NBC News National Political Correspondent Steve Kornacki highlights how Americans are reacting to President Trump after his …
NBC is Fake news sponsored by the Democrat party. Why not make up more lies you democratic shills. More TDS ranting.
Majority are not always right
Don't believe a word the liars at NBC say.
Steve. Your black khakis are not a good sign.. no…
There's 50%???
What's wrong with america???
Tank it already, trump!!!
Why is there still 47% approval???
Americans have been warned before the election but they didn't listen.
He , Reminds ,me of the polling and commentaries on legacy Media [CNN, MSNBC,NBC} during the Nov. 6 election coverage,,,This too is the same Kornacki…,, Hehehhehehe,, Shall we believe them again ?
Worst president in modern times!
Hello America not a surprise. You voted you got it . Embarrassment
it doesn't matter.. he said it was the last time people voted.. I dont know what he will do exactly ..
So tell me who is telling the truth. Republicans say no cut to Medicare or Medicaid a d the Democrats saying his there will be cuts
Yeah, I don't think polling the DNC counts!
Approval below 20% now. The worst ever.
He doesn’t care what we think 😂😂😂 how can approval #’s cause him to change?
I can't believe this junk. I am done looking at this crap. Polls on what a criminal just did. As if we haven;'t seen this from tRUMP over and over again. And president cheettoe just keeps getting away with it. Thanks but I think I will watch Judge Judi.
The Economist must be heavily invested in Tesla.
Glad to see the most reliable … Gallup ! Steve … move the board up so you are not bent over all the time …. awkward !!!!
And people think Kamala would have been better trumps already done more in one month than what Biden and Kamala have done in 4 years. He’s already been in front of the media informing our nation of what has happened more than Biden ever was. Everything he is doing is good for this country not everything he does I agree with but it would be much worse with Kamala
Trump ❤❤❤❤❤
Approved rate. 99 %
You are wrong !
Who the heck is actually taking these polls….most people don't answer their phones. How does one get in on a poll?
Its still have the country 🙄
Europe is boycotting Tesla bigtime. I live in Holland and have decided not to buy American product for the coming months. Big Orange wants war, well he will get it NOW.
Who is polled
Clearly it's actually 39% for all three as he hired the others.
Trump said his voters are STUPID! Well, maybe they are starting to be WOKE instead of being asleep sheep!
IF this administration intends to keep having meaningful elections, this is bad news for Trump. I wish that made me feel a little encouraged.
Its not going to get better when he guts medicare to pay for all those tax cuts for billionaries.
There are 260 million Americans of voting age and older. MTP gets 2 million viewers. Safe to say that polls like this get shouted out into the void.
He won't make it thru 2025…..
it's only going to get worse
Let's give Kornacki a big board with a list of all Democrat sanctioned government scams on it and have him do back flips and jumping jacks in front of it.
All he wanted to do is help Putin conquer America, and to keep himself out of life in prison for his numerous treason crimes against the U.S.A.
It’s so funny how I can go on four other different news agency channels that aren’t funded by Democrats and see some of the best approval numbers I’ve ever seen especially on all of the things he’s doing right now😂 if you think the polls aren’t skewed here or on those other republican networks, I think you should give up on watching the news. I personally think it’s about 50-50 or maybe slightly higher according to independent polls…I’m an independent and even I know none of the things he’s doing are breaking news. If anyone on the left bothered to even look into what he was saying on the campaign trail all of this has been foretold yet people are still surprised lol if these polls he’s showing were the actual numbers, Trump was getting he wouldn’t have won the election because like I said, he was campaigning on these exact actions 😂
i find it incredible that there isn't any question or results about international relations, Ukraine, etc. As if Americans were living in an isolated world, totally disconnected or oblivious to the fact that they aren't alome on the globe