In 1978, Donna Green says a woman who went by the name of Lisa befriended her and then showed up at her home and took her …
I think that baby who was abducted is me
I think that baby who was abducted is me
If anyone could please have Donna Green contact me I think I may be Reymond Lamar Green my mom stayed in that area at the time an I was supposedly born at Grady with No birth certificate only 😢a certificate of live birth
If anyone could please have Donna Green contact me I think I may be Reymond Lamar Green my mom stayed in that area at the time an I was supposedly born at Grady with No birth certificate only a certificate of live birth
If anyone could please have Donna Green contact me I think I may be Reymond Lamar Green my mom stayed in that area at the time an I was supposedly born at Grady with No birth certificate only a certificate of live birth
Get that dna on record in case they find a body, or a a curious person searching for answers..
I hope she finds her child
He looks like a public figure someone pointed it out on if I don’t know the name
What is his birthdate? Request info on AA boys born on his birthday!
Prayers for reunification with her baby! Sure hope he's still alive!
This is horrible I pray she finds her son
He normally comes home at 10pm 😮
May God bring your child home. And continue to give you strength.unspoken words.
A big inspir what😂 She a BIG Example of not to make this mistake
I would of died if someone would of kidnapped my baby 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
I would never trust any stranger being nice to me after giving birth to my child
I send the blood hounds of Heaven to sniff out Raymond. Praying 🙏
It's groundbreaking focusing on Raymond's case. Excellent art work.
It's been a month any information.
GRADY'S STOLE MY BABY 1983 IM SHARON COLUMBUS THORNHILL I FOUND OUT 8YRS AGO HIS NAME SCOTTIE JERMAINE GANT THEY CHANGE HIS BIRTHDAY FULTON COUNTY RUNNING A CHILD TRAFFICKING RING THEY PUT ON MY SON BIRTH RECORDS I WAS DEAD THE JUDGE INVOLVED LAWYERS POLICE ZONE 3 DID THE GANGSTA KIN THE MASON ALSO DFAC made a fake report on a 13yrs who was being sex traffic at 12 justice for Sharon Columbus Thornhill Lisa wright scales get the children and give to the wright family it they hustle Betty wright work with the judge Tina Jenkins works in vital records they all related they working in CPS in north Carolina wright family been trafficking children
I always wonder why in the world you would want to steal someone child its not no ones problem you can’t have a child for yourself.
I do not think he’s in Atlanta, my gut impressions tells me he’s in Florida and I think he may have some intellectual issues
I’m sorry but no one is coming home with me,I bet there was no pictures of him because he was so little he was 5days old
This really is sad back then she got no help for someone stealing her son wow
And he may be a female now…not trynna funny but the world we live in…you never know 🤷🏽♀️
Why does J.R. Smith who plays in the NBA resemble this child and his mother?
What I find to be the hardest is that the man might have grown up with this abductor woman being his mother. So even if they find him, he would be in a giant moral and emotional turmoil. This woman who abducted him is simply scum.
I saw the missing person’s ad of Raymond at an Mobil Gas station a while back. It left an impression on me and I am glad I got further clarity about it through this video. I hope the mother finds him someday.
Thats Crazy. He looks similar to "Rasheem Ryelle Carter" Smh all these cases is just heartbreaking.
I know someone out there knows her son and know what happen.
Not being judgemental. Never leave children under one year old with strangers. Why? Firstly, most babies look alike as newborn. Under one, they are still developing, sometimes you find them looking like grandma, grandma, their dad, sometimes even the mom. Babies wrapped up in shawls all look similar.
Some decades ago, I had my first son. I was to go for an appointment about housing. The midwives encouraged me to leave my newborn son and go for the appointment. He was placed in a hospital cot and taken to the midwives station. They were about 10 newborn babies. In my mind, I thought, what if his name tag slips off, and another baby's name tag slips off at the same time? And they mistakenly give the babies wrong name tags? Trust me, all them babies look very similar!!! The midwives were busy chatting as well. What I am saying is that never trust your children with people, even family, sorry. I hope she finds her son.
The abductor can also be found and held accountable.
Adoption was very difficult back then. And the CPS cases was o to not many. But, one could adopt instead of stealing someone's baby or child, husband, and or wife 🤔 Amen! Stop the steal. Get your own stuff. Or adopt. I do not condone going to a seed bank.. But take in some of these children already without parents. That is if you cannot have your own. Everyone pray that both Raymond and the woman Lisa who kidnapped him is a live, and that the Holy Spirit will move on her to turn herself into the authorities. Her name mat have never been Lisa. She was a liar from the beginning. She was not in that hospital visiting her sister. She was there to steal someone's baby. And Ms. Donna happen to be the one. WOW!! 😏
This is why I think everyone needs to do 21 and me and also ancestry
Geesh the abductor and son almost look identical
I never left my son with anybody unless was my mother or a close relative.
Any updates on whether they found him?
I hope and pray she finds her son!
This is so heart breaking. I hope that she finally get a breakthrough and find her son.
I can't imagine the pain… I believe she will reunite with her son very soon.
Abducted him raise him into her husband when he grow up.
I pray he is able to see this and not homeless where he doesn’t have the resources to know that she is looking I hope she find him r if he has kids maybe they uploaded dna n they can all find each other