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So evil…
up too 200000?? china ???wtf
i hope they are found. Do they have a website with missing kids on them? Because I feel like if they do then a lot of people will know about this, I didn't even know about this.
The amount of security cameras in China should leave no room for any child to be missing. The way they government spies on every citizen let you know that they could care less about this issue.
What do they do with these poor kids😢😢..so sad😢
I wonder how many were adopted internationally?
Forced abortion is not the same as smuggling drugs hidden inside babies
government is responsible, how else would china be one of the easiest places to buy an organ transplant when they have one of the smallest amount of organ donors in the world.
Elite power is behind this
carls known right hands change
nancys boxer home town range
jodys pet no mange
o cedar spin mop
sharons silver auburn cop
briscon hop on pop
Thousands, millions of children disappear every year in China, USA, Europe because they are producing adrenochrome
God bless the babies and God bless the parents
China is the heart of darkness the ancient Acheron of the real world
millions not thousands
I just heard a news about a horrible things, children are sold as a kind of products or meat at Some online market. Can't believe China EAT people
Lol they got kidnapped for their blood and now the rich and famous are literally sipping on them like a juice box
Anyone ever see the movie, The Brothers Grimm??? Children are "disappearing" because they are being used to keep evil old people alive "forever." Their blood, their organs, and their adrenochrome.
Sadly they were most likely trafficked by elements connected to their own government, children are unfortunately big business – and its rarely for anything good.
😱😱😱🤬🤬🤬 This is just so sad! Wtf is going on in this world?! smh I'm praying for these ppl.
America do the same thing just to places like hati. Hence the clintons hold over the country
It's the elite stealing the children. Many reasons one is adrenchrome another sold in slavery. Harvesting organs , it's not a far fetched story that they want to live for a very long time not like a vampire from the movies. Blood is thier drug.
120€ is not a lot. Those traffickers must have kidnapped thousands of children to make a profit.
because china high rank officers corrupted by criminals
These kind of public gatherings are completely forbidden now. Under strict laws such as 'undermining social stability' or working with 'foreign forces' CCP views every social issue as a danger to their political rule.
It's the ccp doin it.
Some police are in on it too.
This is disgusting..
Supported by Deep States, Xi Jin Ping's best friends smh
How can the buyers of these children feel good about what they’ve done? They’ve stolen another woman’s child! Unbelievably selfish and cruel unconscionable
Unbelievably cruel
Oww sex slave trafficking in China is worse nobody talks about it
but why? What do they do with them?!
Police "keep an eye on the protesters" rather than the kidnappers, what good are they for.
As a parent this is absolutely heartbreaking
its because of organ harvesting and adrenochrome
The Chinese government is involved in stealing the children