During this very troubling and turbulent holiday season, we stand with the millions of Americans and people around the world who …
There is no link here. There is no link.
star=staff flag or cemetery item to say good bye hood buy
Thank you, sweet sisters. I love this very much.
I love Sweet Honey on the Rock. But Black Lives Matters is not what Black people think it is. Go to their web site. It is now a gay, lesbian, black feminist, and transgender group. It is pimping the tragic deaths of unarmed black men for the purpose organizing gay and lesbian groups. There is no mention of black men except as misogynists. Be vigilant. Research who owns and funds these groups and see what their motives are before giving them all your trust and allegiance.
Still powerful today.,,maybe more so. I've loved Sweet Honey for so long. You get better and better, going even deeper, saying more…going beyond the tragic to offer a glimmer of hope. Bless you.
I'm not on anyone's side… but why anybody talks about both?. They both did wrong, the police and these people. Why don't show both sides of the coin. Both made the mistakes but everyone are blaming just the police. I don't think is the reality…. and doing this video without showing the criminal actions that these individuals did before the police made the mistake that they made. It's not showing the reality. This video is showing just one part of the story …meaning what they think was wrong. :-
Smile, God bless you that's so beautiful!
Beautiful version of the song and poignant video. Thanks once more to Sweet Honey.
All lives matter.
I've been digging "Sweet Honey in the Rock"since the late 70's early 80's. Wish I could go see them in Jersey.
Beautiful… this is what SHR is about.. love those ladies for being so real and singing the truth….
Thank you, beautiful and felt in my heart, will share
Why don't they learn the tune? The American flag is upside down? What a travesty
the entire video is. This is not the Sweet Honey I remember. I will definitely
unsubscribe to their emails.