Local lawmakers are bringing guests that they hope will shed some light on the country’s problems. Also, there are concerns …
Why are they protesting for Hamas a terrorist Hamas a terrorist organization In America.. This is what made America great In the 1st place was we were not like other countries. We can not allow This kind of protesting for a terrorist organization
But Elon is ok to do 2 salutes at his inauguration
Calling D. O. G. E. ! Calling D. O. G. E. !
Investigate , Expose , and make Public WHERE $15Bn is being spent !
The question is not why this college is getting aid but why were the Jan 6th rioters pardoned but these kids and colleges being penalized!
They need to start paying for their own education! Taxpayers are not their piggy bank!
Columbia could help pay all those Student loan debts..
I think that we should take all of our taxpayer money out of these universities send these ungrateful people home
"illegal protest" = trump doesn't like it. The civil rights protests in the 60's were "illegal" too, so why don't MAGAs oppose those protests? hmm,
Do not forget that Christians has been mocked also. Some professors do see how some students mocked Christians. To be honest, some of the professors allow too much in their colleges. Maybe this will help thise who mocked GOD and HIS people.
Go home colombia columbia people go home
$50 billion is a big amount of money. Give it to the homeless people of the usa. Used that money to provide jobs. 👍 Don't use the money for extremism.
Lol, the anti antisemitism canard from the Make Israel Great Again bandwagon. More than 85% of Jews, today, have no "Semitic" connection whatsoever, but all Arabs are Semites….
Do it president trump❤
Stop the hate protests.
University’s have become breeding grounds for hate! No University should be getting government money. Thank you President Trump!
Why does any college or university that has a policy of putting priority of legacy family members ever get public funding? That in itself is discrimination.
The kings university dont need it!! Lock clinton up and u can have the money back.
They need to be throw out and get a job. Pay some tax. Grow the fk up.
Student Visas? Revoke, deport, and blacklist. This is not harsh. I retired overseas, and the country i retired to would never put up with this.
Great Trump. Why should USAs taxpayers pay for people who hate them, Israel and white people? These proHamas are our time HitlerJugend and Gestapo.
Take it all away
They're a disgrace
What they're doing is disgusting and it promotes terrorism
Common sense people
They shouIdn't get a DlME! Not them nor Harvard nor YaIe for this HATE speech by Hamas supporters!
Why is Colombia, a private institution with a $14 Billion endowment, being give taxpayer money in the first place?