Since the Albanese government was elected, government spending as a share of GDP has jumped up about three per cent, …
the only people that will be able to retire on a pention in AUSTRALIA FROM NOWon will be politicians and bloody BEAURACTRATS we are Taxed out of living "only people who are imune are people albo brings into Australia from WARtorn countries know no better "and labor know it! so they feed and house them in return for votes.
Looks like Albo has also a part time job by appearing in QLD providing updates on cyclone. What a tool. He’s trying to gain votes.💩
Really. Global inflation is high so govt spending went up. Who knew.
Look just get rid of sleezee and his puppets also get rid of those who want to work from home go Peter dutton sack the bloody lot they who do not want to go into their place of work should not be covered for compo of any fringe benefits go Peter dutton get rid of the.lazy shits who are ripping off the.every day aussies this dick head pm must go before the country is ruled by the union so come on ausies let's get our country back your choice so stand up and get sleezee albo and his puppets out one for all and all for austraia let's be.united ok we are Australians so vote this dick head out united we stand ok and strong we will be austraia for ever
Of course the scomo government has no responsibility for our debt, short memories you guys.
Mmm your absolutely right but Whitlam had a real Governer General not a labor DEI hire the Governer General was awarded a remuneration in line with a military high ranking remuneration no qualifications just a DEI plant hire by Labor thats why you dont hear anything about GG because people would question her appointment 😮
Dillan faroa 😂😂
Greed is everywhere in the political arena. The Democratic Party has spread all the way to Australia.
Excellent analysis, the only time that i have seen the way that this gov is waisting our money!!!!
Australian politicians have shamelessly passed the levels of south European leaders
If Labor gets back in then Australia we fought for is finished, look at the UK and Europe
Albanese can do whatever he wants,like it or not we are a socialist country heading towards a Communist country. There is nothing the liberal party can do about it.Sky news are making it look like the Libs can win but they have to make it look like a contest .If Labor were worried. About losing they sure don't look like it.Albos already got his victory speech written.Remember Labor won't win the Libs will lose.
Labour will definitely loose this upcoming election 😂
Economic mismanagement with no accountability. WAKE UP AUSTRALIA-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1U2I4vZZD0
Staggering amounts of money going overseas to fund wars, fund foreign aid, and other foreign projects that have zero benefit to Australian citizens. Meanwhile, hard-working Australian families are taxed through the teeth and have their dollar stretch less and less due to housing and groceries alone. The major parties have ruined this one great country. They do NOTHING for Australians. Next time before you go to donate obscene amounts of money to Ukraine, how about you do a basic poll. Ask Australians, fund the war or donate all that money to Australians in need? Cyclone Alfred victims would be a good start. Let's see what the poll numbers come back as, listen to the people you're supposed to serve instead of continuing to steal from them. But we all know that will never happen, it's a common sense approach and the people in the major parties are incapable of being good leaders. The only thing that outweighs their stupidity is their greed
Create govt jobs and social program jobs and call it economic growth. For decades Australia has doubled down on the ponzis and invested everything in them-mines and property
And the next generation will be paying DEARLY for Albos spending while Albo retires his on his big fat pension,all trips paid for to 😡😡
Labor's confidence grows after WA election thumping
Just when we thought nothing could surpass the Whitlam government for sheer incompetence and arrogance, along comes Albonzo and his Lying Circus.
What a load of fiscal baloney, and strictly for the uneducated Sky demographic.
Albo, thieving money from our grandchildren to pour billions into a climate change hoax, and he knows it. Generational thieves. Gone. Soon hopefully,
Folk should realise that @Sam-e4rSw is a paid ALP (Labor) socialist left troll. Having only joined this platform today, his cover has been blown.
Whitlam government blow up the pokies comes to mind😂,your the worst PM ALBO DO NOT VOTE LABOUR AT ANY STAGE
Vote Labor!
Worst government anywhere in the world, ever. Most incompetent PM ever. Come on Australia, we are better than these morons. Greens, labor, teals last on ballots.
If you want to be/stay poor, then keep voting Labor!
Meanwhile, all those contributing, working persons who vote for better parties should strike whenever Labor steals an election with their muckraking, propaganda and ignorance baiting.
Of course, because it was Whitlam that got the hand out mentality rolling, and increased by subsequent Labor governments, and grudgingly minimally carried for ward by Coalition governments to have to get elected. Australians have lost the hard work mentality, and will vote for the party who gives the most handouts, not caring how much more debt we rack up.
Sky are making stuff up again.
Spending record goes to the trillion dollar deficit man Joshy high pants.
ALBO and his 40 thieves MUST GO !
Dutton the corrupt ex cop 🐶 will shit on our neighbours like morrison did which has enabled china to get their claws into the cook and solomon Islands so prepare for chinese naval bases on our doorstep don't cry about it later when this is what you will be voting for
So now we are getting advice from a Country that's $34 Trillion in Debt ? Spin it all you like Sky but Australia knows that Liberal idiot Scott Morrison paying Workers to stay Home and paying Business to stay Closed for 2 Years , quadrupled Australia 's National Debt in 2 years . The hide of you to say the National Debt is Labor's fault is disgusting and an absolute Lie . Shame on You .
One who wastes money should definitely be held responsible. Its public money.
Designed distraction by Paid Actors people believe & speculate without verifying it's authenticity
17 Apr 2024 — Australia's overall budget balance is the second strongest among G20 nations, behind only Canada, according to the International Monetary Fund's latest fiscal …
Yet Albo wants to send more funds and army to Ukraine?? Figure
Where is the Pakistani banker scandal Albo? That's all that's missing.
Just an awful Prime Minister.
Career activists don't make for quality leadership for ALL people, equally
Murdochs Minions go on the attack after the ALP celebrated their second greatest win in WA state election….🎉
😂😂😂*The federal opposition’s economic leaders, Angus Taylor and Jane Hume, will push for the Liberals to return to lower spending and smaller government, after the Coalition bequeathed Labor a $1 trillion debt.** The largest debt in Australian history 🤣🤣🤣🤡's
They are all the same: Biden, Starmer, Trudeau, Albanese. All enslaving future generations to debt while strangling the economies.
..nooo..really??… but….but…but ….my word iscsshhh my bonnnnddd 🤣🤣🤣
Budget while the Debt keeps on growing 🤣
We need some new ideas in Australia.. reduce taxes, increase energy production, manufacture more products from our homegrown resources
For the facts, see: Austin (2025) 'The charts have it. Australian economy on the mend'. Then vote 1 ALP for a sustained economic recovery.