Inside Britain’s unregulated children’s homes – BBC Newsnight


Newsnight’s series investigating unregulated children’s homes returns to Luton as one care leaver tells us about the violence and …


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@DanaWhite-g3o March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am


@kayaholte March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal 2025

@RylkoB-e9z March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

“Supporting “ independent leaving is for over 16, not under. Still wrong, all those places should be registered, regulated

@RylkoB-e9z March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

LA authorities creation, unregulated, unregulated private “businesses “. Tax payers money laundering.

@b_to_the_b March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

That Obese woman is just awful… she should be in Jail.

@kerrie173 March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

Omg crag Cameron was my pa at kitkat leaving care service in kitkat terrace in Bow 😢😢😢😢

@natashalucas9628 March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

I should of come on this I ended up on drugs for 25yrs and I have been clean 6yrs now I was sexuall physical abuse

@Vivien-d4u March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

Lots of changes for worse. Authorities aware, complicit in abuse of children. Care business on tax payers expenses.

@user-kk2pc7ik7t March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

This hits so close to home. I was harassed/ bullied when living in such a place in Norway. The amount of effects it has on you at such a young age is horrible. Thank you for addressing this.

@fgvevdbcbvng March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

War zone

@razabadass March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am


@strengthbydesign March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

More money is not needed, there is plenty, use of the money correctly for the children’s good is all that’s needed. The money the local authorities steal from the tax payer and children could have been a deposit for a flat for each and every one of these children, in fact they could have bought them a house outright couldn’t they at £20k per month! Oh my god. Both my sons were dragged into care by violent foul mouthed bailiffs 3 years ago, so that’s 6 years worth of 10 – 20k per month wasted which would add up to between £720 thousand to £1,440 million! Wasted by local authorities on just two boys when they could have supported them in our case at home but never even tried. I’m calling this a bigger scandal than the post office scandal wake up.

@strengthbydesign March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

Both my sons went though the care system, my youngest was given a shit stained mattress to sleep on in his last home, the room was filthy and freezing, they mixed young girls and boys together and never supervised them. Inevitable consequences. The so called care home workers didn’t care at all and just left the children to their own devices. Didn’t feed them properly and used the facilities that were for the children as their own, stopping them from socialising and watching the TV together in their own lounge. In my son’s second from last care home all the people that worked their (5) all had pimped up BMWs and the house was amazing, the money they got must have been staggering. This is a clinical business, using the poor innocent children as a commodity. Justifying the social workers jobs, the judges and care homes, tax payers money wasted, a bigger scandal than the post office scandal clearly. Tax payers robbed and children abused. I have proof by the way, I have photos of the shit stained mattress, and a video and pictures of his filthy freezing room, the local authority (Bexley) were not in the slightest bit interested and to this day not one have even done us the courtesy of giving us a reply. I sent them the pictures, the videos, nothing. There is clearly zero accountability and that’s not good enough for children.

@carlsutherland3020 March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

Lot said about these but no one talks about Residential care homes

@jenniferchase4236 March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

All I heard was a bunch of people talking about what needs to be done. But no one ever follows up with how to make changes. Not where the funding will come from .

@LuciaP-xl2ju March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

And police support those places.

@dannygreen531 March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

Bbc news night who kept Jimmy Savile save .who was known to be visiting the kids home in North Wales Estyn bbc you are vile and disgusting.

@MsIrishprincess1 March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

How about people ask why so many children need foster homes? Why are social services taking children from good homes? If you believe that social services only take children from abusive dangerous homes, you would be wrong. Money and power rule the system, so until Social services are looked into, things will not change!

@Danniel162 March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

Paying £20K a month for a child? Where this money is going to? Who’s getting them and what for?
This is something makes me feel that lots of… are corrupted in this field. Please let me know more about this issue as I’m really concerned about 4 children being in foster care where they been beaten, sexual abused and neglected as they left alone in the house while drinking in the pubs at night time. Leaving a 4 years old child with special needs alone in the park where there was so dangerous for the child which already felt down and had lots of bruises and scratches and she hit her head of stones. All of those been covered up and no one has done anything. Can anyone help in this situation?
Please contact me and let’s help lots of children who’s in this situation.

@chefblanc March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

Ive witnessed the corporate evolvement of 'care' over the last 20 odd yrs. When I first entered it organisations that were involved were mostly non profit , ethical projects set up by groups of individuals who were not there for the profit. fast forward 20 yrs and its all very corporate, profit making and lacks ethics and humanity. Private company's become involved to make profits. Add in over regulation by cqc who well meaningly try to implement the last social philosophises, guidelines which are pointless. Staff get alienated ,burnt out and move on. Get rid of the companys and take back to non profit models, pay staff decent wages for giving up their lives, re purpose cqc [they are to blame also] and you may get back to a better rmodel.

@NoorlgUddin March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

She probably got tricked by those guys too ???

@NoorlgUddin March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

Need 10 yes of prison time for knife crimes or drug dealings. Otherwise those assist living is nothing but. Dopehouse/ brothels under the radar

@GiacomoSorbi March 19, 2025 - 1:13 am

6:00 – I lived for 2 years, until few months ago, next to other people "managed" by Harvest Care Group (HCG).

And I say "managed" in double quotes since they were actually left completely unsupervised, binging on junk food, booze and drugs – making up some extra money dealing drugs and stealing bikes while very sloppily pretending to apply for jobs.

I had to live with basically untouchable former convicts wasting a lot of the money I am heavily taxed out of my pockets with drugs I had to smell and breath all the time; I was more than once threatened with lethal violence by at least 3 different "good kids" and received nothing but blame on me (how? Why? Not sure) from social workers handsomely profiting from this situation of deranged and spiralling degrade.

Add countless hours of lost sleep, all the health damage from passive smoke and very loud yelling/fighting deep in the night, the personal risk of having unhinged thugs around me in an area they could never afford and the sadness of knowing their support cost ~£2-5k/month. Each.

The met police was mostly a disappointment, IMHO in no small part due to the ethnicity of the most violent one: they only showed some annoyed interest when I told them that "people like him" would just keep escalating, completely unrestrained. I was severely, sternly asked what I meant by "people like him" and when I replied "uh, people doing nothing with their days and in a gang?", they went back in lethargic disinterest about the whole matter, having confirmed I did not have some racial bias 🙄.

He was finally arrested once he was so smart to throw a knife a a policeman that wanted to talk with him: that tells you a lot about his impulse control.

HCG, including Cameron himself the few times he bothered to make himself available to either me or the landlords, were completely irresponsible, incompetent and ultimately callus in not dealing with it at all: I was shut down and constantly told "they were good kids" (I knew for a fact all had previous criminal offences, not to mention their threats) and I was the problem, since nobody else complained (false: I was contacted about the drugs and loud noises even from people leaving in more distant flats).

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