David Hoffman reacts to your reaction to this video: https://youtu.be/d5ffg_yQvyI I grew up in the 1940s and 1950s. I became a …
they tried to do us like that in the 90s too
yea and then you get people that are emotionally challenged. my dad is unable to show good emotion while my mom who grew up with hippie parents is actually very emotional and welcoming while my dad can't even have friends.
I swore that I would never punish my children when angry. Everyone calmed down first, talked about what happened and why and what the punishment would be
And all those emotions now? Men dressed as women,kids thinking they are cats… the old way seems better
Still shouldn't be able to talk back in any way!!
So they were treated like the darks
But then you see today's generation 😂😂 bring those days back
and thats why my boomer grandma raised my gen x dad like that, who then raised me like that and now im all fucked up lmaoo. im not having children, so at least it ends here lol
Metal dashboards
Sounds like Catholicism
People thought kids were better off submitting to authority. This would give them security, self-control, and foster respect. I think it makes people feel like love can only be in a place of fear of someone more powerful. Unfortunately, a person can never be a real adult in this scenario, unless they rebel against their upbringing or grow into the role of ruler of the house. Even then, they will be susceptible to a ruler. This is not a thing of the past and why the slight majority of American voters essentially chose a leader who is a dangerous bully. While half of Americans rightfully fear for what's coming, a great many people are applauding the tyrant. The Left will point out the crazy and the dangerous and the cruel on the right and wonder why that doesn't work. If you are trained to submit to authority, you will feel secure with an authoritarian and the issues and behavior will be relatively unimportant. In fact, you probably have been tested by your domestic dictator to accept illogical reasoning early on.
Hummm but kids today and people today behave better in schools and on the roads and in public?
But, everyone, we knew who was in charge, we learned well, we behaved like ladies & gentlemen,stayed out of prison, weren't confused about our gender,had good manners, WANTED TO WORK & DID!!! Being disciplined is not bad. Our generations & before we're creative & invented things. Stop w discipline is bad. I have experienced undisciplined kids & gkids. It's not fun! Adults need to b the adults.
HAHAHAHAHA Robots!!! But you grew up for the most part and created a fairly successful existence!!!!!
Damn, the made up bullshit stories and crying in this commemt section is too much.
And now kids are raised to have no respect, think of themselves as gods, what to think not how to think, and are simply ginormous fem boys for the most part.. maybe theres a happy medium idk..
Before all you crybabies start cryin about "boomers", do a little research and see all the inventions, modern day conveniences,our freedoms allowed by fought wars, that are ALL because of the blood, sweat and tears off the broken backs of "boomers". THEN look at the soft generations of today……looks like some generations raised their children right and some were raised by daycare and ipads. Guess who raised who.
Bull crap! If you indeed had decent parents, there would be no need to question anything. Either you obeyed or got spanked. We were raised with morals. There were probably a small minority that had abusive parents (sexually and physically) so I can’t talk for them. All in all the Baby Boomers were not treated like robots.
As for the clip shown. That wasn’t anger expressed by the mother and the brother…. Indifference from the nonsense, but not at all anger.
Hmm wonder why the 70s and 80s had so many serial killers.
I kinda wish my generation was raised like this.
My parents who were boomers told me a gen x kid, that around company kids should be scene and not heard i dont know if that means anything but when i see kids today i wonder how spoiled they are compared to how i was