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This creature is on TikTok now, giving people legal advice!😡
She's guilty AF…
Supposedly she has reinvented herself as a left wing anti Trump activist now 🤣🤣🤣🤣
She has friends???? 👀👀
A child that age is missing for 30 minutes, you call the police…she waited more than 30 days. There’s no doubt of her guilt.
Oj murdered wife they ain't complaining about that lie…
Very good! This is good.
I dont believe a thing she says.
The fact she hasn’t been “checked out” yet blows my mind
Respectfully, idk who killed her but I do know that a narcissist/ sociopath can pass a lie detector test. All you have to do is believe you’re being truthful to your core (narcissists can do this) while lying and that internal sensor that they use to test will tell them you’re being honest. It’s not as simple as continuing to tell yourself you didn’t. You have to fully believe it.
Just as bad as the O.J. outcome. Can't believe she got away with it despite all the evidence!!!
Casey….We all know what you did!!!!
Liar liar… You will have to answer to Our Lord😮
Can't lie to God, He knows ALL!
Casey Anthony definitely did it, in my opinion. Total monster. But tbf, lie detector tests are notoriously unreliable
She has a friend group?!😳🫣
She needs to be locked up for life! She’s a monster.
It’s simple. She killed her baby, lied about her parents, clearly is at the very least a sociopath, and the world knows it.
She has been proven to be a pathological liar over and over again. It’s simple, she’s lying!
At this point i would not put it past him.
she's a killer and deserves to be locked up.
And here I thought I was going to be watching Casey Anthony having this actual "full meltdown" in this video and not just someone telling me she had one. 🙄
(FYI: IF you feel the need to reply & / or send me a message, PLEASE make peace with the fact that I won't read or even see it. I just don't like doing the whole back & forth debate thing & what I really just want to do is watch more YT videos & since mean spirited/nasty comments have effected me in the past I came to the conclusion that this is what's best for ME, which is to not read any of them since there's really no way of discerning between a negative or a positive without actually reading them. So, to keep my head space a happy one, this is what's best for me. Plus, adding this statement saves people from wasting their time responding to my comment. TY so much for understanding).✌💕
Hope her jury is proud of their verdict.
Who cares! She still murdered her child! No feelings at all.
Her child was "missing" for a full month and she didn't report it or tell anyone. Florida doin' Florida things when they let her walk.
I dated a Sociopath, he had everyone believe the impossible! This pig , reminds me of the disgusting times I saw the unspeakable unfold in front me ! Pure Satanic!
Absolutely miscarriage of Justice
The jury failed on this case. The jury didn't understand that overwhelming "circumstantial" evidence is more than sufficient grounds to find a defendant criminally responsible.
She’s a monster!
Rest in peace little girl ❤
If a lie detector is so good why isn’t it allowed in a court of law? Why isn’t it used by the military and intelligence agencies? Why do people believe in them when there are 100s of proven ways to make it say what you want it to say?
Just simply evil to the core
Did Casey take a lie detector test?
She killed her daughter and because the jury were a bunch of idiots, she got away with it. She destroyed her family. Yet she's not satisfied. I wish she would just GO AWAY. She won't bc she's addicted to the attention.
She didn't report her missing for a month ND told that girl in jail they found her wrapped in a pooh bear blanket when I wasn't released that she was found in a pooh bear blanket on news she did it