Are Trump and Putin carving up the world? How should the EU adapt to this new world? What imagination is needed on the …
Come and be our Kiwi PM please!
I got into a difference of opinion with an American who belittled Canada’s war dead. I got angry enough to call him an ingrate and a pig face. It wasn’t a victory.
So enjoyable &frank! Thank you!
Let's hope that the EU doesn't survive Trump.
it's amazing that the left never realizes that people turn away from them because of their policies. it is not so much about what the right is doing but more about what the left has become. Accountability is not a virtue of the left.
Good one❤
meanwhile Geert Wilders: oink
I was depressed for a long time after brexit too. The worst idea made real like all true horrors.
In the long shadow of Donald Trump, this man gives me a little hope. Thanks.
My wife is Hungarian and I have therefore some insight on the inner politics in Hungary. I have to disagree with mr. Timmermans on the political future of Hungary. He has got the country locked in place. The people have become apathetic to it. He has got a lot of tools to incentivice people to vote for him. From job security to financial punishment of opposition regions. Indefinite martial law since covid. Overnight law changes, the theft of pensions.
There is currently no real alternative to fidesz, just a mishmas of small opposition parties.
In the run-up to the Iraq War, Alistair Campbell was involved in the preparation and release of the "September Dossier" in 2002 and the "Iraq Dossier" in February 2003. These documents argued the case for concern over weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Both have been criticised as overstating or distorting the actual intelligence findings.
Subsequent investigations revealed that the "September Dossier" had been altered at Campbell's suggestion to be consistent with a 12 September 2002 speech given by President George W. Bush and statements by other United States officials.
On 9 September 2002, Campbell sent a memo to Sir John Scarlett, the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee, in which Campbell directed that the British dossier be "one that complements rather than conflicts with" the US claims.
This was a wonderful, inspiring message.. Thank you. Please have him on again in the future.
This was a wonderful, inspiring message.. Thank you. Please have him on again in the future.
Loved this interview so much – oh Franz ! We need more politicians like him. Love him.
Signed an Aussie in Melbourne
Adding new EU members has brought some negative consequences, in the case of eastern europe (Hungary, Slovakia). Adding more eastern nations could create similar problems. Slow is better, methinks.
For us folks overseas it would help a lot if you flash up the names and roles of the interviewees
This guy seems an intelligent and erudite man, but if he thinks people aren't crazy and stupid he needs to get out more. If people weren't crazy and/or stupid Trump wouldn't be back in power. I think a few hours trawling social media would put him right on this issue.
What a great interview, really impressed by this man. So is Rory basically left wing but says he's a conservative? Not sure what to make of his position.
I dont know why Europeans are so timid, feeling that they cannot survive without the US. Their people are more educated, their infrastructure is better maintained and more sophisticated and their societies are kinder and more enlightened. Go for it Europe! Yes, you can go it alone! 🇨🇦
Rest of politics is excellent, so glad to have discovered you both!!
And a fabulous command of English too!
I’m so impressed by this session. Thank you Rory and AC for introducing me to this fantastic speaker!
Europe and its wonderful people will survive Trump, The ruling class doubtful. and for the record the quote about the pig wasn't from Monika it came from Mark Twain.
When Alister and Rory form their own party, i will vote for them.
Excellent pod and guest speaker. Wish him the best of luck – he sounds like he would be a great leader
As a Dutch guy i can tell you that timmermans is a hypocrite. So this channel is dogshit for inviting such a horrible person!
Lovely interview.
Open, Honest, Transparent.
Very realistic and frank.
I would agree with Mr. Timmermans's statement, that Europe has to fight back, also his arguments for integration. I am quite puzzled, however, because the policies that he has been pushing so far have been nothing but economically suicidal.
His green bs brought us on the menu now.
An important piece in the sabotage efforts against the EU interes.
Guest makes idiotic statement that Eastern European workers caused an EU upset.
Doesn't even glimmer that "Unfettered African & Middle Eastern Immigration" was the poison pill which the EU is still swallowing today.
These gentlemen consider themselves the Illuminati of the EU, when they are the zombies of yesterday's liberal western political class.
Wow, losers interviewing losers, each wondering "What Happened". Their conclusion is they didn't have enough imagination.
I think I lost a few brain cells listening to these folks.
Extremely interesting man
Yeah, i winced at this. This superiority intellectual slant on a valid argument is unhelpful and puts me off what I've regarded until recently a reliable source of current affairs. This is not good
BREXIT was a US plot to weaken and break up the EU.
as a Dutchie myself i feel like Frans Timmermans' slight overly friendly tone when explaining things during the election debates made him look a bit weaker (maybe even a bit insincere) imo