Kinsey Schofield Unfiltered and Kevin O’Sullivan discuss the upcoming release of Prince Harry’s visa application, questioning …
Kinsey Schofield Unfiltered and Kevin O’Sullivan discuss the upcoming release of Prince Harry’s visa application, questioning …
People only watch her show for the train wreck
Who cares!
I would not believe a word she said about her divorce
You're pathetic
Good get it over with, and get out of our lives , looking forward to so happy please be true

I will never watch Netflix again
Meghan thought it was funny to mock the Queen.She took along poor simpy Harry and ruined his life too.I hope neither of them return.
Haha yatch girl be stuck with dumb, dirty druggie. May they be together As Ever, 4 Ever
The Madness of you people is just like a bottomless pit . Forever searching for crumbs of unhappiness failure contention & predicting despair concerning someone else's life. HATRED envy & jealousy has found a permanent home with you relentless parasites.
More proof this is directly aimed across the pond, and not for her kids. “they’re 3 and 5” we know so well, and if you put that ridiculous plate in front of children that young, their faces are inches above it, they don’t see the face, and they’re thinking “what’s this green thing? Where’s the butter? The fuck are two blueberries good for? And whip…”
Archie looks up and says “Hey, lady, can you just get us some syrup and butter?”
I mean, wouldn’t a mom who fed her kids, on any regular basis, know that?!
We’ve seen the redacted pages now. Hilarious! But what will be funnier, is this.
we have a lot of Unions! And of all the various unions, they have one sure thing in common, they know how to organize a strike!!
Prince Harry
is here illegally;
and the right wingers!!
Here in
Fuck the paps, Poor Haz will be hiding, behind minimal and lax security, from picketers!
Get out Harry!;
Go back to the UK Liar!
Oh yeah
Biden let this illegal immigrant in!; Deport Harry! MAGA!; Do it Trump!
Blind Krazie Kinsey is hoping for a divorce and nothing will take place. They dropped and nothing happened. If America gave Ozzy Osbourne a visa then any crack head needs one.
regarding Harry’s visa thing….. without naming any names there has been 100s of famous people rock stars from Britain who have openly admitted to taking drugs all through out there lives and have then moved to America and now live in America… or have worked long term in America. So why are they not scrutinised but Harry is ??? I’m no fan of Harry but seems all a bit PETTY!! very very PETTY this visa thing
Netflex is sorry
What a way to make money over a divorce
I wish they could gag MM. So sje never can give any interviews etc!!
To be fair to Netflix, Megs was touting the possibility of her post divorce book before anyone else did anything more than speculate! Netflix are looking more and more ridiculous. They offered all that money to two talentless, lazy people who made money out lying about their family and faking lots of footage!
I think the majority view is Netflix has been Markled!
As for Netflix hanging on to her, it’s not her personally they want, why would they? Megs has no personality, no talent and is trouble causer, Netflix just want that Divorce story. Once that is done it’s over.
IMO, if they let Harry go and keep her, it will be down to it costing less to keep her on their books than it would to be tied up in legal nonsense.
I feel sorry for Greg Peters, who told the Board repeatedly she was and is trouble.
Meghan has an undetected illness. Perhaps a severe mental illness.
Idiote sorcière, mégère ! La honte va te tuer, toujours à parler de ce couple c est devenu ton fonds de commerce ! Trouve toi un autre boulot ! Harry ne t épousera jamais
You wouldn't be let into my American country because you are not the Prince of Britain.
I love the show as do all the women I work with. The obsession and mean spirited drama towards her is dumb and annoying
I thought the waffle arrangement looked like the queen! I thought that's what upset ppl lol
South Park were right – Instagram loving b!tch wife.
Put the phone down Meghan.

Meghan Markle wasn't a normal person even BEFORE she was famous….
You are so critical of Meghan
Kinsey People get sick of this constant criticism Find something else to talk about Kinsey You been doing this for years now Move on to something else….
What the hell is that?
Boycott Kinsey Schofield! She's a Liar like Angela Levin , Tom Bower
Prince harry hasn't a clue what is
Real life as he's been pampered all his life and as for Meghan markle she was a nobody as a two bit actress who nobody heard of and now she thinks shes a queen
He got away with it