He’s one of the world’s most prominent veteran jazz musicians, American saxophonist David Sanborn jams at the Second Cup …
Bye bye Selmer VI 😢
David Sanborn (1945-2024) Thank you for the great music. You will be missed.
truly legend❤ rip maestro
Coleman Hawkins
Mis respetos para David S lo maximo en JAZZ
I see John Lenon crawled out of his grave just to be play with David bloody Sandborn
♥ 😍 All time world's top most amazing my favorite brilliant 🎨 artist sir David San born. 😍 🇵🇰 Unbelievable performance. 😍 May Allah always bless you all ameen ♥ 😍 all my special brothers. 😍 🇵🇰 Stay blessed ameen ♥ 😍 🇵🇰 lots of love from 🇵🇰 Pakistan. 😍 🇵🇰
This is what jazz was meant to be.
brilliant, what a sound, just a legend in our time, love his work in lethal weapon films.
Y do so many people hate sanborn??
So Much disrespect for this Cool Cat why can't we all just appreciate the music
I play saxphon.
david danborn!!! espetacular,mestre!!!!
You idiot Trump–David Sanborn is appreciated by most sax players-brilliant performance
This is terrible
David CARR played a Sanborn tune in his gigs with THE PRELUDE BAND in Addison Texas back in the 80's.
No wonder this very gifted man David Sanborn has always had so much soul feel in his style of sax play HANK CRAWFORD was very huge to me with Tico Rico in the 1970's and I was just a young lad listening to Hank's funk jazz disco with my seniors then, was such a treat in the 70's.wow !
You people love that word legend…..Sanborn is very good…nobody deserves title legend !!!
Kenny Garret>David Sanborn
Haha, yeah that explains it. Classical and jazz vary, very much. I'm a big fan of both.
God, I love his sound in this video. Bright and ballsy, but OH SO FAT!!! Freaking beautiful.
Don`t worry I know about him, he was very influencial but to me the sound is too pearcing. I`m a classical saxophonist, so that can explain a little bit.
you have no idea about jazz and this guy has been round the block knows his stuff!
Kenny G doesn't deserve to even be spoken in the same sentence as David Sanborn. That's like comparing "Boy George" to "Led Zeppelin"!
It's always been that way!
Stop always saying your age
no one cares how young you are.
you're saying your age like only old people can like this type of music.
Personally, I dont like his sound
Thanks man for the link, I really enjoyed it. It's the best solo I ever herd from him. He just blew it all!!! That was great!!!
everybody> Kenny G
Not one his better performances…but who gets up at that time of the morning and plays well.
@mrcaveman1234 this is real music, with real feeling