One of these things is not like the other… (one of these things is part of an authoritarian coup of our government )
This senator is a embarrassment to the state of Tennessee!
He is a Shnitzey
Yep…pro-life is about stopping white girls from getting an education so they can be breeders for the military. You can't have an infantry without infants.
I love seeing how the Republicans deflect and change the subject when they are caught in a lie. She did an amazing job putting her foot on his neck while he stuttered. —- Bravo
It's not a difference it's a whole other game!
Congressmen are hiding nationwide. Stealing our money. Our Social Security.
My daddy's a veteran is his answer… really
Is he in an alternative conversation?
This is the problem , people like him ?
Republicans have destroyed our country
what type of irrational comparison is this guy suggesting ? a poor excuse for an elected official. he can not adequately represent himself , not along a district of citizens.
Listen to this lunatic and he's an elected official.
the trump administration & all conspirators are tearing down the AMERICAN system to build it back under their full corrupt control 🔸️
What an abolsute disgusting effwit. His father wouid be ashamed. He's a c bomb
Talk about gaslighting her
HOW are these people in charge of the US of A, supposedly the pinnacle of democracy…
He got set off when she did, in fact, make it seem like 22 year old men are still children, so that’s what he was defending. But young men can also make terrible decisions too. I know I can look back at my twenties and see my mistakes. And I do think these young men working for Elon Musk are making a terrible decision to be used as a weapon against the United States.
Wow, incredible BS.
How dare he use veterans, my brothers and sisters, as a political shield for the likes of bigballs. Bigballs isn't a patriot and neither is Tim Burchett. What a disgrace…
But he refused to serve. So did they. Typical maqat logic.
Shame on him shame on tn
GET ‘EM!🫡🇺🇸
Entitled, smug pos is not used to being challenged like this. He needs to be voted out.
He cant handle the truth..
Who is this fillibuster?
He too will be fvcked by these decisions that he so proudly support. Not just us.
Traitorous racist fool
That guy is getting paid by Elon he and trump paying off everyone. They broke the law taken bribes and then they double down like this. Shameful moron.
Notice, he talked about killing Japanese. Ask him whar type of government did the European's axis have? How is it 75 years later the (MAGA) GOP back's a President who is turning the US into 1930 Germany?
Burchett is an absolute tool.
When judgement day comes and it will. What will his justification be? He did it for a King or for you God. The cloud will open up and he and all of those others will fall straight down into h3ll.
Or when Trump and his minions our removed from office and they are tried for treason. We will have no sympathy for them.
He hates himself, hes in the closet…lol
DADGUM! He's an inbred hillbilly!
Listen to that smokescreen.. you can tell he's over his head by the way he's literally sticking his neck out.
Change the subject. DO YOUR JOB!
His father would be ashamed
He is as thick as two short planks
To be fair, not a great argument, should have used, What about the 20 year olds that wrote the constitution. Were they unqualified?
Man, he’s got my vote for delusional and vile Republican for the day )
Trump's toilet paper
Tim is nothing more than a loud mouth he needs to shut up and answer the questions ! Tries to switch subjects instead of answering. 🤡
Fascist apologist
Service to the nation is service to the nation… Unless you are democratic, then sometimes it is or isn't depending what the rest of the party feels..
Big difference between a 19 year old Private and a 19 year old college student. Privates have training and adult supervision.
They are very very defensive and try to control and confuse the population…. This strategy worked for years for the deplorable followers
The accent makes him sound that much less intelligent. Old white men need to vacate government.
Tutis man is completely nuts.