How we're improving the enrolment process


We’re modernizing military recruitment to meet future security needs at home and abroad. By streamlining processes and …


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@terdfergusonIII March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Is it pride week or something?

@mathbc1984 March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Low wage army. Why serving the country that take a part of your low soldier salary to pay for food and the barrack fees. Seriously, if the army people need to pay for food and shelter, that will be great to have no tax compare to a regular citizen. I also need to add that the army have their own law along side the citizen law. So why just no take the citizen law. All the employee need to learn the army law where the book is not easy to find. Just replace the book by an AI chat bot at this point, because he will be 100% honest and won't make stuff up to take advantage of new recruit and unaware people.

@MarcDemmon March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Please general we have 52 ooo potential young persons in national cadet program should be given credit and Derick application for regular forces after they do there basically cadet course in summer time along with some leadership program since your short on recruitment

@Lambdamale. March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

CAF is a joke. I remember when I still had an ounce of patriotism left before covid. I applied, and was hired pending on outcome of medical. After waiting for 11 months the medical came back asking for more information. I bounced when they told me I would have to repeat the entire entry process.
There was no communication for the entire time. They just left me hanging and got annoyed if I emailed them to ask what was happening.
If the recruiting process was this bad of a shit show, I can only imagine what it's like once you're in.
I dodged a bullet.

@jesseroberts1041 March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Let people criticize the government, and not punish them for pointing out facts. Or not letting the government members block people on social media 😂

@EddiePedersen March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Listen , to deny me , would be to throw away a leading constituent in physical , and mental strengths to take caf to the next level as a military. We are to be tough, intelligent, tolerant, honorable, and an example for the rest of the world. Reach me. I serve not for myself I serve because I must. I cannot not. It is what it isn't isn't isn't it ? I'm a committed leader. Me benefiting, that's embarrassing, just put me to service.

@EddiePedersen March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Come get me

@David-ql6om March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

I am not a permanent resident yet, I hope to be one day, but I always bring up the topic with my Canadian colleagues or those who are already permanent residents, especially those who are young and still trying to figure out what they want to do in their life as a career, the option of joining the armed forces, not only for a job, but for what it represents, its history, values ​​​​and achievements, and always holding high the Maple leaf. If Canada is in the history books it is partly thanks to the contribution of its armed forces, in addition to all the unique skills and experiences that could be learned, my coworkers jokingly ask me if the CAF pays me to talk about them about doing a career in the CAF, but some of them have already considered joining, and when I become a permanent resident, God willing, I will too.

@MynameisBartek March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm


@JohnnyCash-tv5ox March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Its amazing how the army convinced me not to joing the army

@terencegraham4901 March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

I gotta say… Gutting the aptitude testing will severely restrict brass from knowing the potential of its candidates … 😒

@russellbrooker2122 March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Did we finally get modern weapons, armour and uniforms and not expected to use equipment kept together with tape and chewing gum?

A navy with “ships” 20 years old with holes boarder up.

Air force so far behind, what a joke

@Dumbledump March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

The army should be a socio-economic ladder for working class people to improve their lives. You want more people to join? Stop refusing people based on education and employement history. If a Canadian citizen walks into a recruitment office, it should be a criminal background check, a basic medical test, and if all is good, a bus ticket for their BMQ. There's no need for anything else, you're just wasting everyone's time and tax money. You have someone who wants to join right in front of you, don't wait until they have changed their minds to offer them something.

@spencerclark4235 March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

I wonder if i should try reapplying. Eagar is to join but have a minor case of celiac (consume gluten daily with no reactions) and have been turned down in the past.

@TuneinTurnonGrowup March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Our military is a joke. We need a Canadian Pete Hegseth. Not an elderly lesbian…

@geminiblue6677 March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

My medical clearance has been in progress for months meanwhile the security clearance which is even longer wont start until medical has completed 🤣🤣🤣

@brandonpollok2277 March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

“Permanent residents” are not Canadians, and have no place in the caf…

@thaty-wingguy9711 March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Im on the fence about this. I tried to join up in 2015, only to be 3 points below the CFAT in the mathematical section. I was told to go to Uni to get around the CFAT. That's Thousands of dollars just to "prove" something. Now they have either moved the CFAT elsewhere or are just telling me that my experience in my working life is now a qualification??

I really hate to say it, But working all my life with years of loyalty to jobs, building skills, meeting every deadline i can get done, making important decisions for businesses, including my own, getting trained on fixing aircraft before the pandemic hit; ALL of that, with the resonance of the CFAT still telling me im not good enough because of my math.

And yet here I am, wondering, why ask me again to place hopes into a system that has told me that Im not good enough. Im 35 now.

@RoyalTeaLegion March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

All hate aside. Good job.

@RoyalTeaLegion March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Is better than nothing. Gotta give the troopers the same or better weapons.

@RoyalTeaLegion March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Increase pay by 27-56% per person. Give the same troopers 90% subsidies for surgery, dental, eye, and medical needs. Offer a 33% discount at all supermarkets and Canadian grocery stores. All of this addresses the main issues with civilian life expenses. Offer them contracts of 4, 8, 12, or 18 years.

Education is good, but consider the job market. Eighty percent of all employers hire cheap labor from outside Canada, abusing loopholes to avoid paying Canadian citizens higher hourly wages.

Address the underlying challenges of civilian life after service with government-sponsored recruiting contracts. Provide benefits to both new and veteran troopers.

Ultimately, people trade time for money. Money buys security and hope.

@ThatTempesTGuy March 21, 2025 - 7:25 pm

Who tf is the lesbian talking in the video? 😂

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