Full video here: https://youtu.be/JSdy4bdpe-E?si=_exZps70TiWxiHWY This is an amazing story. I collected the amazing footage …
Full video here: https://youtu.be/JSdy4bdpe-E?si=_exZps70TiWxiHWY
Probably green tea was not a viable option, so they made ciggerates
We had a small box of cigarettes
In our C ration box in VN
Can Americans stop making a mess of peoples history you have your own. Thanks
"protecting democracy for the world" aahahahah sure thing buddy 😂
Planet slaughter
It has always been about money. Advertising. Even at war they're doing this to us.
We definatley lost that war
Thats where the meth came into the body
Edward Bernays I presume. A devil.
Imagine almost dying for your country and at the end of the day you get to light up a cigarette and just relax
I didn't smoke my first cigarette until I was 18.
Worst decision of my life.
It's a disgusting habit that I'll never quit.
Thanks tobacco industry.
I don't think I have cancer yet.
Course I haven't been to a doctor since I was 14.
I do smoke outside though.😊
What I don't understand is that in America you're not allowed to have a beer until you're 21 . But you can go to war and get killed at 18. 🇦🇺🦘
This video makes me wanna start smoking
Wow, I look at smoking different
And you have to remember, Cigarettes were different back then! Just plain Tobacco, no modifications! In the '60s when I was little, some cigarettes smelled good! The Companies started messing them up in the 50s.
BACK in my childhood/teen years I was privileged to know two Great War vets -one was a friend and classmate’s DAD(dig it; had a framed circular photo of him in full “ Doughboy” uniform in the kitchen, never forget..) and another friend’s Grampa. I knew more too, but the two who I was more familiar with chain-smoked CONSTANTLY. The air in their homes was BLUE and the hacking was next level. That’s how it was…
It is crazy how the process of smoking tobacco came from America, but smoking culture came from France
How are you gonna send young adults to their death but cant enjoy a beer wild
Cigarettes are not good so much health complication. Not saying you can't smoke
Protecting democracy for the world 😂😂😂😂 protecting americas foreign interests is what your trying to say.
At least those cigarettes were a little more healthy for you. Considering tobacco companies nowadays, put hundreds of chemicals into their products.
Speed!!! Cigarettes came after…!
you typically don't smoke cigs when life is going good 😂
Grown adults are free to enjoy whatever vice they want. The last thing we need is more laws made to keep another person healthy.
It's something to do when you're sitting around "waiting" for something to happen. For all of the promotion we push of our Servicemembers grinding it out everyday…most days they're just sitting in the smoke pit because there's literally nothing to do.
There was a 3 strike rule in the trenches, you have to light your cigarette in 2 strikes of a match because the 3rd strike was a death sentence to you by any sharpshooters posted
To be fair they're shown to let people handle stress better and impoves focus. It's just also hella addictive
I got shanked 7 times my first time getting shanked.. as I was bleeding out someone lit a cigarette and gave it to me and without hesitation I started hitting it, my heart rate dropped significantly and save me from bleeding out. My friend was shot and lit a smoke, his heart rate dropped. I think cigarettes were the only thing keeping them soldiers going, literally!!!!!!
Cigarettes killed so many American soldiers in Vietnam. Charlie easily tracked them by the cigarettes
Damn I wish they came back smoking joints maybe cannabis history could of been alot different.
Sounds pretty reasonable to me lmao
Tobacco and alcohol = the two deadliest drugs in the world. billions in profits raked in
God bless the founders of cigarettes
None of the governments business
Ah yes, good old “protecting democracy” that always seems to work out so well doesn’t it? Lmao..