Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was Pres. Trump’s top COVID adviser during his first term, had his government security detail revoked.
Now arrest him on murder charges.
Hahaha 🤣
If there are any democrats that even care about the American people then why wouldn't you want this creature investigated
Didn't he create covid???? Didn't he have the lab in China to where it was created. I've always wondered if it wasn't created to raise the economy without raising the wages or SSI or anything except prices soaring. If I'm wrong then why didn't the prices come back down????? It's a fair question ❓❓❓⁉️⁉️😊
The world, health organization, and the food and drug administration need a security detail with the poison that they’ve been feeding the American population
They got rich off the American people with their lies and bull$iit vaccines. They can pay their own security
No excuses
Not no more
Put him in a kennel with Beagles.
I need a life for a life DR .Anthony Fauci u killed a lot of people.
Putin is waiting for Anthony he said he is going to try him for crimes to humanity guilty and I don't want to thank what he wants to do for killing millions of people
Dr Frankenstein can afford his own private security.
Good I got tired of paying for meaningless stuff
Between them, Dr Fauci & the ClA have committed worse crimes than Adolf, Caligula, Chaiman Mao, Genghis Khan & Stalin combined.
He had stolen the merit from JESUS which God provided for President TRUMP and me .when science and technology of the world FAILED.
It'd true they can pay for their own security
I would like to know why president Elon Musk is not working on the price of gas and the price of eggs
We are two months into this thing why are my eggs going up why is gas not cheaper
Hope he hires a good one people who lost family to COVID and Fauci lies are part of the reason.
Dead an walking ……shouldn’t have been a criminal
Dr Fucki killed millions for profits.
Fauci is a horrible person. He should be in jail for all the Covid lies.
Hell yeah !
Him and his wife watch out at walmart
Genocidal lover of money. He caused much sorrow and grief to line his own pockets.
The History Books are going to be on fire!!
"Doctor" Fauci should be in jail and everybody knows it. 😅
He has to live with it now
Guy is a mult millionaire on a government wage. I think he’s defrauded the tax payers. Needs to pay for his own security.
Gain + Function + CIA stooge
Yep, they made a lot of money killing people.. so.. at least pay for your own security
Trump muss so hart durchgreifen , war schon zu lange die schlechten Zeiten, ich bete um america und trump , liebe grüsse aus Österreich 🇵🇪