If global temperatures rise three degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the results would be catastrophic. It’s an entirely …
Reality is so hard to witness when the understanding is that we caused these events.
Not for serious people.
Come on that man’s beard… is awful
Catastrophic??? Says who???
I am highly disappointed that they have not highlighted the primary cause of climate change—the meat industry. Just because of the greed of a few so-called rich people, the entire world has to suffer the consequences of climate change.
Global warming Threat. Is there a solution? Yes.Through the coming of Gods Kingdom. JW
The rich are immune to everything
This is why we build more and more beach house haha
lets hope that temperatures will increase, than we can save a lot of money from heating
Real problems are elites and population
Its desribes to nice – the foodproduction going down – it will be a less sufficient society when a lot of educated people dies at the same time.
Were cooked
Most top scientists agree that the globe is 4.4 – 4.5 billion years old and that it has warmed and cooled hundreds of thousands of times. For mankind to think he has a significant impact on the globe is considered extreme arrogance. Mankind has only been here for 340K years and will be gone while the globe lives on for millions of years without us.
The world has had hotter times don't be fooled by this
Then tell global elite group not to spray chemtrails. They are causing floods using haarp
Thought experiment for modelling
Josephine Kühn
The year is 2045.
We are on the way to 4°C above pre-industrial levels in 2100.
The 17 cities of Munich, Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt/M, Hamburg, Paris, Helsinki, Reykjavik, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Madrid, Lisbon, Rome, Riga, Bucharest, Athens and Edinburgh
would like to know the most likely temperatures for each month of this year (the lowest and highest), the most likely amount of precipitation (minimum/maximum) and most likely air humidity (min/max) per month and a direct comparison with the years 1990 and 1970.
They would like to know the same for their 10 km surrounding region.
Extra feature, if feasible at all, the probability of storms per month or droughts would be of interest.
2045 is also the year of the collapse of the AMOC.
It is said that it will be about 3°C colder per decade of AMOC collapse, on the other hand it is said that the AMOC collapse will make winters in Northern Europe about 20°C colder overall, in Central Europe they will be 10°C colder and in Southern Europe about 5°C colder.
What would the most likely monthly projections for each city look like for the years 2055, 2065, 2075 and 2085?
A reduced model could, for example, consider only 7 cities, roughly spread over the different latitudes.
This is very important for us Europeans to know, to know what to prepare for.
Thank you very much.
Machine learning prediction of tipping in complex dynamical systems, Nov 2024
: collapse starting point in year 2040 – 2066, median around 2053, other model between year 2055 – 2066
Warning of a forthcoming collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, Jul 2023
"We predict with high confidence the tipping to happen as soon as mid-century (2025–2095 is a 95% confidence range).
3°C is "chaos" leading to a "total societal collapse." According to the UN and every ecologist I've ever viewed or discussed that threshold with… and we are already there in terms of the energy already input into the Earth. The issue right now is we are focused on a number that is nearly meaningless in terms of where we are currently at in terms of energy distribution. The oceans alone take decades to centuries to fully radiate such energy. Meaning we have decades to centuries of temperature anomaly increase to endure. We are experiencing a tiny amount of the energy radiation at current. Essentially, a meteor the size of that which took out the dinosaurs is hitting the earth and will take decades for us to experience the impact and centuries or millennia to experience the radiative impacts. People do NOT understand this kind of change. We're not even seeing more than the most basic of biosphere changes thus far and instead of acting to mitigate the damage we are accelerating the issue because it makes more short term money.
breed more dummies
The doomsday prophecy of the environmentalist religion. 😂
So funny, they must have modeled of the incorrect data in the 70's to show just what this video does, proven incorrect climate data, like absolute truth of over 40 years of satellite data proves all this is wrong, and is politically motivated for the UN's 2030 agenda.
Isnt it ironic that economics are making a documentary about what they are guilty of. What the f.?
Climate change isn't a distant threat,, it's already happening!!
and Climate Change isn't only about melting glaciers, increasing Sea water level.. this is so much worse than this~ Rising temperatures, intense storms, and unpredictable weather patterns are just the beginning.
We have already seen Glimpses of climate change in every corner of the world >
• Arctic Ice Sheet has lost about 75% of its thickness since the 1980s.
• Australian Bushfires 2019 Burned over 10 million hectares of land, killing hundreds of people and millions of animals.
• California Wildfires 2018 Destroyed over 1.8 million acres of land, causing billions of dollars in damage.We have already seen the California 2025 wildfire
• The Maldives island nation is at risk of disappearing due to rising sea levels.
• Typhoon Haiyan 2013 Struck the Philippines, killing over 6,000 people and displacing millions…….
• Flood in pakistan & many more…. 2023, 2024 were the hottest year recorded in the World's history and looking at the future, these will be the coldest years.
We can prevent climate change by only controlling The Population, reducing consumption especially of TOP 5% of the world's richest person and also by choosing Vegan diet & lifestyle !!! 🌱
Climate Change Isn't Fake :/
After Trump s elections we are heading 5 degrees…. We are going to wake up when one of the most western cities in the world really suffers from climate change
go to 18 secounds
what's sad is we are seeing this all over the united states…and we have presidents, and politicians that literally don't care because it's about money, it's about value and about companies. Instead of helping the cause they want to pretend it doesn't exisist. Just like when covid hit… instead of helping people during a pandemic they pretended thousands weren't dying… and can't happen to us… LOL! Americans are truly the most privileged even in the California fires you have a president who says " yeah they can rebuild were not helping them" lol can't care about other countries when we have people in power who don't even care about there own people
Global warming can also cores a cooling chrim we could be ending to snowball earth 🌎 ❄❄❄
Le Chatelier’s principle of equilibrium. Chemical systems shift their equilibrium to undo the disturbing cause . Humans are the disturbing cause . We will be removed to a lower population by the collapse of the food chain. Shades of Malthus.
04:15 This is far too optimistic, as many governments and corporations have no plan to be 'carbon neutral' by even 2050. And, many climate models don't take methane into account, which is a MUCH worse greenhouse gas than CO2, especially in the short term, as many consider its effects to be 80 times worse. As for the CO2, itself, it might stay in the atmosphere for centuries or even thousands of years and about 25% of it could stay forever (check out NASA's graphic: Major Greenhouse Gas Sources, Lifespans, and Possible Added Heat). See what's happened in just the last few decades and imagine what it'll be like even one hundred years from now and realise that that's only the start of what's coming!
Bruh why do the poorest countries get the worst of pollution done by the richest countries just sad 😞
why dont you talk about the cows and meat industries the cows are responsible for 50 present of the global warming nobody talks about it why
Himalayan nations like Nepal will face a very severe result as we are already facing a rainless winter and no snowfall during winter.
Effects are quite visible now
Global warming is bad but blaming it all on someone else is sick. China is doing all it can to change themself and stay away from fossil fuels. They are the example for all to follow, what have the west done other than just keep warning the world?
Total nonsense..
3 Degrees is coming way faster than we ever imagined. Its 2024 and we already got 1.6c
"greed has poisoned man's souls"
(Charles Chaplin)
What a load of b, tell governments to practice what they preach, and we could cool the planet with setting of volcanoes purposely, but I don’t buy it Just a money making scheme for the rich the planet heats and cools on its own got nothing to do with humans especially normal citizens cars try the rich with their planes and the wars