The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing Wednesday on the “exploitation” of unaccompanied children at the U.S.-Mexico …
"Legal pathways" she's talking about NGO's that are paid by Taxpayers, who process Illegal Aliens & trafficking them.
All Joe Biden Kamala and this administration’s fault
Dang love ms spartz
Thank You for demanding this TRAJEDY be heard!
Hey lady Trump hasn't been in office in years! Please! Catch up. This is a direct result of the CURRENTS administrations open border policies.
The reason Trump separated those children – was because it was found – that the adults they were with, were proved to be non related! In turn preventing possible child trafficking. You want to discuss the facts there they are.
So please, stop spreading mis information!
#findthe85k missing migrant children!
Bro those kids are gone
Yum yum!😂😂😂😂😂😂
Americans just dont care.. Our moral ethical compass has not been calibratated for while. We are becoming a third world country. We just bicker with each other so nothing gets done …………. ……….
I can’t believe slavery is happening today in America.
Its seems like no one sees the videos of the issues that both parties would agree on… cmon people. Look what world we made.
He should look at restaurants, E-system just needs a valid SSN, you can buy one for 1-500$ in Mexico to include drivers license. Mr. Nadler is like watching an old toad moan about the same thing every time he talks.
The US government is lost. Every issue, Every conversation, Every initiative…is all subjective to a party, partisan, one group they believe in right or wrong, no independent thinkers or righters of wrong, no whistle blowers amongst them. We term limits on ALL of them just like the President
Nadler: blame Republicans
Stop the political rhetoric and provide solutions. The manufacturers and other profiteers should also be held accountable.
No immigrants legal or illegal to damn many
Fing horrifying and I figured cps was trafficking them when trump was in office but this is even worse. If we have that bad of people here that are the sponsors,keep the kids and send those sickos back or frankly put them on death row for harming kids
This is our Government!!! I can’t understand how this is happening in 2023? Does anyone GAF about the horrible conditions these kids are enduring?? They lie they lost thousands of children!!! Who will take responsibility of this????
Political gaslighting at its best. Distorts truth and reality and creates distrust among the public. Republicans target the people and journalists with misinformation and try to silence journalists by insulting them by calling theres fake news.
tell them to cap anyone thst abuses them wile the
y sleep done deal
You know what happened this administration has completely ignored ALL the LAWS on the books made by Congress. That’s absolutely against the law
I will then shine the light on this crisis on the roots of this evil issue and omot
The Judiciary Committee will just Talk, Talk, and Talk. America has been bringing laborers for over two hundred years. All those who came were employed. People will continue to come as long as they can find jobs. If America stops employing non-citizens they will stop coming. How how many have come in the last twenty years? How are they supporting themselves and their families? The border patrols have been there..and the wall etc. Lol. The Government is not functional. Lol. Got to Love America❤❤❤❤❤❤
I will fill up a bowl with the smoke and fire from the lake of fire another bowl with the fear of ten million kidnapped children I will pour this bowl wherever the children are located their captors endeavors will begin to burn and become stricken with the very fear and terror they caused the children
This crisis has created nothing but chaos and is designed to drain the nation the reality is there's not enough to help people sometimes they have issues within their own nation that's needs addressing all these missing children who at the end of the day were put in harms way because of enabling parents who gambled with their kids and very sick old devil who is providing a supply of sex slaves very evil and unacceptable
Mr. Roy asked Mr. Cary 4 times if he was proud of America and Biden administration, who rewrote the Policy in 2021 when Biden's new administration took over and it has allowed migrant children coming to our border who are fleeing persecution and abused in sex trafficking and child labor in the United States. Mr. Cary could not say he was not proud as the other 3 responded. Mr. Cary needs to step drown from his position. This has been going on for years but not this bad When 65K migrant children go missing? DHS administers to account for the migrant children. There are foster parents who get paid for these children monthly. When DHS come's out to check on the children the (foster parents pass the children from one to another foster parent that one migrant child gets passed and the government will pay serverl thousands of dollars for that one child each month) to get government funding every month but in 2021 Biden administration changed the policies checking on these children. This is the important part of Department of Health Services to keep a tight control on $funding going out each month from tax payers pockets to fund the passed from foster home to foster home to be accounted for each month so the foster home retains funding they get from the state saying they provide these services for the children. The $funding will only grow faster. Who really is trafficking these children? Government? You go Mr. Roy your doing what has been needed to get done. Thank you for giving this a voice. It needs to be heard.
