With a simple thumbs up, she gave the world chills. Two days after finding her freedom, Gina DeJesus returned home to a …
We would like to know why they cut things off with lilly rose michelle knight bf ?!
Itâs clear sheâs going to be traumatized forever †I wish her nothing but the best
This a wonderful thing god blessed her.
What about the other girl they act like she didn't go through the same thing
Anybody who harbors grown adults albeit freedom contingent upon liberties is disturbed.
Theses young women are true survivors and role rđâ€â€
Why did Gina and Amanda click and Michelle isnât there with them, didnât write the book?
Awe Bless â€
Keep going on and being happy!
Iâm so proud of Gina and her family. â€ïžđđœđ”đ·
Her family was SO focused on finding her.
This is heart breaking and rejoicing at the same time
I just find it so sad and weird why Gina and Amanda stuck together (in a sense), but Michelle is always left out. Idk maybe it's Michelle who wants this but I just feel bad they would have interviews with Michelle out of it. I just have questions. Again, it's probably all on Michelle but I just have a feeling that wasn't the case
I absolutely hate how Elizabeth Smart says "I was so blessed to be r*ped and kidnapped. Im so happy now" – Elizabeth was RICH AS HELL and Had EVERY CHANCE under the sun.
Gina, Amanda and Michelle came from a poor part of Cleveland.
Gina clearly never wanted "fame" from this and is still very traumatized. She never opens up about anything that truly happened and you can tell that her maturity level stopped at 14.
Remarkable woman, remarkable. God bless her abundantly.
I wonder why they neva do anything with Michelle they are always together
It was obvious Gina was severely traumatized and her courage is so genuine and heartfelt. Such heart wrenching and horrific abuse to these sweet young women still girls at the time of their kidnapping. He was so perverse and absolutely cruel. Gina deserves so much joy, safety, and protection from any further hurt or evil. I love that she chooses to speak or not and honors what she needs to do to feel safe & take care of herself. Truly a SURVIVOR. Hero.
Gina dejesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš mines love I really cares about you that you really surely feels very blessed having a great man likes me too be your spouse yes indeed I surely will always talk to you no matter what is going on so I made the bestest part of writing you myself that I have to explain express whatever likes dislikes that I talks in life general that the world is really a worse place these days that lots of violence and scammers that robbed being liars to took away someone personal important so I really not bothered by them whoever likes to be negative so best part of all that God Jesus is mines bestest protection of all that I have to endure talking to you if I might live tomorrow or next years ahead of time of course of life that you Gina knows how much me express mines thoughts feelings so I really never wanted you to feels empty without the person that you likes the most so I can't even feels not blessed if I didn't even talks to you and hold back to myself so I knows I am quiet shy but I still talks to you that we are the same way but still surviving to get a point of cross to letting knows what is right or wrong…. So we all needs to be enlightened at times so completely courage is really good to be more comfortable with the goodness of motivation to find positively actions to be better in doing what is more right than wrong and finding less troubles…. So Gina me you can really relate on some things so I said that you don't have no worries about the past memories of years that I forgot and letting go of it so I really forgives you and I don't even takes nothing personal against you…. That you really are great blessings that you are a wonderful and surely a keeper of a winner for me….
Does anyone know if she ever reconnected with Arlene Castro the daughter of the monster who she was friends with before she was kidnapped?
This is a story that brings me to tears every single time I hear it, without fail. I cannot believe Amanda had the courage to walk down those stairs and call out for help.
What an inspiration Gina is! Still waters run very deep â€
Gina dejesus your lover spouse I hopefully you are well good and makes sure you be safe… That no harm or dangerous things happens to you…. So I likes you so much that I welling to provides comfort as me loving as a
Spouse exposed to do….. That nothing in this world wants stop me from caring for you so I sees whole alot of things in you that I am very satisfied with…. Things always gonna be cool with us no matter whatever goes on that I got you covered and knowing God Jesus is mines greatest protection that I can reliable on so I got you covered with mines blessings with the most high priority of protecting you…. So Yes indeed I will do you definitely with great Wonders….. Gina you really are truly amazing blessings woman that I deserves to have so I understand why you really likes me that I surely cannot complain that I sees I have a really connection with you…. So I always forgiveness everything that we did so I will just forget about and never think about it and just moves on from it ….. Gina I truly wants never disrespected you or discourage you that you are really a keeper for me that you would be the last person that I never wants too let down….
