Nancy became aware of her contactee status in 1993, potential for being a communicator of the Zeta message, As a contactee, …
Cant believe all resources given away, bloody disgrace..
terrible interview..why don't you ask some real questions?..we see lights in the sky moving at very high speeds then changing directions in a split second..no drone or jet can do that.As for the eclipse..it happened exactly as expected and with Nancys poor excuse that the "council of worlds" may tilt it or move the eartrh so that it appears as normal..BS ..that would change the background star positions that any amateur astronomer would notice.She is obviously being mind controlled by zeta factions…she believes she is the ionly one who can communicate with zetas and other ET's?..seriously,.,are you brain dead?..many people can call up UFO's..she calls them a hoax..mind controlled victim right there.She obviously has a very dim view of humans by the way she speaks of us…ironically many of the reasons she brings up for the reason why she looks down on humans is because the zetas and other ET's have fucked with us for so long and mind controlled so many like her..she seems to be looking forward to the mass billions dying so that she and a few others may spiritually evolve..,straight from the luciferian textbook
Second guest is awful speaker!!we are all awhere of the mind control that's going on in the UK, Ireland, Europe and the USA!! False Flags Terror attacks on all of Europe and UK are very obvious!they herald more Draconian laws and loss of civil liberties!! All 3 parties in UK are involved!!
Sorry to but your first guest is a total bore!!please don't ask her back again!!Another attention seeking female making money from fool's!!
Excellent programme again!! Thank you so much for all your interesting information presented truthfully without fear and preferences!! Well done to both of you I really enjoy every show!! M.EDWARDS.S.WALES
This gas giveaway shows everybody how corrupted govt in the European Union are!! Citizens are being robbed by NWO scum Run by Rothschild's Rockerfellers Bill Gates Monsanto's and our Govts are being blackmailed by this scum!!