More than 18000 child migrants have gone missing since arriving in Europe between 2018 and 2020, according to data collected …
The next victims are the Palestinian children ,There are allready 7000 children unaccounted for !😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Pedophilia is happy when wars brake out ,and children are orphened…they end up sold or used as Jeffrey Epstine used them …😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Wtf is this lady talking about? The loose migration politics of the EU are literly the cause of this. Stricter policies would safe these children
0 control at boarders, letting everybody in without checking their background… it’s like a present for human traffickers
The children are being separated from parents and made to be vulnerable situation. Same for Latinos crossing USA border.
When something like that is not taken seriously is because the responsible are being protected or ignored on purpose.
It could be the police agree with the actions of kidnappers, or they know who is behind and those behind somehow hold higher power. And they just don't want to get involved.
Oh, it could be some government experiment to modify Muslim culture which is not exactly welcome.
Can you talk about refugees and immigrants kids who had been taken from their parents after just 2months from comming to Sweden. There are also a babies who had been taken from their mothers without any reasonable excuse just because they are from different culture. Help refugees children from Sweden Social services.
Signs of Qiyamah.. Children will dissappear for no reason…
Duahs go out to these innocent children. May Allah bring ease to the family whose children has gone missing. Yaa Rabb keep them safe. Ameen 🤲🏼
Europe got a huge problem with child trafficking, the number of children missing is alarming, very powerful people are involved
Okay you have to look at this objectively and logically. It's really simple if you think about it. The united nations and other organizations that are in charge of getting the migrants to the destination are sending the kids to the wrong country. All countries have a serious problem of locating the kid's parents. They always separate the kids from the parents. WHY. ? These people work for George Soros.
I bet most people could hazard a guess ?
The most shocking is these are countries have a deep pedophelia network. Specially Belgium and Netherlands.
You should wonder why those kids were on their own without a guardian in the EU in the first place. Maybe officially the authorities of the country in which their asylum procedure has started is responsible for knowing about their whereabouts but don't ask me to be bothered if their parents clearly can't be either. Frankly I keep my nose as far as I can from things which I don't consider to be my business and this simply isn't any.
Thank you for making this video! No one is talking about this sick reality at all… I remember the kids going missing after Calais camp was forced to break up and we all know what France is like…
First of all if you cannot ensure a safe future don't get a child. Apart from lossing parents to accidents or events, Irresponsible parenting and unnecessary child births are the major sources of such problems. Be a responsible adult, think twice to cross any borders with children. Don't make children victim for your irresponsibility, criminals are always there everywhere and waiting.
20 bucks a piece in Italy
trt doing great job always and ever by showing unknown lost truth
All the arab countries are responsible for such missing of Syrian children who never showed any sympathy.these children may be victimised by misthinkers in west.
Maybe Church have them or probably already given to local parents who don’t have kids. As long they safe.
Im sure turkey knows exactly how many refugee children they have
TRT never ever talks about turkey because there is nothing good to talk
Arabs have no problem in leaving their children to a random fate…