Twelve years ago, eight-month-old baby Gabriel Johnson vanished from Arizona, and has not been seen since. The search for …
If someone has baby Gabriel, they won't be so stupid as to call and say "oh yes, I have him" because justice will take him away. I hope he's alive and with a family that continues to raise him with love.
They should also look mexico
Prayers for baby Gabriel
That crazy tammi and Jack should be locked up
Noone knows about Gabriel,
the mother had him while last seen.,
If they found the Vehicle with all the Child's belongings inside, to believe He was given to someone for adoption, is unimaginable.
One would logically think, his belongings should have been given to the person that took him., for the baby's sake, they can smell and adapt to the things He's had easier, I can only imagine the separation anxiety when He was turned over to a Stranger, if that was the case.!!!
Then there's that goofy Tammi Smith witch who Elizabeth stated, gave her the information about the couple in the park. Why isn't Tammi in jail? Something is really rotten in AZ.
Hard to believe that any judge let her out of prison while Gabriel was still missing. Judge error! A fire needs to be lit under those in law enforcement and justice in AZ and Lizzy needs to be locked up if for nothing else than contemp of court due to the on-going fact the Logan has custody and she hasn't turned him over. What is wrong with these people. That bald headed judge let her walk. He's just as guilty.
I can't believe she is out and free! I don't understand this case at all.
Sadly he’s not alive…there is no way the “park couple” doesn’t have relatives or friends that KNOW of this story, news coverage, pics…KNOWING the father was desperately trying to get his son, KNOWING the mothers case & all her lies…someone that knows that couple wouldn’t come forward after 1 year, 5 years, 10 years & help the father out! That’s why I don’t believe he’s alive! After all this time someone would have come forward…ONLY SHE KNOWS WHERE SHE DUMPED HIM!! ALL of her calls & texts to Logan were ALL ABOUT HER…how he wronged HER! She never even called her son by name! I cannot believe she is out of prison SMFH!!!
How the hell she is just free with no answers to where her son is , is beyond anything I can comprehend
She should’ve been charged with murder the moment she confessed to killing him. I just don’t understand how they let her walk free knowing her child has been missing for all these years.
Stupid police she said she killed him she should be charged for murder and sterilized. She should never be called a mother she's a monster.
why does this man keep saying…..uh? not well spoken at all
Please Cover the McCray’s!!
💙🙏🏽🇺🇸 #justice4von
I wish the police had waited until they find out what happened to him Before arresting the mother Because it’s possible she did put him up for Adoption
Did the father have Custody
If a Couple Adopted the child 👦 no crime has been Committed the police should drop the case.
If the mother Gave him up for Adoption why Are the police looking for the child 👦
I beleive he is stil alive!
I believe he is alive and living with a unstable wealthy people
Picking up some thing about the little boys front teeth
And he belongs to a church cult
Why wasn't she charged with child endangerment or murder?
Waterboarding is the answer.
I wouldn’t let this “mother” out of prison until she would give all the information who she gave her son to, or what agency she contacted etc. It’s outrageous that she’s out of prison living her life making so many people suffer being clueless of where their boy is….. they have a recording of her saying she killed him!!! Give the information or stay in prison, you cruel being! That’s unfair.
he should take her back to family court for her continued custodial interference
She's off living her best life. Had another kid, too.
I hope Gabriel is reunited with his family is he's still alive!
She should be in jail until the baby's whereabouts are confirmed…She said she killed the baby…so I think she killed the baby and needs to go to prison.
I dont understand why police have not interviewed her and if she says she didn't kill him….PRODUCE him!!!! Its really pretty simple.
Poor man…
It never ceases 2 amaze me how ppl who claim they R "GROWN" act like "SELFISH CHILDREN" rather than the adults they claim they R!! Sadly THIS is what hppn's whn "SELFISH, IMMATURE individuals have children!! I doubt the child is still alive but, I HOPE the father & othr fam finds out what hppn'd 2 Gabriel
I would want a lie detector test…
She simply could have said she killed him to break off any relationship w the childs father.
@9:03, wonder how many crazies and psychos called that phone number?
Wow! Its been 12 years never realized they did not find him. Everyone share and pray.
I believe that he is alive
🤔 Another Casey Anthony Case 🤬
This sends me in outrage about this baby!! Why haven’t they done a lie detector test yet 🙄!
Poor baby
That confession was real… he is gone. She didn’t drive him to a park to hand him to parents who might love him and give him the right to a good life….she drove him to that park and buried him.
This is why physicans, hospitals, midwives, should all do a dna sample of every baby born, let it be entered in a national dna bank. A dna swab should be required for every school age child, then put into a national FBI "match" test for any missing children. This could help many stolen, abused children be found and saved!
If she really gave him up for adoption, there would be traces of it. I mean, say I wanna give my child up for illegal adoption, where would I start searching? She needs to explain that. She killed him and is getting away with it!
Dude she had to talk to someone if she gave him away. They would have that evidence. He probably is not with us anymore
It's called white privaledge. Whites can confess and still not be charged. Plus mental illness is always an excuse.
I don’t think she killed him. I really think he’s out there.
Any one know if the mother had any more kids after she got out of prison because if she did they needed to be taken away from her. Also the father and all the relatives that will do a DNA ancestors test so they will have it on fill because if he finds out that’s one the first thing adoptees do when they start searching for there biological parents some do even before they turn 18.
I cant believe this bisssh only got 5 yrs in prison! Wtf is wrong with yalls judicial system out there?!
Law enforcement should be hounding Elizabeth Johnson on a DAILY BASIS, asking her where she put his murdered body.
The dad should post everywhere a message to the "adoptive" parents that even if it was an illegal adoption they will not be charged and he will work out a way that all parties will remain in this child's life. If his son is with another family and not an Angel. The adopted parent hopefully love him and don't want to lose him. Right or wrong, the "new" parents having him might have saved his life from his biomom. Find a way… let them know they aren't going to lose him. You just want to know the truth and to know your son. #neverlimitlove