Clayton Morris of Redacted on Brigitte Macron, false flags and how the world really works. Suscríbete a nuestro nuevo canal de …
The Bulgarians are in the absolutely same position as the Portuguese, and you are completely right that people of the European countries don't like the EU. They destroyed every single national business and filled the countries with the biggest West corporaions..
We know that the EU pays all the governments to keep them in power
No one knows what agenda our idiots are on! Fascist NGOs obviously try to destabilize everything in Europe! Baerbock is nothing more than a little girl with no brains!
Wow such dialogue & attitude is completely missing in Europe!
We are doomed
Damn… 1:26:40 Clayton got it all at once… Why would I….. x, y, z, k, p When everybody gets it, and everybody stops doing it, it all ends.
lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh 😮😮😮
Russian parliament? No
I believe many of these “industrialist” like in WWII want war because they make fortunes.
The only religion “they” want is One World Order. Scary
What an incredible interview
As a Swede this guy is right on the money about the all out fukked up situation in Europe.
im portuguese …. they send me messages to go take the poison 3 times ….i didnt go …… then they started calling….i didnt answer …… then they called again after some time and i decided to answer and they started making questions why i still didnt take the poison …. i just laughed on the phone and told them i would never take it and they would have to kill me to put that garbage on my body ….. in portugal 94% of the population took the poison ….. the country with the biggest percentage of the popultion of the world …well well well years latter we are the nation of the world were more people are dropping dead ……and the media is sillent of course
1:31:13 "Where are the men like that?"
They're in prison, dead, or simply don't have a reason to care anymore.
Don’t know too much and expose Ben Sapiro’s beloved homeland Iarael.
The UFO stuff always make you sound silly. And, I know you aren't. Otherwise a good interview, as usual.
Christianity is peaceful 😂😂
Exodus 32:27: "Then Moses said to them, 'Let every man kill his fellow, and every man his friend, and every man his neighbor.'"
Numbers 31:17-18: "Now all the women and children of the Midianites who were not killed were taken captive. But Moses said to them, 'Kill every male child, and kill every woman who has lain with a man.'"
Deuteronomy 22:28-30: "If a man finds a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, then he shall be punished. He shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. The man shall not divorce her all his life."
– Jesus (according to christians)
Many were being traficked with out knowing their whole lives,and not told they were
n o t their parent until 4o years old,not knowing their birth name and date,their jnfo used to cover up the crimes as well.
Inheritance and Insurance scams online now.
This about to bust wide open,thank God.
1:31:04 1 in 5 are on pharma med.s;the rest are on the traficked version. Keeps dem busy behindthe scenes,too busy to notice what was lost.
Clayton. What about when the rest of hamas come?
I apologize so much for my earlier comment… I have now listened to the end, and I've heard how you've expressed heartfelt appreciation for Candace. THANK YOU Tucker for doing that, because SHE is really taking a lot of FIRE as a Christian. But SO ARE YOU, I wanna keep on loving you both. Have a talk TOGETHER soon, please! 🙂 I also appreciate what Clayton said in the beginning about his "Capricorn energy", because ASTROLOGY is so REAL, and I could illustrate it for you PERSONALLY if you wanted, dear Tucker! <3
lol @ alp tucker right on
"man made drones " no really? this guy is 😶
it doesn't sound right all of a sudden russia is our friend i just get more confused the older i get
Cui bono? Who benefited from Israel attacking the USS Liberty?
People trusted the CIA, the FBI, the IRS, in the past. Now we know better.
What proof do you have that LBJ engineered the bombing of the Liberty? Why did he want to go to war with Egypt?
For everyone who wants it all summarized, let me break it down:
As it turns out, the US promised Israel that they wouldn't send any military or even any ships near Israel territory but when Israel saw one near their coastline, they mistook it with a soviet ship who they thought was spying on them hence why they bombed it.
After realizing their mistake, Israel issued an apology to the US 2 days later and even offered millions of dollars in compensation other than the families of the victims
I'm amazed to see how many people are totally blind and deaf about what is going on in the world, and worst of all, how many of them are totally negative about even listening or refusing to listen to anything but what the liars are telling them
1:51:31 Well said….that's why it is the epitome of evil.
1:50:22 Satanism is the answer. That's why it is so ubiquitous among the people who sold their souls for power.
So relieved that this story is coming out… Big thanks to candace, owens who opened the door….
Although Russia and Iran have participated in some terrible acts (most likely, no worse than the US), our government has been producing propaganda for years to encourage our population to see them as very corrupt and terrible governments. It is even hard for me not to totally blame Iran for the death of Jewish people.
But, I never thought for a minute that Iran was involved in an assassination attempt of President Trump.
He is not a smart guy. He doesn't understand the basics of EU. He is not aware of how poor Portugal is.