US President Donald Trump, in his first address in the US Congress in his second term, thanked the Pakistan government for …
Love you sir
Manufacturer weapons and sell with Sale among Developing NATIONS , BC. ,Never Trust on Americans
Pakistan does a lot to counter terrorism created by afghanistan and backed by india. Almost everyday a pakistani soldier loses their life to them. So yes, Trumps thanks was deserved.
Go Trump 🎉❤
India should forget cozying to USA , It can't replace pakistan its nern that since the 50s
I don't like the praising. Then it can be do more and no democracy in Pakistan. Military is controlling Pakistan. We want democracy 😢😢😢😢😢
lol… US killed osama in pakistan and now thanking pakistan.
USA can only be a strategic partner for India.
Russia is a long term friend
Thanks for Pakistan❤
Tariffs for India 🤡😂
they need india to balance china and pakistan to balance india.
Trump thanking Pakistan so that Pakistan can feel the fury of radical Islamists more. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
why every big terrorist is captured in Pakistan?
Pakistan know how to play a game. Pakistan wants money 😂😂😂
Long live Pakistan 🇵🇰 🤝United States🇺🇸 relations
Mossad are terriosts too
I hope this speech drives the final nails in the coffin of the ever-so-corrupt Democrat Party. Democrats today are NOTHING like those of the past. It is an entirely different party where no truly patriotic Democrats exist. Today being a Democrat is the polar opposite of loving this country and our Constitution.
Pakistan and China are brothers that's what they say??
Why muslim jeets drolling over trump lol
Fire Ajit Dogal already 😂😂😂
Once upon a time a tea seller having a degree of masters in ' entire political science ' said " we'll isolate Pakistan".. "My Phreind India Phriend Mr. Dolaand Trump".
Pakistan did the right thing. Thank you Pakistan, this monster will not hurt another soul
Because America wants all their weapons which they left in Afganistan in 2022/2023 and they see Pakistan could play a crucial role to bring those back to their country.
Burnol for Indians
How could he thank a fraudulent government of Pakistan
Sharif ullah is Afghan citizen who is responsible for the killing of 13 US soldiers back in 2021.
He was arrested near Balochistan and handed over to US but the intelligence and his tracking was provided by CIA.
Sharif ullah was working for ISIS.
Great ISI 🇵🇰
Modi & cow pojaris Crying😂😂😂
Donation for 1 toilet in India👉
God bless President Trump
پاکستان کی موجودہ حکومت سخت چیلنجز کا سامنا کر رہی ہے اور داخلی مسائل کے حل میں مشکلات کا شکار ہے۔ غیر ملکی امداد پر انحصار اس بات کا غماز ہے کہ یہ حکومت اپنے مسائل خود حل کرنے میں ناکام ہے۔
پاکستان شدید داخلی بحران کی طرف بڑھ رہا ہے، اور حکومت کی پالیسیوں کے خلاف مختلف گروہ اور جماعتیں متحد ہو رہی ہیں۔ جب کسی حکومت کو عوام کی حمایت نہیں ملتی، تو اس کا مستقبل خطرے میں پڑ جاتا ہے۔
ایک اہم رہنما کو غیر ملکی طاقتوں کے حوالے کرنے کے فیصلے نے حکومت کی ساکھ کو متاثر کیا ہے اور اس کے اختیار کو کمزور کیا ہے۔ یہ ملک میں بہتر قیادت کی ضرورت کا واضح اشارہ ہے۔
پاکستان کے عوام کو ایک ایسی قیادت کی ضرورت ہے جو ان کے مفاد میں کام کرے، انصاف کی حمایت کرے، اور اصولوں پر ثابت قدم رہے۔
پاکستان کا مستقبل اس کے عوام کے ہاتھوں میں ہے، اور تبدیلی کا وقت آ چکا ہے
Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰 ❤