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haha Donald trump calls everyone fat, insult all democrats including sleepy Joe. he's disrespectful to everyone including handicaps, WOMEN. And you are defending this piece of orange chettos toupee.
I can't decide who I despise the most, lammy or starmer 🤢🤮
Lammy is proof that labour hire colour over academic ability.
How embarrassing for
'the establishment'..
That the majority of global population see right through their puppet/paid for politicians…. and dont believe a single word they say…
If you search for Diversity Hire in the online dictionary its just 2 pictures… Lammy and Abbot
What's the point? Both speakers are hard left.
This soul is a joke and should not be in a position of power representing a people
What's this Tom talking about ?
Labour uk is pathetic, disgraceful and disgusting
If ever there was a politician that needs removing from his position it’s this idiot , every time he opens his mouth it’s like a car crash and I suppose represents Labours track record to date
The fact that he is a front line mp proves how useless labour are
What a plonker 😂
Another nit wit
at first i was againts american liberals however as i looked into it conservatives… they seem to hate liberals who hate nazis and calling it free speech i do not agree with liberals on most things howevever it is disgusting
who would in their right mind have lammy in any position of power,i wouldnt trust him with a toaster
Village Idiot 😢
What a complete plank…🙈
You were asked the question so answer it, any politician can answer for themselves.
A man who says what he means and gets the job done. Unlike most polititions
What an absolute halfwit.proof you don't need brains to be a mp.
Lammy is a commie
He won!
This is the type of black, racist politician you get when their career is based on playing the racist card!
Din't worry folks, Trump is going to truly f@ck up Lammy and Starmer!
What a pleb
As gutlless as Starmer
You, Lammy, will struggle to find a single supporter of your disgusting remarks about the 47th President of the U.S. Bless.
This is what happens when you let the usual suspects get above themselves
Er, well I tell you who hasn't talked smack about him on Twitter you abject moron: Nigel Farage.
Jesus, you can't even tie a tie right. How are you our foreign minister??
Why do the left always call the conservatives certain names, yet when you look at the definitions of these names they are actually describing themselves. Morons.
Lammy represents everything that's wrong with our lost country.
Th both of slag trump off she did and never sack and neither has he
Absolutely an embarrassment listening looking at the moron 😂
We would struggle to find any live brain matter in that huge fkng bonce too
He is the one who supported the genocide in Gaza. He should be arrested immediately for war crimes
He is a clown 🤡
David "Shar Pei"???
He's a stupid man. Also weak .