During a U.S. House committee hearing on UFOs or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, a former U.S. military officer testified …
Soft disclosure so when the liars do revealed you already know it but it's what they tell you it is. Why would we trust the liars? We trust the people. The world isn't all bad ones like our governments make us by default.❤
At what point will all of us realize that the actual truth overrides the mandates of the national security laws that hide those truths? What is the point of national security laws when they truly threaten the real things needing to be defended – our liberties?
We will never know what Grusch was about to say at the beginning of this clip because Rep. Burlison cut him off!
By you humans?
USA created non human with genetics 🧬 and calling them aliens 👾
The problem with the US Govt ever providing disclosure is that the partial disclosure provided will only lead to investigations towards full disclosure. Full disclosure will reveal the US Govt is party to agreements with NHI’s that has lead to thousands of abductions /injuries and misuse of Fed funds. It will also lead to revealing anti-grav tech that will cause havoc with the world’s oil based economy.
I know citizens in my town will go nuts and off rails if he said yes. . this world isn't ready…listen. he can't even ask the questions without shaking…and quivering…
Cannot discuss in open envrionment then why ia this meeting for?
The UFO Mimicking People probable cause as much mischief, and harm as the “actual phenomenon “
What an embarrassment for congress.
WOW sounds demonic.
Demons will hurt you. There are no aliens. They need something to cover up the rapture.
Why do all these government whistleblower look like aliens themselves? I mean look at this guy’s eyeballs they’re about to pop out of his head.
Bro asking the questions is one of them😂
We've been trained to call them "Extraterrestrials" "They" are TERRESTRIAL – From Earth. They've been here as long as we have. Also why Govt. can deny existence of "extraterrestrials"!.
Let's create a defensive strategy here before we get attacked and wish we had it and didn't have it❤❤❤❤
I remember something we crash our ufo cause we were bored. I’m starting to remember how to build a UFO.
Dr Greer and other have been trying for decades to let the cat out of the bag on these issues
They look like them aliens from the Twilight show or kan and kodos from the Simpsons. ( i think i got the names right)
Most of theories abiee a very renacted. Subtlety
Under what circumstances do you suppose he meant, “witnessed by myself and my wife”?
Cia gateway process stargate top secret archive said intelligent non corporal entities can come to time and space solutions imagine a unbreakable energy balloon from head soround u
Why does Burlison look like a reptilian
They've been having hearing, after hearing after hearing, and were still no closer to the truth. Based on my personal encounter, aliens are demons who live amongst us.
I’m gonna talk about. I’m also not going to talk about it
Dont believe anything he says. The military indusrial complex wants us to fear them.
Even the guy he's questioning doesn't look right
Aliens here makes me wonder where Jesus and the father and the holy spirit fit in all this.
This guy needs to blow harder on that whistle. The whole point is to stop saying"I can't talk about that"