Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) explains why she won’t be voting for a government funding stopgap bill and reacts to House …
Please Americans don’t vote for this lady or also AOC or others , they don’t love America they love themselves and work for themselves, they love their net income. Just think where America goes if they have power? I can answer America will stay behind China Russia.They have only big mouth but low IQ.
Jail her now
Candace Owens needs to take the right advice from the glorious, beautiful, and educated blessed Jasmine Crockett!
Crockett is the reason most Americans view the DNC as a collective of evil scumbags
Jail crockett
The democrats created kkk sit down
I almost peed myself listening to a historically low 29% approval Democrats talk about Republican slush funds. Keep up the great work 👍 Single digit approval ratings coming soon to a Democrat ran city near you. 😂🤣
Then why did the 🍊🦧 diss veterans? I assume because he called them suckers and losers. That would include you, you red redneck. The 🍊🦧 with “bone spurs” (because he was toooo much a coward to serve). I think he got that from Freddy the slum lord in New York. Please, wake up America. You have been duped! Congratulations all of you who voted for a MORON and those if you who didn’t bother to vote. We may not be able to vote anymore. Let that sink in please and wake up.
Elon don’t have his starlink in South Africa because he would have to allow black South Africa’s to but shares in the company,so he came to America because he racist and want to bring more racist white South African over here and steal from poor American.
Or course they allways blame the democracys even though Democrats helped mike Johnson keep his job but he forgets that.
So biased. Only comments of praise for Crockett here. Tsk tsk.
How typical MAGA. It is always the minorities fault. Just awful…
BS as usual
Jasmine Crockett is magnificent and good politician! She is fighting for truth and justice!!!
Massie atleast show some spine
Democrats don't vote.
Does he wear rose colored glasses. Everything is going along hunky dunky with Trump. Your country is being gutted and you cowards just follow along. Keep up the talk Jasmine
What happened to do things by the book? What happened to no threatening no bullying? What happened to right and wrong?
Dump Trump doesn't listen to anyone but putin and musky
The Republicans have all the power. So explain to me how can the Democrats could shut down the Government. When they have all the power. More tricks from the Republicans once again.
Wow he’s blowing so much smoke up my ass I will not be able to sit for months!!!!
I knew that young man died for nothing he shouldve had better AIM,then none of this would be going on,trump 80 fuken years old,usa is the same and will always be the same.racist white people who think they atw in control and dont control anything at anytime at anywhere