Sheâs gained some kilos. Wish her the best
Gina dejesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš hope you are good that I surely cares about you mines love that you really don't have no worries that I got you covered that I say keeps praying for God Jesus blessings goodness….. So I did Amanda Berry two weeks ago so I really only respect her as a person and Cares about her providing the bestest goodness uplifting too God Jesus More importantly so I telling you that she not mines friend or spouse that Amanda Berry is not mines relationship problems so I don't trust her all that much so if she doesn't realize that I gave her heartfelted messages that I was very concerned sincerely about her not dieing wrong into sinful desires so God always rules as I said that shaper than two edge swords knows everything in the inside outside the bodies so God always will be there if we are living or dead…. So it is not espase room too run away from the creator saviour lord god Jesus Christ or not no hiding room either….. So that is up to Amanda Berry heaven or hell….. So Gina you really stole mines heart for you that everything is cool with us that nothing wants happens to you that I got you promise protection…. So Gina you are totally different from Amanda Berry and Michelle Knight so I really respect them as persons so I don't wants to be negative with them but speard positively words when the creator saviour lord god Jesus Christ knows all about them so trying to saves them from going to hell and letting knows that God surely watches every movements that they did….. So Gina loves that you are such a quiet shy person that I knows the feeling because I am the same way growing up so I really feels the connections bound….. So I just likes how humble that you are to be claim honestly so Gina you really got me loving you so much….. That I refuses to let you go so I feels that you really uplifting me so greatly that I truly appreciates all the things that we went through and met at the same time…. So you're 20years of presence was very unique incredibly beautiful that I didn't even thinks that your presence would just makes me feels something else amazing explode me too be something else when I was younger weak back then that I got smarter stronger and oh yes indeed that was the bestest God moment that I met you….
I feel like Gina's young missing persons face looked familiar like I'd seen it before.
It really seems like Michelle was the third wheel with Amanda and Gina.
Gina dejesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš so I said I would talk to Amanda Berry that I did talked to her yesterday and today so I don't breaks mines promises when it is nessuary to provide the word of God Jesus blessings so I said I respect love her as a person that doing the well of God being light loving…. So it is up to her to accept god Jesus with lightness or be darkness with Satan devil….. So I hopefully she would be saved by me encouraging her to be good enlightened that it is way bigger than me because God is coming after soul as I said that God is sharper than any two-edged sword piercing the whole body living or dead that God got both ways knows what is best or worse so cannot escape from God if we wanted to….. So God controlling our lives watching each of us in living dead so his sword is really sharper than ourselves to think that we can be our own selfs so I will talk to Amanda Berry next time keeping encouraging her advice as god Jesus goodness guilds if missing out that they will have the last word to conflicting judgement if good or bad so I said many times over last three years that things on earth is temporary usage period of times living then have to die that all will be left behind too be buried in the grave….. So it doesn't matter if I dislike knows that it is for good and God is way bigger than me and everyone else in the world so it is better be enlightened by the word changing around the evil deeds that knows that committed…… So it was needed that I will clean up big time that Amanda Berry needed big time when facing very seriously consequences of actions by God Jesus that is watching every move she makes so no secrets is never kept away from God eyes so I willing to do the same for you Gina so I knows I am your lover spouse but I got to encourage you to be better so wouldn't have God coming after you…. So I say it with all respect love without trying to hurt nobody feelings…. Or defend if I have to be threatened….. So it is just knowing between right wrong…. So it is all not to do wrong in god Jesus sights……
Gina dejesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš so I will talks to Amanda Berry this weekend coming up on Saturday or Sunday when she not working on fox8 so I really would be very seriously uplifting her… That she really would needs it when I sees that she needs a very seriously breakdown too stop all the evil deeds that she did so I am very major person of spiritual that show don't even wants to experience god Jesus coming after punishment…. That will stick when going to the spirit too leaves the flesh of blood….. So Ashley summers anniversary is today July 9 that she been missing for 17 years long time also closer to 20 years with also two decades passing buy…. So if she still alive living or not that I hopefully someday down in future ahead of time years presence that she be finally found… So that is really very long time ago still missing so i never thought about when yall being missing over decade too be found alive and making some very major impact improvements…. So you course mines love Gina that you was mines biggest concern because you being reported alot on the news way more…. So I really blessed that three of y'all made it before that 10 years is very much longer time to pass away but 2 decades of 20 years still missing would be something very interesting major to stick with…. So Ashley summers is really longer that I thought she would comes after yall been found… In that period of time maybe I could have said 2016 or 2017… That Ashley summers would be found and goes forward with family gatherings likes y'all did when being found alive….. So all I have to say about her cold case that if anyone else doesn't knows where she at…. But the most god Jesus knows where she at exactly when they knows everything that no secrets kept from them so I said that last year ago about her cold case…. So God surely knows where she at when nobody else doesn't knows…. So I really got to keeps praying prayers up for her as the oldest saying goes whatever happened in the darkness shall comes to the light of God Jesus too relieved revealing the goodness and badness….. Too seek help… So I don't even wants to say anything negativity on that so all i can do is be positive lets God and me doing his well power…. That Ashley summers will be found out by God when he comes to the earth too destroys things so I hopefully being on the goodness side of the power so God anger is really far more worser than ours…….
