benshapiro #news #politics #venezuela #deportation.
benshapiro #news #politics #venezuela #deportation.
Doesn’t mean the judge is right
They’re trying to claim that these people have the same rights as American citizens however non-citizens have rights but criminals forgo their rights.
But u have 2 be before a court dunce
Wouldn't the stenographer have a written record of what the judge rules? Could that be considered "official" or is a signature required?
A DISTRICT Judge. Someone thinks he is more important than he actually is
Guilty in traffic court if a traffic court
Judges ain't gods even though some of them think they are
I should think that the commander-in-chief ruling should have greater weight than a judge. You need five judges to agree in the federal court, not one out of 700.
screw the judge
Cry baby
Did the judge have jurisdiction? Did he have legal justification for his ruling?
That judge has ZERO jurisdiction. Stay in your lane. 😂
A judge can not interfere in a Presidents decision. In the United States Constitution it is written that the reason for separation of powers is to ensure each power is proteced. The judicial branch cannot oversee or over reach the executive branch of this government. Article 2 section 2 tells exactly how this country is ran read the whole article 2. It is plain and simple there's no discrepancies. The decisions of the United States President is lawfull and will stand. A judge does not have a right or jurisdiction to interfere with the decision of the United States President. It's apparent this Elliot Williams does not know the United States Constitution and is an idiot he's from CNN that tells you a lot.
Has this guy ever seen a judge make and order and not then write it down? I doubt the timing is ever a big deal in just about every situation. This one is rare.
You would think that a judge would understand separation of powers. WAIT! I FORGOT!!! He's a self centered communist pile of pig puke ACTIVIST!! Not a judge at all!!! His courtroom now is the OVAL Office AND the Senate floor I suppose. Whatever he wants it to be. THERE IS ONLY ONE BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT (and one political party, apparently). Right Judge?
That is just some absurd nonsense. The ruling doesn't go into effect until the paperwork is processed. Literally everyone knows this
Did this guy suck a fudge pop before coming on. 😂
Bens not conservative
If a judge says he's gonna give a warrant to search your property… You still need the actual warrant to search the property. Plus, there wasn't a case, a judge can't just tell people what to do. It's gotta go through the actual process. Plus, the laws on the books already say to deport illegal immigrants.. that is the law, whether they like it or not.
Are people really arguing that dangerous criminals that don’t belong in America shouldn’t be removed from America?
The written order overpowers the verbal. In the speaker's comment, the question isn't got, it's how long it's the sentence. Or will the defendant remain on bond until sentencing. DOJ response said they followed the written ruling, since that was all they had outside of court. Reasonable ruling.
Send that judge with the illegals. What a piece of shit
There was no legal right to make that ruling
This is par for the course. The democrats went to great lengths to bring these criminals into this country. Why won't they do all this crap to keep them here.
So when does the voice of Americans that voted to get these people out count? We damn sure didn't get to say whether we wanted them in or not!
Guess I missed why any judge wants criminals and gang members living in the USA? I sure don't
How many times have the democrats secretly went and passed bills and laws without the democrats present? Or how democrats ignore laws with selective permission to their corrupt agendas?
Did we elect a judge to be president of the United states?
When did this happen?
So by this commie’s words a judge is an emperor whose word is law by virtue of him speaking it?
Illegal aliens have no rights. Judgment is not binding imo cause the decision was made under executive order and not under judiciary branches.
I dont care. Get them out.
Who cares. The criminals are out of here. Now you lefties go cry about it
This guy has that week ass Don Lemon look
I cannot BELIEVE that people are actually fighting to KEEP these criminals IN our country.. there are no words…
Nope! The Executive branch supercedes the authority of a district court. Trump has no business following their command period. But! I do want absolute transparency. It is absolutely our right and responsibility to see and verify the evidence used against any person, or country to invoke war or even deportation. Nothing good has ever come from blind faith, especially in government.
Liberals mad that criminals are being removed. Liberals mad about electric vehicles. Liberals mad about lowering or removing taxes. Maybe it's the term "liberal" that is wrong. Liberal only applies to liberal with other people's money and other people's rights, yet conservative with their money and rights. In essence, just greedy, insecure brats. Let's identify better next time. This insecure brat is definitely a talking head of the left.
Even Dana Bash doesn't buy it. Never seen her so stoic and silent.
Do Judges get National Security briefings?
He's so right the demicrats are guilty of treason against the USA !!!
Judges are human too and on top of that, they can be corrupt. This clown speaks either without thinking or is corrupt like some judges.
Obama said he knew he had no authority for daca or obamacare but he implemented them anyway. Joe was told repeatedly he didn’t have the authority to transfer student loans to the taxpayers but he did it repeatedly. If you were ok with that you can’t be upset if Trump ignores a low level judge trying to give himself executive power.
This is just crazy. the issue shouldn't be if a judge in a court room has authority over that court room and what his rulings mean in that setting, the issue is that we have low level judges making rulings that they have no authority to make. Some random judge can't just declare something and it be law or unconstitutional based on that judges feelings. That's just insane, they're acting like kings just making declarations with no legal authority to do so.