On this special edition of The 11th Hour, Rachel Maddow joins host Ali Velshi to discuss her first documentary film, “From Russia …
I wish you would have airdrop this on TV multiple times before the election.
Every whitehouse has been full of crooks for generations. This isnt particularly significant
At this point. I swear i had no s..l relation to this woman.
But ok. Joke by Joe.
World cant take any more day of US red. People of planet need now Kennedy as healt leader and Faucis in prison.
The last person I would ever trust to produce a documentary is Rachel Maddow. I look forward to the obvious lies. 😂
This needed to be playing nonstop for free before the election. I never heard of it before.
Can’t Wait To Watch. Have Enjoyed Rachel Maddow Show For Years. She Reports The News With Much Research & Honesty. There Are Few Voices Like Hers In Looking Into Trump & His Cronies. I Applaud You, Rachel.♥️
Maddow in the Meadow of weeds that chokes off the flower of Republican constitutional values:
What propaganda. Why is the U.S. government not stopping Russia from voting Trump in? Because it’s a lie. Rachel, why don’t you ever cover Biden and his kid and the whole Ukraine connection? Not a Trump supporter but this is all lies.
so people still watch rachel maddow huh? you guys ever plan to crawl out from under the rock and smell the russian boot of pravda?
Super Great Documentary. Excellent
A leopard does not charge his spots. Zero forgiveness.
Why is it not o YouTube?! Who actually even has cable anymore? I pulled the plug back in 2006
Every time I hear the story and every time I see the live if President Joe Biden for his son, I think…….
Donald J Trump would have NEVER stood by ANY of his children if there was even a chance of it harming HIM.
The sad part is that I believe they know it.
Digest that one.
You mean Hunter Biden needed the Russians to expose Hunter Biden via someone named Lev from Russia? This is a story? The contents of the laptop need no introduction acceleration, its purely a story of public interest, the contents shocking, and no doubt the Biden family has received millions of dollars from foreign operators based upon the families influence in the US
I suggest we call a trump check be called a reality check.
Nothing in documentary was surprising except the ending where Lev apologizes to Hunter and vows to do everything he can to make amends for hurting others and Hunter being so gracious about it. Yes, they both did bad things but the difference between them and Trump/Guliani is remorse. Thank You Rachel, keep fighting the good fight to get the truth out there. For anyone who wants to watch it’s available on the NBC app if you don’t have cable.
Where can I watch it?
Oh please I think you are talking about the Democrats. Everyone knows the media is biased. Get real It was the Biden family involved in that communist country. The Democratic party is going down fast and you all will try anything to make others look bad. Or is 77 million people wrong.
Must see!
From what I can see on the MSNBC website, this has limited screenings? Sorry, I'm all for the sentiment and potentially enlightening material, but for something this important, why wouldn't it be fully public for the largest possible audience? Information is more important than money.
Where is it streaming? I can't find it anywhere.
😩👉napo അളിയ😮🙆
Where can I watch this??
how can i find this doc??
The propaganda machine at work again lol
Please people share this. everyone needs to see this before the election. If trump win we will never be the same. he will fill his pockets.
Now I get why Trump couldn't accept his defeat in 2020, he thought his crooks had it sorted. He is talking the same now when he says I don't need your vote, or this will be the last time you will have to vote. This really is a tipping point for America November will decide if they want to be better, or choose to let the weasals back into the White House and suffer the consequences of decades of corruption and depravity