Jamal Smith Gina your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš so good night đ and I hopes you been touched by the most important words of the Bible and enlightened you too be better….. Mines love so next weekend I going to talks to Amanda Berry so I really got to clean her up big time too be closer with God Jesus so she really would needs before she really having to gives accountability for God Jesus if she did anything good bad in theirs sights…. So Amanda Berry will have a battle with me keeping her from the judgement seat of Jesus Christ god so knows only can dies from God hands only and finale judge boss of all ……
Gina dejesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš so God can only fixes you better than me than parents so God is really bigger than anyone else anything that the world can't even offer to be more Brighter lights….. To find very happiness….. Now bible scriptures if anyone thinks they can do anything wrong with me that I might not be a preacher man that preaches at church…. But I am still god Jesus son of a child that being a regular person….. So God can protects me when I do his well work too be prepared for a believer…. Romans 13:4 for he is the minister of God to thee for good but if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is the minster of God a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil…. Psalm 7:10 my defence is of God which saveth the upright in heart….11 God judgeth the righteous and god is angry with the wicked everyday…… So that really is for any preachers that are doing the minster to speaks the word too uplifting enlightened if anyone comes with a evil deeds too attacks and do the most dangerous things to hurt in hospital or too be dead… When they will bear theirs sword in vain using wreckless evil attacks that didn't pays off being in a anger mode to proper through with the badness of threats….. So the only thing good will be when the preachers mens did all god well protection of theirs is really good too beat off the enemies of the evildoers that did wrong then they will feels wrath of the goodness of the person with God being on theirs sides too excutes the person… So that why I say that remember that God is above that can saves souls from living dead that his sword is Sharper than two edged with the flesh spirit… Knowing all struggles ups downs to pick back up….. So living in the upright too be prepared for seeing goodness positive things to happens that Righteous peoples takes God to help them in defense of being closer with him and letting nothing bothered them when they knows how much good provides comfort goodness too not be down lost….. So God is always angry at wicked peoples that do all wrong not having a care about being good nice cool easy….too seek his promises protection so God is angry at them everyday as long as they lives on so God is Patient enough to sees them for any changes to be better…. So acourse that don't even wants to dies wrongful sinful that God surely will be very angry too punishment on into a lake of fire brimstone hell….. So needs to stop being wicked and not even having a care of God Jesus blessings of goodness so many willing to makes the biggest mistakes that could cause them everything when the creator having a hold on them for judgement….
