Rhythm and Roots Festival – Charlestown Rhode Island http://www.rhythmandroots.com http://www.facebook.com/rhythmandroots …
To me the console steel guitar is like the Hammond B-3 organ…so unique in its sound and so expressive…
They would be fitting in well with Leon Herby Noel or a Rusty Dusty..
I've enjoyed Cindy's music since she sat in with The Wheel on a resonator. Then, of course, on her magical ride with The Wheel. I have followed The Wheel since the 70s and Cindy is, in my never-to-be-humble opinion, the best steel player to grace Asleep At The Wheel. Good singer, too, when the boys would dangle a mic in front of her. Certainly, the prettiest smile and cutest dimples! Thanks for the upload.
That looks like a Sierra lap steel that Cindy's playing. I think they are a Great instrument but a used one is hard to find.
It's simply GREAT !
that was fun.fine play"n
So damn it… to get this sound you need to get an 8-string and not the 6-string one I bought and can’t return… that’s a huge bummer.
Brilliant steels.
But I must admit the Danelectro guitar is also nice.
As a fellow Cashdollar how can I not love her? She came to Colorado years ago when she was playing with Asleep At The Wheel and called me up just because of my last name. Turned me and my wife on to tickets to the concert. Loved it and love hearing her play.
Just wow!
I'm a simple man. I read Cindy Cashdollar, I click Like.
I love the whole thing. If the scientists come up with a vaccine, I’m going to visit Austin for great music 🎶!
Cindy’s lick at 3:52 was incredible! ❤️
Whaaaat? No bottom??? You've gotta let the bassist play a solo now & then or they'll quit!
Kevin Wimmer on fiddle from the Red Stick Ramblers on fiddle , the real thing
Pleases God bring back Jimi Hendrix
So good!
Lord Jeezus what a Red Hot one! If it gets any hotter n this Texas swing they'll call it Texas Pete!
Song starts at 2:34
always sounds so great!
Subscription….. 611….! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWRgSMOwtUg THE LONELY ONE (Guitar…..solo)
Too beautiful and special these songs played in the style of STEEL GUITARS. Congratulations and best regards from Italy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHf_V0JNW0A SANTO & JOHNNY (Blue Spanish Eyes)
~~~ now I really liked that .. ……thank you… I hit that like button and want to stop back soon…….
how do you get that kind of reverb on your guitar?
Cindy is a total bad ass
Great slide playing You ladies should get a shot at the next cross roads festival you get my vote have Sonny Landreth call Eric Clapton you would Wow the crowd
Absolutely fabulous, Patsy and Edina!
Love the sixth tuning !
fuck..the roots of western swing in all it's variances. No matter..it's the swing that counts..and this swings1
These girls play a mean lap guitar! And probably bake a mean apple pie to boot!!!
If this doesn't get your foot tapping nothing will; GREAT
buddy emmons would be soooooooo pleased.
Hell yeah!
Great jam!!! Those gals on steel guitar are GREAT!!!
This is great! Do you have anymore of this steel show?