A militant group called M23 has taken control of one of the largest cities in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The group has …
Those people are dying for someone to get the metals to use to create man made products always comes to money and greed I am so sad at the fact human life is disregarded in some many ways in this world & nation… may God have Mercy upon us and I sincerely pray for those people and the ones who have died years of suffering amongst eachother is heartbreaking 💔
Ok can someone please tell me what is that missile in AK barrel holding by M23 REBEL in thumbnail.🙏
They are okay bse theyust stand as men:
Devil headed morons
This is like saying Somalia and Ethiopia were fighting over camel herds in ogaden in the 1970s. And Germany was fighting Russia for natural gas in the 1940s.
Wow, interesting report, thank you!
M23? They plan on building a motorway someday?
Funny how the news refers to rebels as being Rhonda backed but doesn't mention Romanian mercenaries that are former French foreign legion veterans .
So Hotel Rwanda was true
Why are people so entitled? You are literally foreigners in that country but you want to take over? That Rwandan president is strange…anyway at this point Africans are lost
Africa seem to have to many government officials
Trump make africa great again
Then u got a president like Ramaphosa who sends untrained soldiers to fight but can’t even fight crime in his own country
No military solution how about in ukrain hey
Active again after a decade. They have definitely been weaponised by someone.
Congo government is evil
What do Rwandees want in congo. They have a short memory of 1994..
Wow so I really wonder why the people are supporting M23 after checking the history I nearly thought they were the good guys
You are lying ! You don’t know about it
Some of de congos are owning lands in SA, so wat would happen about it?
Congos, Nigerians n Malawian must go back k to de their land
M 23 very strong 💪💪💪💪💯💯💯
So are you also calling these rebels "freedom fighters"? Will woke college students be holding university encampments supporting these rebels and protesting in the streets?