Cameras follow Karen Read as she plans her trial wardrobe. The extraordinary footage is seen in a new five-part documentary “A …
Watching the ID special on her interview now. She is 💯 guilty
Why didn’t she exit the vehicle before abandoning him? How did she expect John to get home from the party? Why did she call him 50+ times if she knew where he was? Why didn’t she call the police first? How did she locate him immediately, despite him not being visible to anyone else?
I hope the 2nd trial focuses more on the victim, John O’Keefe, and less on Karen Reads wild conspiracy theories … respectfully🫡
Looks like AOC, ha
She doesn't look likeable
This does NOT make her case credible so if she’s innocent, this looks very bad. A person is dead and turning this into a show is just sickening.
I think she is innocent… the 'friends' need to be on trial
After watching the entire trial and every motions hearing, common sense says she is 100% guilty.
They do not have a defense because a defense is using the evidence to prove your client is innocent. This is why they cooked up the conspiracy story.
If those people murdered him as claimed it would have been far easier to play stupid with the same story than to go above and beyond and trying to frame her for his murder.
This is how a murderer dresses.
This is how an innocence fraud campaign is continuing to be perpetrated what a joke
She did it, not sure if she meant to she was mad and drunk and doesn't remember doing it. But she absolutely did do it.
She is 100% guilty. Idc what anyone says.
Clearly none of these commentors have followed the trial. She's FACTUALLY innocent you jackasses.
Well I hope she's not guilty because she put a cop in his place😂😂😂😂
Looks like AOC
Obsoletely disgusting the way she's so flippant about this. She's being charged w murder of John, and she's laughing and flipping her hair like she's some beauty queen. Shows no respect for Johns family what so ever. I really can't wait to see everything that her and her attorneys had going w "Turtle boy" This could just be what the prosecutors are needing. She's guilty as h$ll.
Some of you in the comments have CLEARLY NOT been following this story …. If you did you’d know she was innocent.
I hate crooked cops
Wow, she looks a lot older now🤨
What is this world coming to when people fantasize possible killers like her and Luigi character and the two brothers who people are trying to get out of jail. Don’t forget about the ones that want to get rid of the death penalty saying that it’s crawl in unusual punishment that shouldn’t be put to death for murdering innocent people. They murdered 24 people but should spend the rest of their lives in prison while the 24 turn to dust in the ground!!!
This woman is crazy
I don’t know what really happened the night her boyfriend, John was killed but the prosecution wants to put her in prison.
I have no clue what kind of person she is, all I know is that she has many supporters, she likes the media attention, she looks happy, and that’s OK, but there is a family who is grieving the death of John. In my opinion, if she’s forgotten about John and doesn’t care that he was murdered, as a human being she should show respect to her murdered boyfriend’s family. This is not a show, not a movie, it’s her trial for John’s murder! Not funny at all; and she’s laughing!
R.I.P. John O'Keefe.
How does this turn into someone making money 😩
More lies coming. Karen and her never ending stories.
she is more worried about her video and the outfits for court than killing her husband and I can’t believe she gets into the court room and sits there grinning like the Cheshire Cat she killed her poor husband the real victim here no amount of videos and court outfits is going to get you out of this she is guilty her husband family needs justice send her to prison 😡🤬🤬🤬🤬
Oh yeah she definitely did it. Just like O.J., she'll get acquitted.
Cop cover up … too many things happened at 34 fairview. Inc the dog 🐕, Clon and Ali looking for Chole in the after the fight . The fact Officer John O'Keefe apple cell phone shows him going down the basement and back up.
Shame on anyone fawning over a murderess
she wants to do media but will never take the stand.
@0.43 She is pathetic flaunting her hair. Hopefully these next jurors will be smart and find her guilty. She doesn't care what she did.
Fact that people defend her is concerning…
This should be illegal to happen while a trial is going on. This woman's profiting by doing a docu series while on trial for murder.. 🧐 guess it's time to reach out to legislators to come up with a policy to prevent this from happening in future trials… This should not be something normal happening.. it's wrong.. Justice for officer John O'Keefe and his family / children 🙏⚖️🇺🇲 this is shameful
Just show how sick society become when they support someone accused of taking a life we love Karen nothing for the victim and his family absolutely disgusting some of these protesters who protest about stuff they have no idea what they’re protesting about that too much time on their hands
I just puked. She is literally laughing and giggling about the whole thing as she gets attention and feels like a star.
America: where murders can kill someone and be glorified for it. And yet they promote "freedom"… I can't tell how much freedom people can have when murders are given publicity and attention which makes them another sources of income. Whereas the remaining working-class people who do nothing wrong are struggling to pay their bills. This woman is stocked with clout and money hence the endless trials which she can afford.
Narzisst having fun, bathing in the spotlights* *updated title
Will she be giddy behind bars? She is guilty as hell! A total psycho
She wants to be OJ so badly, its obvious she did it
Corruption is going on across the nation. Karen could be you, mother, aunt, sister, etc…
The most morally corrupt group of people in every country are cops. I believe her.
Isn’t this some cop cover-up or something? I don’t remember anything about this case lol
Yep she guilty 😮
I'm also from Massachusetts. The only reason why this is a HUGE story is because O'Keefe was a policeman. But if he killed her, the media would not have reported on it at all.
Must be nice to be part of the most privileged group in the world. Once they find her not guilty she’ll be invited on the View like Gypsy Rose. Society is so sick for these Karens.