In this episode of Buzz by the Bay, Mumbai’s OG comedian Cyrus Broacha shares his unfiltered take on India’s comedy scene.
7:05 in india if we dont want to accept roast culture and dark humour ……….then why we accepting fashion , food, culture of west………its all ok that there should be limit on what you speak about other…good ethic
I carry my aadhar card to show her. Lol.
Guys just read comments .. is it just me who found the host trying to get headlines , not understanding what Cyrus is saying and not having organic talk ..
Guys just read comments .. is it just me who found the host trying to get headlines , not understanding what Cyrus is saying and not having organic talk ..
Cyrus why ?? Just why ! She isn’t the person to get your interview
Maybe an unpopular opinion but i feel Cyrus is at his wittiest best when he is the guest rather than the interviewer….
❤ frequent Collab required.
Great podcast so organic, Cyrus is hilarious.
Yes host can elicit and cyrus will talk to his hearts content
Cyrus is the best, period.
This person needs a Red Bull or some strong Coffee or maybe just a healthy lifestyle… i fell asleep in the first 5 mins, woke up at 30 mins and typing this comment.
Excellent chat…the anchor has an infectious laugh…
OG ♥️
It will take another big bang to change Cyrus. Broacha Janta Party FTW.
A person with so much positive vibes ❤ makes depression run away from the room
The real bromance isn’t Kunrus, it’s Cynit. Cyrus be plugging Punit, rightfully so, wherever he goes.
Love the episode!! What a laughter riot! Well done Anushka and Cyrus!! ❤😊
Great interview!
I never found anything Cyrus said offense. Maybe its just the way he says it.or one knows he means nothing bad. All in good humour.
I am glad you interviewed Cyrus. Wit is the sword of his mind. Cyrus' attitude aptly sums up the famous line from 'As You Like It': "The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool."
Can’t beat 2 Bg podcasters … too good you both cheers 😎😎
So so entertaining, Cy needs nobody. Literally laughed out loud a few times
This is one of the bestest podcasts I have seen off late. This guy is soooooooooo gud with words. So cool 😎 attitude. I wish more in the world would become like @cyrus
You're incredible!
Cyrus, love you man!
Cyrus will Divorce soon.
Hope not. But the signs are there.
Sad, how our so called Icons can't even understand basic relationships.