Swalwells interigation of Ms. Rodriquez sounded like Swalwell was trying to intimidate Ms Rodriquez same way Cockfighters and cartels intimidate others to elude the topic which was about abused migrant children on the border. instead Swalwell askes question about January 6th provoking intimidation to Ms Rodriquez against the abuse of the migrant children at the border. Mr. Hehls next in line for questioning he mentioned Swalwells checkard past that got a rise our of Swalwell stop his intimidating of Ms. Rodriquez. Swalwell has shown his little boy.
This hearing needs to be heard. I hope all on Judiciary Committee will take caution here and stop what has been going on this month.
And as usual nothing will happen to anyone Dems don't care and their media won't cover it.
Mr. Roy asked Mr. Cary 4 times if he was proud of America and how these administrations that rewrote the former policies when Biden administration took over in 2021 that have allowed migrant children coming to our border fleeing persecution to be abused in sex trafficking and child labor in the United States. Mr. Cary could not say he was not proud. Mr. Cary needs to be stepped of his position. This has been going on for years. Sounds like the laws were changed in when Biden came into office and changed policy on how the DHS administers to account for the migrant children that is unacceptable. Some of the foster parents get paid for these children they when DHS come out to check on the children the parents pass the children from one to another to get funding every month from the government and in 2021 Biden administration changed the policies checking on these children. This is the important part of Department of Health Services to keep a tight control on funding for these services this is no longer happening. The $funding will only grow fast. And why are the children here fleeing death and persecution per Mr. Cary?
They are here for sex trafficking, child labor or welfare or all 3? I would say the later all 3. What a wonderful world we live, with people like Mr. Cary to look out for the children. Time he steps down from his postion. He has no compassion or able to give proper accountability.
Notice neither ABC, CNN, and MSNBC, etc. is reporting on the whistleblower Mrs. Rodas. That the U.S is involved with border human trafficking
you ceated this mess
This is not getting enough media coverage! Serious issue that keeps growing 😂
How do the democrats sleep at night?
Why didn't they do something when they were in control of house, senate and white house.
MAGA 2024 🇺🇸 🕊
Ten years ago the republican party’s self proclaimed ‘tea party movement’ in the house ‘shot down’ the ‘border security, economic opportunity and immigration reform act of 2013’ which was drafted and passed in the U.S senate. Not perfect but it was a rational important piece of legislation that this country and people needed – and still do. That bi-partisan 2013 senate bill was nothing insane, crazy or violent like maga’s ideas, proposals and conspiracy theories. This bill was rational and greatly needed both here in the U.S and from a humanitarian perspective. 2013 truly marked the point when it was obvious that the gop had been completely taken over by wacko extremists who were ‘pumped’ and gaslit by narcissistic, sociopathic, power pacs and the conspiracy enabling propaganda media they perpetually pushed. It is highly likely that the situation on the border would be in a better state today -for all, had that bill been passed. The gop continues to blame everyone but themselves for border issues and the gop representatives who backed this decent -real immigration reform bill have run for cover ever since.
Currently, communism and china is absorbing Latin America which is approximately half of the western hemisphere. This region is also neighbors to the U.S. Authoritarian brutal dictators like putin’s russia whom many in the maga and far right movement have repeatedly praised and defended is not a friend of Democracy, the U.S nor freedom. Fascism is also on the rise globally. During WWII alone approximately 419,000 U.S men and women gave everything fighting fascism and authoritarian brutal dictators. Almost 100,000 U.S men and women gave their lives fighting communism and aligned authoritarian movements during Vietnam and Korea combined. Communist china has also absorbed and invested in much of the United States’ agriculture and pharmaceutical production supply. China owned real estate and companies in the U.S has also increased drastically over the last several decades. Around 2021 the U.S owed china approximately 1+ trillion dollars in debt. Authoritarianism and adversaries of the U.S and Allies are on the move. These adversaries of the United States and true Democracy, both foreign and domestic are loving every slow motion second of our own self imposed division and implosion. Orwell is here.
Democrats are sick!!!!!!!
Dear platchin we tax pyer is working very hard we saird of all dos people come in the us we are the sitse people we won't to back to ower corntey ;users we skurd of all dos people come in the us dotis very bad sutchein
Didn't Project Veritas expose that these HHS workers are trafficking these children?
The Russian lady is a spy
There is a crisis at the border with child trafficking. 😮 The highest its ever been. 🎉
Biden is the greatest Potus, no border crisis at all.