Gina dejesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš I going to finish bible scriptures for murdering too face God Jesus with the sword and nothing else is really better too be prepared for holy holiness….. So better ourselves with the goodness responsibility for having a close relationship with God Jesus…… So enemies should can't even do anything wrong us when they are human beings likes us having to die as well that I explained yesterday…. With two bible scriptures….. So I will finish more for you mines lover….. So I really can keeps you feeling safer and better enlightened you to be more closer to God Jesus more than me that I am very blessed person and I not going to wrong you…. But I cannot takes away your breath and watching you everyday so God knows you better than me and yourself as well….. So your creator is really you're biggest concern of all things in the world…. when knows God only can kills so it is better for God to kills than humans beings animals…. So it is not fitting for them to do it to face any consequences of actions…. So
Gina dejesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš I now goes through with goodness of most importantly information of Bible trying to stays strong in holiness….. Isaiah 51:12 I even I am he that comforteth you who art thou that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die and of the son of man which shall be made of man which shall be made as grass….. 13 and forgettset the Lord thy Maker that hath stretched forth the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth and hast feared continually everyday because of the fury of the oppressor as if he were ready to destroy and where is the fury of the oppressor ….. Hebrews 4:12 for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunderd of soul and spirit and of the joints of marrow and is a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart….. So those two bible scriptures on them that thinks they murdered someone that the prophets of old times apostles of New time….. So I knows that God comfort me throughout my life so I shouldn't fear what man thinks they can do without being scared as long as I keeps protection so son of man is Jesus Christ saviour through God made him too makes everyone to surrender to bow down too as Grass that being buried into the grave of the dirt….. So if they really bold enough to forget about God being there maker that he created them in his image…. That made heavens above the ground and speech about life earthly matters so fear is of God too be prepared for thinking of right from wrong so if oppressor which is the opponent too pick a battle fight of being evil with a plan of adgeda to be evil to wrong someone so God is really mad upset with the oppressor that he she really wants especially espase from God with all high minded of being very evil too accomplish theirs plans so God got their sleeping waking up giving dreams what they did wrong to tells them that he could have delivered them into the pit of falling down too be in hell so God is so good not too punishing right away…. Unless they really repent for theirs choices of sins so God fury wants to be on him been the oppressor too conflicting way more punishment that they can't even imagine how how they will weep with crying tears to begging God to help…. So God two edge swords which is the flesh spirit quick too knows how much he works so God knows flesh spirit goes through body if do anything in life with peoples and of owns self…. So God cut us living dead that his sword will always be activated too directly us our directions to goes whatever so we not in no win situations to espase from God so is very sharper than two edge swords if goes through heaven or hell or makes stuffred for a while….
Jamal Smith Gina your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš so I haven't preached the Bible scriptures in the while… So it is the most important highly of all so before I goes through it I have to tells why just to enlarge enlightened you to be better with goodness of God Jesus and the way the world is so living sinful desires not thinking about how much God is so I been saying for the longest time that cannot escape judgement from the most high so Police officer got killed only 27 years old that he didn't even get to live more life too grows up when that person was very ignorant thinking about his own agenda to murder someone without thinking about considering consequences of the actions that he committed to do so plus the secpect was 24 years ago that did the crime so he is a very young man don't even knows because he is young dumb too learn more about life as long as keeping growing up so he did only hurting the victim that died so rest of his family feeling grief about losing theirs family members and rest of his jobsites of policing they feeling also the grief of his death so the suspect made it everybody else problems with grieving and he shows wants be at peace about killing someone made a very biggest concern of his actions life that it is the most uncomfortable feeling too deal with….. So those young peoples don't knows no better if kills that wants to at ease as prison times or having to tells God Jesus sorry for repentance…. Before dies that God surely is the final last judge of all the have to stick with the punishment of considering consequences of actions…. So they are really lucky that God surely don't cut us out immediately…. So acourse God having the highest agenda of all being the most highest Master of all…..
Jamal Smith Gina your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš so I haven't preached the Bible scriptures in the while… So it is the most important highly of all so before I goes through it I have to tells why just to enlarge enlightened you to be better with goodness of God Jesus and the way the world is so living sinful desires not thinking about how much God is so I been saying for the longest time that cannot escape judgement from the most high so Police officer got killed only 27 years old that he didn't even get to live more life too grows up when that person was very ignorant thinking about his own agenda to murder someone without thinking about considering consequences of the actions that he committed to do so plus the secpect was 24 years ago that did the crime so he is a very young man don't even knows because he is young dumb too learn more about life as long as keeping growing up so he did only hurting the victim that died so rest of his family feeling grief about losing theirs family members and rest of his jobsites of policing they feeling also the grief of his death so the suspect made it everybody else problems with grieving and he shows wants be at peace about killing someone made a very biggest concern of his actions life that it is the most uncomfortable feeling too deal with….. So those young peoples don't knows no better if kills that wants to at ease as prison times or having to tells God Jesus sorry for repentance…. Before dies that God surely is the final last judge of all the have to stick with the punishment of considering consequences of actions…. So they are really lucky that God surely don't cut us out immediately…. So acourse God having the highest agenda of all being the most highest Master of all…..
