The Morning Joe reads from and debates Maureen Dowd’s latest column ‘Democrats and the Case of Mistaken Identity Politics’ …
Morning Joe, you are missing the point. Trump was allowed to mischaracterize the positions of Democrats.
Is Maureen Dowd an elite? The "trans ad" was garbage. Morning Joe wants to strenghten the Republican party and Trump.
Who is Maureen Dowd to say what Democrats should believe? I think Morning Joe should be ashamed of itself. The word "woke" has been corrupted by Trump. It is incorrect to say that Democrats condescend to anyone.
I think it's a bunch of bull crap it's all in the hands of the good old boys who really run the money kamala Harris didn't have a chance the entitled minority will always decide
Says the people that pushed it
Biggest America haters are the white progressives.
Where was this discussion over the last 10 years?
And then you guys want to teach this trash to our kids men can get pregnant. We need tampons in the boys bathroom just gross and yet they can’t see their own nose.
And she left out cyst women and they them she her her. She that’s really The indictment and the knife in the coffin of this whole thing my sister a black Democrat in Las Vegas saw that ad about Harris trans trans surgeries, and that was it for her. She was going to vote third-party until she saw that.
Al Sharpton is to the civil rights movement what a fish is to a bicycle.
Liars!! You don't think we remember what you were saying just the day before the election???
Here is one of the most important messages the Democrats could ever hear. Learn these lessons or keep losing elections.
Morning Joe parroting Maureen Dowd: peak DEMS OUT OF TOUCH example, delivered with straight face. 🤣
Sharpton's a hypocrite and lying. And SPARE ME THIS BS. this is all on white people. I was in the hospital when AOC came on the scene- I saw that Twitter feed of hers- she's responsible FOR 85% OF THIS but all of you have no guts to admit it.
And spare me any insults on here- AOC hates white people. She hates Jewish people and she despises rural America. The democrats need to make her irrelevant. She's a big problem but all of you are so gutless that you don't want to admit it.
😂😂😂 Joe what do you think about skynews?
No one takes these two seriously anymore
Joe and Mika are sellouts. Shameful. Spineless. Self-serving.
Both of u A Holes
Spineless sellouts. You two make me puke and I pray to God and Jesus and the Universe and the Page-Turners that you get exactly what you deserve. YOU LIARS!! Hypocritical snivelling piles of lies. Everything you say is completely BS we all know now.
Joe once extolled the virtue of American Exceptionalism. After his visit to the dear leader Donald Trump, he has a new vision.
Trump has a new vision, promoted by Morning Joe. Trump is no longer a threat to American Democracy. Thanks for clearing that up for us Joe. Expediency wins the day when it comes to your political values.
Too bad Joe. You have lost perspective, and along with that, your critical audience.
OMG no back bone so sad kiss the ring
Nope FU. You know what you did. F U hard. Get canceled.
These 2 are pathetic
You are a phoney, I saw you on The View, shame on you!
Shame on you bootlickers !
Mika and Joe are absolutely spineless and vile, sucking up to fascism the moment it becomes convenient. They are completely lacking dignity and worth and virtue and decency and brains and souls. Microscopic amoebas pretending to be people.
Y’all are disgraceful
Why are they still talking?? They lied to you about everything!! And have the nerve to go to mar-a-largo? They actually think they’re that important???
I wish President Trump would have told you two turds to GFY! your ratings tanked because everyone knows your liars!
What is the point of being outright lied to every morning between commercials? They are no longer relevant…if they ever were.
The 2 most pathetic people on morning television 😂
Why are having such a hard time or are you? The vast majority of American's and sane people DO NOT want their daughters going to the bathroom with biological men! They DO NOT want their daughters competing in sports against biological men! They DO NOT want their daughters losing scholarship opportunities to biological men! They DO NOT want the Justice System to be used to go after political opponents. Thats what did it for me or else I was not voting for Trump a third time. You awoke a sleeping giant. RED WAVE!!!!
Joe and Mika have decided that their professional and personal survival going forward depended on the outcome of their meeting with Trump, and under his conditions. They can not say what were his conditions, but they clearly have agreed.
Who can take them seriously!!!
Done with morning joe. No morals
disgusting. graveling to trump