Five years after deadly religious riots engulfed India’s capital Delhi, there is no legal closure in sight for the people involved.
This is how right wing propoganda work. Create riots, install fear in minds of hindu people, blame and arrest Muslims and then keep them in jail with no evidence. As a myself, felt ashamed that I voted for BJP once.
In India, innocents are in the jail waiting for a fair trial and criminals are sitting in the legislative assemblies making laws for this country. Thank god, i was not born in baiyaa land (haryana, up, bihar, rajasthan, mp, chattisgarh, w.bengal, delhi, jharkhand etc)☠.
BBC is surely spreading propaganda from their funding. You can see this pattern in videos on their channel 😊
Any channel covering one sided story should be banned
Reality is both sides are at fault.
BBC is always anti India and anti Hindu. BBC should be banned from India.
Shame on you mr.umang poddar !
Over 50 people mostly hindus were killed get ur facts correct….check the names of the people died in the web..nd u will get to know
Now we realize what Shaheenbagh Riots were.. It was actiually an attempt by Ameican Deep State to create a Banglladeshi-like Situation iN india and force regime change in India. CAA was just an excuse to Riot, Burn and resort to Violence for these islamists, Just like Reservation was used as excuse. This is why it began with JNU and AMU Students,Soon spread with Terrorist Islamist mObso ns the street going around torching Hindu Neighbourhoods.
This is India, a Lawful Country where even a Pakistani Terrorist (Ajamal Kasab) who killed 300 People on Live CCTV Footage was provifed Legal Assistane and allowed to fight his case in the Court and given a Fair Trial. How dare you British bastatds try to tarnish the image of my coutny and Legal System ? All of those people imprisoned are ther fora reason – Not becausr they are Muslims, Not because they Protestetd, But bevause they archaestrated an Ortganize Coup against hthe Indian State by tartin Violent and assisting Violent Riots that killed 1009s of People.
What BBC doesn't show :
– Calls by Islmaist Radicals like Umar Khalid on Dividing India by breking away Assam's Chicken Neck Corridor
– Destruction of mulriple Petrol Pumps by Radical Islamist mobs
– Hundreds of Acid Bottles, Molotovs thrown at Police and Hindu Homes, Which started teh Riots
– Murder of a Police Constable, Ankit Sharma (RAW Officer) and Hindu Women Molested by Islamist Mobs
– Attack on Hindu homes, Destruction of more than 3 Himdu temples and Vandalism, 1 Temple was even set on Fire
– Protests with Hate symboism associuating Hinduism with Nazism and Free Kashmir calls
– Vandalism of Public Property by Leftist Pro Islamist Mobs, worth Multiple 100s of Crores
– Aam Aadmi Party Councillor – Tahur Hussein allowing Islamist Rioters to throw Bricks at Cops
Nahi sudhrega BBC
They’re not mending their ways despite having a whole Wikipedia page on BBC’s Indiphobic & Hinduphobic attitude. I remember when BBC had to apologize for deliberately spreading disinformation by putting up fake images to show India in a bad light on Kashmir issue. Why this hatred? Why?
Now we know USAID Funded Delhi Riots and Shaheenbagh Protests. Never forget – It was started when AAP Councillor -Tahir Hussein organized couple of his goons to collect and throw Acid bottles, Brics and Molotovs into Hindu neighborhood from his Under-Construction Apartment.
Sach kadwa hota hai😂
BBC’s credibility has gone. They do sponsored features these days against India. GOI should look into it.
BBC is working really hard these past few weeks.
Propaganda at its peak
caa protesters family should pay,the lost revenue to the country for blocking roads,making difficult for people to go to work,and consuming the police time
BBC : Just stop your bs. Your English ancestors were kicked out and left a poop called "bbc".
anti india bbc,ban it
shamima begum was not terrorist,she only went to incite others to create riots,so she and her collegues could rob the shops
its mind boggling by reading comments these kind of mindset will never benefit any country in world
BBC -Bulla barking community😊 bloody British MF
India is an Islamophobic echo chamber, and the ultra nationalist will always blame a fall guy of everything and anything, for europeans it was jew for christians in india it is muslims for Hindus.
BBC and its Muslim lovers
The people know very well who is behind the Delhi Riott. No one but it happened because of a Tadi***r.
India is becoming a failed republic 😢
Muslims destroyed Hindhu temples and built masjid on top of it.
Before assuming something is entirely on your side or completely belongs to someone else, you should thoroughly examine both sides of a boundary,there is a saying in hindi "koi dudh ka dula nahi hai."
ब्रिटिश मीडिया (BBC) अपने काम पर लगा हुआ है। मारे गए सैकड़ों हिन्दुओं को न्याय दिलाने के जगह, मारने वालों को विक्टिम दिखा रहा। आज तक BBC को, अंकित शर्मा जैसे सैकड़ों मारे गए हिन्दू परिवार वालों के घर जाते देखा है ?
India will never forgive Ghandhi and Nehru for allowing these terrorists in India after Partition. These terrorists are not Indians.
Propaganda bbc😂
I don't favour any community blindly but one thing i know for sure, CINEMATIC EFFECT DON'T JUSTIFY CRIME BY ONE SIDE STORY.
😂 Banana republic of india 😂 Delhi Hindi Darbar
Btw, more fines are coming your way BBC…enjoy the ride
Islamist bbc is the biggest risk britain has to face in the future. Good luck to the british people.
What is discriminatry about this law,non muslim are allowed to come in india those are persecuted in pak,ban and afgan, because their faith teaches them to hate non muslim
Parliament, Judiciary, Police need Muslims to get it correct.
0:34 Many Indians? It was Few Indians and mostly Muslims.
We know who's funding you BBC so just stop pretending like you actually care😂
Those who oppose caa and NRC are against india,and they don't believe in indian constitution,but in sariya
All bogus cases.
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