Gina dejesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš me Jamal Smith your main major lover….. So I wanna tells you that I wrote Amanda Berry two messages earlier today enlightened encouraging advice so I doing it because I got to fight off my own fears and what I been through so It is not a problem with me telling positive vibes to be better so it is way bigger problems than me themselves as persons so we be judged by God everyday living waking up each mornings and going to sleep each nights for bed that God surely do appears into everyone dreams when deep sleep happens…. So I not bothered if Amanda Berry doesn't likes me or not that as long as I got God Jesus blessings bullied in me that I very helpful for not dieing wrongful sinful so I been blessed to saves the souls when I doing just fine good not to be a trouble maker…. That I said last higher power of all is the final decision judgement judge so God is highest Master of all….. So I told Amanda Berry that I knows I not perfect and thinks I better than anyone else and I don't knows everything that I will needs some encouragement advice when I be down on luck and lack of knowledge…. So I said that I can't abusive myself and keeping peoples failures when I knows they did wrong to conflicts punishment on them but I got too use mines goodness of enlightened encouraging so they can do better….. Because some peoples don't knows no better or been raised right…. So God can blessings me when I knows better been raised right but God cannot blessings me when I be very seriously too always fires and be glad that I put down mines enemies that don't likes me or if they likes to be evil mean…. So I said that no matter whatever badness meanness tricks peoples tries to conquer to accomplish it so it will not win over at all but makes seriously troubles too beat out of it so the goodness kindness will always have victory over the badness meanness to be trapped into darkness where the goodness of lightness is really better too be careful nice cool…. So lesser troubles Will happens Lesser….. So lover spouse I not going anywhere too cheat on you that you are always for good me that you really are the real deal for sure….. So ex girlfriend is really good cool still with me that I don't disrespect her…. So she is good with me….. So Gina loves you really got me…. So I really don't wants to get rid of you or her…. So I am that kind of person that I don't likes to hurt nobody feelings when I wants to be good and makes peace happiness…… So Gina loves I always told mines ex girlfriend that just be easy cool with you and I surely told everyone else the same exactly thing be good cool claim with you…. So I don't likes to feels dogest likes you not important to live life that I knows you are very smart and brilliant of doing things…. So I saw way more than normal feeling that you really opened me up and made me more smart too survive too just lives simple and gave me boost of energy and of smartness…. So I really blessed that you are always good for me as keeping company with me…. So I couldn't even imagine how much you really uplifted me to receive some very major spiritual blessings that really just made me just accept you……
Gina dejesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš mines love you are always good cool with me that you don't have no worries that I will be always gonna be easy on you…. especially that I likes you so much and I sees that we have something in common….. So mines love be good safe sound easy going as I wanna say as your lover spouse as you likes me too be your man… To build your confidence up that I never will not hurt your feelings at all so I will just tells things very respectfully and politeness….. With all peacefully…. So myself as me being Jamal mall that I never likes to be a failure to peoples and making naughty negativity things to ruin folks lifes so I have lots of goodness bullied in me that God surely works the me when I gives prayers praises and continues on doing it until I dies…. So God Jesus is never optimistic about me leaving the goodness that they provides comfort and surely will helps me battle each times of enemies attacking that are against the goodness of me being a child of the most high of all creator saviour lord god Jesus Christ…… So I still prefer to pray for the ones who murdered mines cousins… That I am very prepared protection so God knows and they want espase judgement so as I been saying that knows the consequences of being caught up with law enforcements spending seriously time in prison so if they never be caught by human resources so they have a higher level of control power that no where to hide and kept secrets from anyone else as humans beings that we don't knows much as DNA tests and having witnesses to be present at that time to tells what exactly happened…… So they really got to pray for themselves when don't wants God to handle them so they surely don't have no chances to tells most higher power I apologizes so it could have been done when they was alive living….. So I said that everyone might be a master of doing things to be in control of business and themselves so if bosses and people period… Don't even if parents childrens if anyone does anything wrong especially if kills and be harsh that remember who is the highest Master of all which is God Almighty so no be willing wisely very carefully how treats peoples and any major president that passes laws that God is against that God surely will judge them by theirs choices and actions…. So no humans beings law is not above God at all so everyone everything will pass away and God surely will destroys all of it so we all will dies from God hands only…. So it is not no denying death and can't even run from it….
