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That girl’s face is amazing when he says “Ashli Babbitt was killed .”……then says “no one was killed”.
That’s a girl who was there and who is listening and knows her stuff!! I love it
He said, "they had guns." He's talking about law enforcement. Dear Lord, help 🙏
What the hell does Donald Trump mean that there was no one killed on January 6th, 2021? Four (4) people were killed that day and one (1) more died the following day from injuries sustained. Plus 140 Capitol police officers were injured on that day. Women have and will continue to die as a result of the Draconian Trump abortion bans. Many American people have already died and been injured and will continue to do so as a result of Donald Trump's words and actions.
Remember, every time he speaks publicly, he isn't addressing the public at large. Every word is crafted for the benefit of his kkkult. It sounds bizarre and vile to normal people, but to the brainwashed ones, it makes perfect sense. Trump is fluent in deceit, and his kkkult understands his language.
Be safe good people. He's been priming them for another tantrum. He knows he's going to lose, again.
The other day he used the word bloodbath. All he has to do is say the word and we'll see Americans fighting Americans. That's what he wants.
The NWO has a motto; Order Out of Chaos. Dirty Donnie was sent to bring the chaos. J6 was a rehearsal. Be very careful good people. Unhinged people have been primed for violence. He has successfully weaponized ignorance.
I just now listened to something where I learned the reason he says it’s an invasion. It is about using that 1700s law to intern people- anyone he wants – no chance for a trial or habeas corpus,
The others had guns….oh, you mean the CAPITOL POLICE????
Definitely shows where his loyalties lie. Not with the men and women who protect him personally, or those that protect the capital and our democracy, but he is with the “we” that strove to tear down 250 years of American Democracy!
He is with the “we” that were hunting Mike Pence to hang him, as well as Nancy Pelosi, to inflict who knows what horrors. Therefore Trump should be tried and convicted, right alongside the “we” that he purports to be.
This is not the first & I'm sure it won't be the last!, a very recent one was when he mentioned the Polls & he said " with the right pollsters you can get any result you wan we…….. " then he caught himself & changed the context through the rest of his waffle!, DON'T BELIEVE THE POLLS FOLKS !!!! & just Vote Vote Vote !!!!!!!!
He is a domestic terrorist who is being enabled by the media.
He's a lying moron
Actually YOU DID have guns. You mention Ashli Babbit who was shot and killed as she tried to crawl through the hole they made in the door. AND she DID have her.service revolver which she had every intention of using as soon as she found a member of Congress. In fact she was interviewed in TV as she marched to the Capitol.building. She said it was the first day of The Storm which would kick off the Civil War and kIll all the lizard people (Democrats) who were eating.the children they had kidnapped inntge beluef it would keep them young. Had she SEEN the members of Congress? They're older than the hills.
Trump is lying his way to the White House, again!
In an amazing book I read several years ago, it documented that at the end, in 1945, Hitler began blaming everyone, including the German citizens. He called them weak and that it was 'natural selection' for them to be sacrificed. To die. All bc he didn't want to surrender. Trump will do the same when he loses. At some point, he'll turn on his supporters.
I like these shorts you are doing this past week, thanks!!
Brilliantly caught!!
THE DEMOCRATS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CLEAN UP THE MESS TRUMP IS GOING TO LEAVE BEHIND !!! If he wins, AMERICA WILL NOT RECOVER !!! In 2008 Republican Leaders HELPED Create an ECONOMIC DISASTER!! It took Democrats quite a few years to get the economy fixed. Once it was running smoothly, Democrats offered the biggest POS they/we could find for their/my Leader. They/we SUCK AT MESSAGING !!! KAMALA is GOOD !!! Hillary IS/WAS POISON !! And We’re all DOOMED if Trump becomes President. There is no doubt in my mind. Any one of us could have DIED from COVID on that Terrible mans watch !! He didn’t care about ANY of us, telling people the Vaccine was Bad ??? What kind of a man puts an ENTIRE COUNTRY IN DANGER TO SPARE HIS PRECIOUS EGO ??? ………… we ALL KNOW ………… there’s about 9 others on this planet who think like that guy …………
What an ass he is
But Trump did say "we:"…slip up or not, Trump has openly admitted that he was a working part of the January 6th Insurrection! He is guilty as hell! I believe this should hold up in court!!!
When you lie as much as him it's hard to keep up with them and he can't just shut up.
They are his pawns
Trump told the Secret Service to let people with guns into the rally. He made a similar comment saying they wouldn't shoot him
I know
I know
I love you Tim the Bulwark is awesome
I know Tim
Thanks, Tim !
He’s a traitor
They did bad stuff. It was a bad day because they did bad stuff. They disobeyed law enforcement and illegally stormed the Capitol. They are criminals. Period.
To clarify, Ashley Babbitt was shot because she didn't stop trying to go through that window that the roiters broke after being warned. When armed in the performance of your duties, the use of deadly force is authorized to protect individuals, property, and yourself. She was supposed to have been an Air Force MP and should've known better. I learned that as a recruit at Parris Island.