A Lake Wales man, who could have been sent to prison for years based on the claims in a police report, was saved by a home …
I am incredibly sick of officers, not even being held to the same basic standards as the rest of society so you can just assault someone lie in court, which is a very big offense and just continue working about.
How many lives have been ruined by lying cops with a big ego? red yellow black and white cops lie in plain site and the court backs them up-once convicted of a lie charge a person is on the doo doo list for getting a job
This was a terrorist attack.
This isn't law enforcement, it's domestic terrorism
It hard to believe in today's day and age a lying tyrant cop and a Blueline pig that backs him up no matter what. He should have been elected Asshole of the Year, a more fitting title. To the people that investigated him and found no wrongdoing on his part, a Blueline job very well done. The amazing thing is they actually wonder why less people are trusting and talking to cops every day. 🤣🪖🤣
The department of so-called justice allows this.
Imagine how many innocent people are behind bars from cops lying. Its got to be above 10% cause 98% of all cops are corrupt. American justice system is one of the worst in the western world. Wow. This is insane. This should be global news and this guy should sue for $50million to send a clear msg that this is uneceptable
Same ole song and dance
This punk ass cop needs to go to jail for about 5 years
Lying bastards
Its not one or two bad apples, stop perpetrating that lie.
So easy for them to lie!!!
As a Former Police Officer Every Arrest That Officer has Ever Made Should Be Questioned!
Where's all the cop defenders in the comments section
They’ve heard , but do nothing about it!
Cops lie in over 90% of cases, they collapse to pressure for successful convictions from traffic violations – corruption begins- to capital offenses with militarization major reason for loss of sense of preservation of constitutional law enforcement to justification for racism. Fascism is inevitable consequence of corruption.
I wonder how many people are in jail because of these liars. If he could not find that video he would be in prison.
No wrong doing!!! Geeee shocker
They have gotten by with ruining innocent people since day 1
When police officers are "cleared of wrongdoing" from their own internal investigations means almost nothing.
Why is he still a cop
Feral hogs require well-regulated solutions.
Allow bad cops to resign so that can be a problem in another police department
It's not hard to understand why government agents get put down
I hate shady cops. 🤷🏾♂️
The cop live from the beginning
Thug badge carriers. Have been out of control. And have never been held accountable. Black people pay for there on oppression. WTF
That's what cop do best. Lied. Abuse power.
Lied. Lied. Lied???
Imagine, a pig lying!
The attorney handled that poorly. Should have waited until trial. Let the officer testify under oath. Then bitch slap him with the video.
Pig don't lie
What manner of mankind would do that to the innocent? Dastardly.
Cop was caught red-handed knowingly illegally arresting someone and lying in his report! Why wasn't this POS criminal cop arrested?
Cop claimed high stress caused his perception to be altered. The only stress of the incident was all his doing.
American police does hurt your tourism industry.
Police lie? NO 😂. DISGUSTING P.I.G police involve guns
Breaking the law to enforce the law.
Every single day!
Lying, stealing, cheating and too many other crimes to list here.
Moral to this and other stories about police? do not trust them and do not let them know you are recording, the Governor has dirty hands by making it against the law to record them.
No valid excuse for every cop not to be wearing a bodycam.
Wow, imagine that, we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing. The usual.
Glad he had the idea of looking for video evidence. 😊
These uniforms give them a cloak of invincibility in their minds.