Rachel Cunliffe describes the influence Brexit still holds over British politics. Subscribe on YouTube: …
❤ U Rachel.😊
Starmer needs to be braver. Joining the customs unions will have huge benefits.
Its not Brexit that has caused problems. Its the rules of the EU.
Brexit is fantastic from my point of view: as a dual passport holder I get priority over my competitors who only have one passport.
Brexit is the 500 pound gorilla that sits in your bedroom and punches you every morning.
Every morning. Punch.
‘We need to move on’. Punch.
‘It’s too toxic a topic’. Punch.
‘It was the will of the people.’ Punch.
If the government of the day had carried out the wishes of the public fully Brexit could have worked. Being half in and half out is what has caused the problems for UK trade where we are still governed by EU law. Brexit was supposed to make us an independent sovereign nation with our own rules and laws. That is very far from the case because of politicians who did everything in their power to sabbotage Brexit. They have succeeded.
I'll bet she can't name a reason
British Politicoans failed Britain by not negociating harder & better with the EU & the way Brexit was stsrted by David Cameton was handled in an incredibly bad & harmful way that shot the UK in the foot. The federalism by the EU no , but trading with the EU yes. The World has moved on & it was a mistake to think Britain could click it's fingers & expect the World to rush to Downing Street clutching trading agreements & treaties ready to be signed. We seem to have lots of Politicians with theories learnt at Cambridge & Eton but no real statesmen who show panache & will do the right thing in the interests of Britain.
This is one of the most intelligent views on Brexit I have heard. Anybody who thinks we would be hugely better off back in the eu is an economic illiterate.
We haven’t wasted time, there was nothing that could have made it better. Easy to predict no benefits, and along with many others, I was right. Muppets who chanted that they wanted their country back were just followers of Farage.
With Brexit, the UK has achieved the gold standard of self-harm that has undermined any chance of the UK recovering both economically and socially any time soon
Ai is the future, Europe is all wrong on ai, Brexit could be a blessing if we take advantage
Ai is the future, Europe is all wrong on ai, Brexit could be a blessing if we take advantage
She is talking about stupid, irresponsible 'sound political reasons'. Joining the Customs Union and the Single Market is a massive low hanging fruit, that would bring enormous, almost instant, benefits to different aspects of the UK economy: from foreign investments, expansion of trade for SME, economy of scale etc..
Never go back to EU it is in stagnation and tecession
Brexit doesn't really explain the massive reduction in productivity in the Civil Service and NHS.
Brexit is a Crime Scene – you can't build anything on corruption and a pack of lies. The 1% have stopped this being discussed, the power behind this alone should have you concerned if nothing else. You sound like a frightened compliant media person not a truth teller.
Supply of cheap immigrant labour and simultaneous failure to build the infrastructure for this labour is what "lurks underneath" Brexit and everything else in British politics. Britain got rich in the first place by innovating to achieve massive productivity improvements. But now, cheap labour gets rid of any incentive to innovate. This means the living standards of people in the bottom half of society keep going down. Fix this, then maybe talk about the EU.
Very well said, Rachel Cunliffe.
Brexit is the reason for poor productivity? How the f is that then?
I'm losing interest in listening to NS…it's more like BS.
Political cowardice on all sides. Our politicians are missing in action as they protect their taxpayer funded salaries. My actual thoughts are not printable.
The problem with democracy is that it is inconvenient. Get over it and try and understand why people voted for it (Brexit).
What is the old Japanese axiom?
“If you get on the wrong train, immediately you realize it, get off at the next nearest station. The longer it takes you to get off, the more expensive the return trip will be.”
Brexit is hobbling the UK, we are only going to fall further and further behind until we join the EU.
If you take rights away from young people (freedom of movement) and replace it with nothing, of course there will be low productivity and morale in the UK.