SummerWells #DonWells #CandusBly Summer wells case! AI Effects Added to Summer Wells Age Progressed Picture! Summer …
If they do all the progressive photos like this then that will explain why most can not be found.
This looks like a preteen . Probably not accurate js
When did children start jumping in looks from 7 to 14. This is total bs whoever came up with this is part of the deception
That girl don't look 7
IMO…This looks nothing like Summer! They need to just stop it!!!
That's not summer, she would not be that chubby she never got feed much . And they would have shaved her head again.
Wow this is incredible. Too old to be summer at seven years old, maybe 12. Hopefully we won’t need this by the time she is a teen
To me she looks like at too old n too mature for 7 just saying
This is sickning…Summer would not look like that…and this is not a 7 year old……..some clown is trying to make her resemble aunt Rose……we need to be looking for a younger looking child who's still got that "Summer look ( her eyes especially)"….this pic. Is off !
Oh my. Summer comes to life. Looks like Rose Marie.
Sadly it
Is true she ooks too old in their ptogression.
My 10 yr old granddaughter does not look this mature.
Imo this makes her look much older than 7. They seriously need to stop using the AI for this age progression stuff. It clearly doesn’t work right. This looks like a teenage Summer maybe, but definitely not 7 imo.
I grew up watching my blood father drink and beat my mom, brothers and me. I know what drunk daddy's do to their daughters. Don was hurting Summer that's why she was taking to the hospital. Don is sick to mess with his five year old sister Summer was another victim for Don. Candus knows? But she is scared or just as guilty.
There is no way Summer looks like this…If people are using this picture to look for Summer shes not gonna be found, This is a older teenager look not Summer…If i seen it out of the blue not knowing it was suppose to be Summer, She wouldnt enter my mind…Im not being mean and its a dang good job of trying but thats not Summer at all…
Nope. 😔
NOPE! That is no 7 year old!
Mabe she is older than what was said. Don and Candus got her age wrong and changed it so could be a hint she was older than 5.
I thought they were supposed to get as close to the actual age is supposed to be.why put her in a older category . they should have it done over
It might look like summer if was 12?
Why am I creeped out ?
Looks nothing like her& doesn't do her justice imo!
We're trying to find Summer Wells…who the heck are they trying to find with that age enhanced photo of a completely different looking girl???
This doesn’t look like a 7 year old at all.
Agree 💯 Colette's thumbnail is much more recognizable to Summer at 7 years … That's the picture I believe should be out there.
This doesn't even look like Summer
No way it needs to be aged back a few yrs. She didn't change that much 2 yrs. 😢
Tbh that’s kinda creepy.
This is some f’d up sh*t..
Looks even less like a 7 y/o! smdh. My gosh, im going to give whomever did this sketch the benefit of the doubt that they have NO children & try to excuse their ignorance. And whomever did this here, imo, made her look even worse. I'd rather see this person do this with a photo of her at 5 y/o, cuz it at least she would've looked more like what she'd look like now, rather than looking like an almost preteen my gosh!
I still don't think it looks like her at all, besides the fact they made her look older than her age.
Not buying the progressive photo! She’s 7 years old not 12
She appears too old and the moving of her expressions are spooky to me. Doesn't feel right to me.