The head of the Commons’ business and trade select committee has told Sky News the UK should not “shoot from the hip” in its …
I thought British steel was bought out and owned bu the Chinese?
Bend the Knee is what he is saying
Your speaker Liam Byrne speaks like a true business man MP, a bit wet and weak carefully now🤮
If Trump wants a trade war, give him one, capitculate isn't answer to Trump.
Maybe a US Trump Boycott
I thought more would stick up for themselves like Canada. UK went off like a "damp squid"
Does the United Kingdom even have a trade surplus with the US.
it shows enormous cowardice from the Uk. They have not uttered a single word against trump or his hostile attitude towards Canada despite apparently having a commonwealth which appears to be worthless, and now this tariff on British products. And they respond with nothing.
Stop lying. We are not hurting.
Lets do business wth Canada and vice versa!
The plan is to bring in more immigrants
350 million… Or Two months worth of boat drivers…
Data tax time
It is vital that these tariffs bite theUK so that the regime no longer has the finances to fund the replacement of the British people with mass, hostile, 3rd world immigration.
A trade deal with America is the last thing the UK needs, we're far better off with the EU.
Uk cant fix potholes in itsroads let alone world issues, Labour are pathetic
The only plan Starmer has is his WEF plan.
If it wasn't serious, I would be laughing. We all know the reason why the UK won't react to Trump's tariff. The UK is in no position to retaliate since it left the EU. It is powerless and desperate for the elusive US trade deal that Trump promised since 2017.
The United States is not the centre of the known universe. Stop acting as if the only way the planet takes a breath is when Trump passes gas! Trump made me realise just how weak, irrelevant, isolated and insignificant the UK is. The UK is so weak the commonwealth would not miss it if we removed it. Trump talking about taking over Canada and making it a state and calling the Canadian PM a governor under his rule, is an insult to the UK and the British Monarchy. The UK is trying hard not to look Trump in the eye, fearing he might start giving them negative attention. No other country grovels like the old “Mother Country” 😂 it is a pleasure to watch at times and an embarrassment at other times. Only the UK goes on and on about this delusional special relationship because the USA does not care or see it that way. To the USA the UK is just another minion to crush!
Is it a knighthood for Trump?
The uk is at it its weakest and playing carefully and internally is falling apart
Start selling `US debt.
List the tariffs on the UK by others…. No??? 😅
Stoma has destroyed any link we had with America. He's cuddled up to the EU more and more over the past
few weeks. He's continuously lying to Trump's face about free speech and denied that Two-Tier policing exists.
Let’s not stoop to Trumps level… he’s a con man.
Special relationship ?
Obama found the concept to be amusing .
America views Britain as a useful tool .
All crocodile tears. The reality is the British government under the Conservatives, started adding an additional 25% 'retrospective duty' on steel & aluminium into the UK during 2022. This unfair burden has hit many importers over the past 3 years. Imagine arriving at work and finding an unexpected HMRC demand for goods imported, customs cleared and paid for 3 years ago, but now with a retrospective demand for 25% of the import value.
Suddenly everyone is worried about America. 😂 Britain are the best at steel 😂
We have weak little men as leaders let's be honest
We don't want a free trade deal with Trump's America. We must side with Europe and get back in the Single Market ASAP. The UK is now really alone, and weak, and Europe is a bit weaker without us as well, just like Trump, Farage, Musk, and Putin wanted. Brexit's going great, isn't it Farage?!🙈
This is just like cyberpunk 2077 programs
Systems intelligence teams as soon as I check and make sure everything is co-op aesthetic bang boom a glitch no several glitches in the systems of systems when sentience’s construct beings better known as malware and firmware systems don’t like what they see and corrupt different human beings files thru out the systems we all use intel chips and intel processing units no matter the companies names if I want to play a game listen to music and enjoy a news show and look at a movie I shouldn’t have to deal with jealousy thru my game console system while the news media program hacking my game console the intel thru Sony says it shouldn’t happen but it does because the news media is tired of talking about the same thing every day and especially have to be a woman when they are men this is a loop of the news media that hates always talking about politics when it is the same people no matter what country they trying to talk about there is a plethora of problems in United States of America 🇺🇸 they don’t want to talk about other countries when United States of America 🇺🇸 has massive amounts of killings than any countries in this massive chipped world 🗺 each countries have their own problems and their own news and fake Americans news media is a virus /plague 🦠 that needs to be eradicated immediately way to much copy and paste. And hacking double layers screens that is the most troublesome of the problems and makes it difficult for all different types of law enforcement’s remember ever body the same technology that I have is the same technology the law enforcement has no matter how new it is and no matter how old it is it is all connected 💭 🤔 🧐 fake news will be real news real news was fake news so all news is real it just hasn’t or has happened to be continued ☣️☢️⚛️☯️🌐💠