Callahan Walsh is a child advocate for the National Center for Exploited and Missing Children and a co-host of “In Pursuit with …
Why the parents never went to jail speaks volumes 🤔
Why did the parents only care about Brian and not help police about what happened to Gabby? Narcissism is rampant in this country and more dangerous than Coronavirus
They're not strong words..
They're TRUE words
He's alive
Your so right..that coward never killed himself..
Did Florida police get the cadaver dogs in the van ?
Adam looked so like his dad 😭
Do you remember the cock ups by the police..so many different stories..this is the same mode of operation
except we got a very manipulative media and web..but there's also a lot more sleuths that are good at reading between the lines and getting non msm
His parents know where he is! They are financing him.Charges need to be filed!
A child goes missing every 40 seconds in America. That comes to 765,000 children a year. Source FBI website
Put them all in jail
A momma boy lolol
what happened to the camper people? brians not living off the land in a tent? get an id on the camper? somebody had to get him a car or vehicle to toe the camper or they left him somewhere in a camper? seems wrong. someone else is involved. get the cell phones from the parents. those FBI agents are so slow and taking the long way to an arrest. the police also they move in slow motion and take years to find people. omg…
Asswipe son asswipe parents!
Wow the parents are f….ckwits
This issue with Brian that is playing a role in capture. It was great finding her body. People need to leave houses. Someone else is going to happen to the adults but I am concerned about the minor children. The sooner people back off the sooner one of those people will mess up. Yes I do believe he did it or at least it points that way. Here is going to be problem. That generation is into clawing an chocking the other. A lot do it without password or siding without contract signed. That would as myself if he tried to do cpr.
They need to stage a protest in front of their home to pressure them.
Praying that Brian will be caught very soon!! 🙏🙏 I wouldn't believe anything that the Laundrie's say!! Brian probably left even before Gabby was reported missing. Don't listen to his parents!
Yup… Brian is a narcissist!… the proof is in the parent’s actions…and his parents contributed to their son’s narcissistic behavior… never gave him boundaries or taught him to be accountable for his actions… now he’s grown up and you get a adult child who has mommy and daddy always cleaning up his messes and never feels he’s done anything wrong… the parents are disgusting!!
Sad thing is he's such a coward he's letting his parents deal with all the stress
Well could he had been on the appalachian trail but he knew police and others were going to be watching out for him could he have taken a trail that would go tomain. Just a thought
callahan is a cutie
He was right 😳 They lied about the last time they saw Brian…Mr Walsh is legit.
Someone said on YouTube that this is "The Illuminati New World Order" and that GP was sacrificed in some sick ritual? Could it be that BL gave her up to these cruel sex traffickers for a sum of money? I wonder if the Laundries are part of this sick sex cult.
The whole family executed his escape including his lying sister……while Gaby's body was being decomposed for 20 days they were all planning for mummy's boy camping trip…this family is sick
Crap media Corporation broadcast shizz…… All have SAME viewpoint all talk to the same no nothing SHILLs….. Dog the bounty hunter … PUFFFT… They are what's discusting Anderson van DER belt Rockefeller Morgan…. JUST a talking lieing demon Goul
Go Brian Go, Go Brian Get Away. GO Brian Go. Lol
Even if he is found there needs to be enough evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt to convict of anything. What evidence is there now, does anyone know? He's probably on the run because he knows he will never get a fair trial.
It was stated in the beginning that Gabby moved out of the Laundries home, so it makes sense (to me) that Gabby's belongings would've been in the storage unit. I'm sure they have camera's in those places. Have the cops/Dog pulled any video from there?
So I am extremely curious as to why Brian Laundrie flew home on August 17th ? I had heard from anonymous source that both he and his father moved Gabby’s belongings out of their house and into a storage locker during that trip home . I wonder if they had broken up at that point due to the entité August 12th incident in Moab ? Why he then flew back to Utah after that and rejoined Gabby is a mystery ? Maybe they made up ? I do think from that point on though , his parents were assisting him in every action he did . I’m sure on August 27th he called them and gave them some lame story that Gabby couldn’t be found , committed suicide or he accidentally killed her . From that point on , I believe his parents aided and abetted him . Believing his story . His parents are pretty.savvy in thinking like seasoned criminals . They certainly knew how to effectively mislead the investigators and give him a head start to flee.