Rachel Maddow looks at the displeasure with which Americans are dealing with the effects of Donald Trump’s reckless cuts and …
Then China comes up with cure for Alzheimer's the US will question its validity for the sole reason that China came up with it first. Then the cure will be declared a "national security threat."
We should all fire him (Trump).
With all of this going on im asking are we great yet??
Thanks Rachel you evidence every comment
Even the cult cannot dispute what you present
Well done
I can’t imagine why the rotting tangerine who needs to ask people what the paper he’s signing says because he can’t read it and has an ego bigger than anything anyone can imagine is dismantling dementia research.
Midterms wil tell us just how dissastified citizens are..I cannot wait!
I like the chaos and confusion from the so-called " stable genius" and his sidekick Mr Innovator they are so brilliant 😂😂😂😂
Does this woman even know she's LYING? This network is grotesque. How can you speak like this about Trump and yet act like MOBSTER BIDEN was the oppitomy of perfection. The product this network produces shouldn't be labeled as news.
President Trump and his administration are doing a phenomenal job.
MAGA 2028 🇺🇸
Refuse to pay taxes. Simple.
It isn't the first time in history a madman has wrought havoc and decimated a population, clearly we've learned nothing from history and like lemmings we'll all just sit and wait to be led over the cliff.
He can’t manage the country but get rid of businesses , that’s his scope. This mans mind needs assessing.
He’s no idea of how the USA runs. Is he the last President of the USA. 🇬🇧
Get Musk out of our Government!
Never Trump! Never!!
These he-man bros would make these cuts regardless of whether there is actual waste, just to look like they’re doing something. This is what bro-culture does. They are pretenders to greatness. Really ought to change that MAGA name to PtMAGA. As in ‘Pretend to Make America Great Again’.
Wait for 6 months it will be a revolution to regain democracy. Trump has absolute zero idea what hes doing.
Rachel, we appreciate — and we need — your voice. Keep doing what you do to bring the glaring and often ugly truth to the people. I'm terrified that the Trump regime will try to silence you and other journalists who are courageous enough to bring us the information we need.
very old rule is to DIVIDE and CONQUER…Trump is traitor preparing US for its fall, causing chaos, having masses of fanatics, hating on allies so when people call for help, no one will be willing, he is weakening US citizens by every know tactic from hitory. Cant believe how many in US dont see it, by it is known that education was lacking and it seems that maybe that was point too, people who know nothing, will never compare you to other people and places, absolutely not to history.
your kickback gravy train is over Madcow, your disgusting. I love Trump even more after this
Thanks Rachel..it seems that,the truth has become, a rare and elusive commodity..So,keep up,your quest for the truth.