Two international RnB musicians are included on the line up at this year’s Macufes cultural festival. Chantay Savage, an American …
Chantay Savage seems very cool and down to earth and lovely. She should have her own Red Bull Music Academy interview where she can actually be treated like a musician and with some respect and not asked stupid questions about reality TV. I don't know who this other chick is and don't care to learn more about her.
I'm here for Chante
Chrisette with that fake African hair do
Chauntay Savage is a real sister. Chrisette is so fake in this video
Chrisette Michelle is soooo phony
My first time seeing an actual sit down interview with Chantay Savage, neat, something about Chrisette is throwing me off, she seems to be overpowering the interview and coming across a bit phony.
Wow Chantay looks different but still a beautiful woman. Chrisette is just a beautiful princess, love her sooooooo much.