Gina DE Jesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš Yes indeed it is me so mines name is really on top using mines own account that I had it for since beginning of the month of June so Gina loves that I really got more blessed…. When you're presence and 2024…. That it is all yours…. Since 2004…. That I knew yours is really the best for last as a grand finale…. That I never think how much you really just over flow me over with the goodness so you're 20years really have really prosper through that you really meant lots of me that I first met you said you would be a change the world around and I also said that I belongs to you that you are my destination that I can be comfortable and considered to be placed within you as loving spouse so it still same way that you are always gonna be mines and I never be angry at you so I knows how much you consider to be in checking out on me that I don't have no problems with you doing it so nobody else don't have that chance with me…. That I will always let you slide through….. Mines Gina loves you are always cool with me and good with me so I it doesn't even matter how much things was so I will never let you be a downfall and let others peoples be making you feels a downfall…. When I feeling that I have lots of connections with you so I got to keeps you closer with me that you means more than peoples can imagine so you really wins me over for real…. So it is not no denying you so that why I said I just calls you mines lover spouse when someone tries to do violence too you that it hurts me to hear that you had to fight off to survive to live so I been writing you since then that I didn't even care how much things was in the past might have been wrong so that wasn't the point of it that I do forget and forgiveness of peoples but Gina mines lover that you means more than just a normal natural feelings too me so I experienced two violence deaths in my family so it came because of you that I have to surrender mines myself to be guilds through too makes you feels enlightened so I loves to makes you and I surely be your responsibility that you don't have to takes no faults failures…. So God surely will makes things works for better things of me being your supporter and be loving you as mines spouse….
Jamal Smith Gina de Jesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš good morning as starts off too finish the day off so Gina loves I gonna tells myself how much I been blessed i just be doing well and taking easy going through life…. My love I just be mostly giving God Jesus mines promises prayers praises as me wanna be a child of God Jesus so acourse that the most high quality authority of all needs all my mindset and heart so I thanks how much God Jesus been so good to me so I really cannot complain about how much they uplifting me and blessed me through bad attentions so I knows I cannot even takes God Jesus blessings for granted so they knows me way better than myself and others peoples around me…. So I really not worried about how much this world might be evil with peoples arrogance that likes loves Satan devil too much course everyone will fall down low so Gina mines lover I just got to keeps preaching the same thing so you can really feels understands that Life is too short and not promising tomorrow facing trials tribulations that God surely knows everything everyone future ahead of life that it is never okay to be high minded thinking invisible nothing not going to happens …. So have too always be thankful for God Jesus….. So as far as Me Jamal Smith as your lover spouse of my life that I surely likes to be on God Jesus goodness of sides not never going to disrespect my creator saviour lord god Jesus Christ…. So things will goes so good….. But I knows I wants lives forever so I really knows that I will dies from God hands only so I hopefully I don't even wants to dies from no humans beings hands as me being a person likes me so they really will be in very seriously troubles when they kills me so it is only fitting the God kills me because he is the Rightounsss dealing holiness judge that he always fair…. Truthful with his decisions…..
Jamal Smith Gina de Jesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš so I really just says keeps being good and safe blessed be also easy going through life as long as living on that God surely will always be good for us well being…. So I myself i takes life easier and not trying to get into trouble so course we are not perfect at all so have to experience something in life for better ourselves for tomorrow so life is never promising if we will live on when we are connected with God that created us so anyone can dies unexpectedly because the creator knows what is best or worse….. So my Gina loves that I surely likes to keeps you feeling better motivated that I surely don't likes to be disrespectful to peoples so I don't even wants god Jesus looking down on me for being down mean on peoples so acourse i forgets forgiveness everyone might do me wrong so I really knows how much devil's that targets some peoples to be mean so I just pray for them when they are a stray away from God Jesus goodness of lights of attentions that are good…. to accepts so the goodness will always win over the badness Everytime in peoples lifes doesn't even matter whatever troubles might be…. that is really the limit to the truth of that matter my gina i loves you as my partner of a spouse so my separated lover ex girlfriend that we will be just cool and good friends that you Gina is mines future wife that I really wants to be married with you… that I feels the bond with you so spouse you can always keeps me closer and I surely appreciates you always…
Jamal Smith Gina de Jesus your lover spouse đ©ââ€ïžâđâđš my love i surely loves you and cares for your well being that you really surely have your ways with me that I really likes to be your main priority that you are so much special blessings for me so Gina as me Jamal as your spouse that you really surely have been so good too me and I never took nothing personal against you… Rather if it was bad attentions that I never didn't hold on grudges against you that you my love always been good cool with me so I really let you slides through because I knows that I have a wonderful connection with you and we both thinks the same ways of thinking that I really appreciates your hard work for doing your mission on finding missing persons and you surely are prospering through your works as you planned on the goodness of goals that you wanted to do….. So my love i says keeps doing your hard work and continues on it….. So we always got each others together covered whatever happens to you that I am your responsibility and I just got to help you through your troubles and I surely feels so much blessed to rescues my lover spouse….. That we are really real pleasing couples….
Michelle we love you. You are a great women with a great spirit. You are an inspiration.
Wish you all the best.