. They said she was an adult before but now you can clearly tell she is. She looks so different. I hope karma gets them. I cant imagine what this poor woman has went through.